ac∙ci∙dent / ˈæksədənt ; ˈæksədənt /
1. by accident, in a way that is not planned or intended
• 偶然,意外地;
【OPP】 on purpose , deliberately
»I met herquite by accident(=completely by accident) .
»The discovery was made almost by accident.
»The pilot,whether by accident or design(=whether it was planned or not planned), made the plane do a sharp turn.
2. [C] a crash involving cars, trains, planes etc
• 交通事故; 车祸; 失事:
»road / car / traffic etc accident
»Over 70,000 people are killed or seriously injured every year in road accidents.
»fatal / serious / tragic etc accident
»a fatal accident on the freeway
»Theaccident happenedat the junction of Forest Road and Pine Walk.
3. [C] a situation in which someone is injured or something is damaged without anyone intending them to be
• 事故,意外事件:
»Kenhadanaccidentat work and had to go to hospital.
»I'm sorry about breaking the vase –it was an accident(=I did not intend to do it) .
对不起,我把花瓶打碎了 — 这是个意外。
4. [C,U] something that happens without anyone planning or intending it
• 意外事件:
»My third baby was an accident.
»It is no accident thatmen fill most of the top jobs in nursing, while women remain on the lower grades.
»an accident of birth / geography / history etc ( = an event or situation caused by chance )
5. accidents (will) happen, [spoken] used to tell someone who has broken something that they should not worry that it has happened
• 意外事情在所难免,不小心总是有的
6. an accident waiting to happen, used about a situation in which an accident is likely to happen because no one is trying to prevent it
• 肯定会出的事故:
»The boats are being left to drift; it's an accident waiting to happen.
ACCIDENT• similar words
• 类似单词:
crash , wreck [AmE] , pile-up, collision, disaster, catastrophe