arse¹ / ɑrs ; ɑ:s /
◙noun [C] [BrE spoken not polite]
1. the part of your body that you sit on
• 屁股;
【SYN】 ass [AmE]
2. a stupid and annoying person
• 笨蛋,傻瓜
3. my arse!, used to say that you do not believe something
• 胡扯!
4. get off your arse, used to tell someone to stop being lazy and start doing something
• 别闲坐着
5. shift / move your arse, orget your arse into gear used to tell someone to hurry up
• 快点
6. not know your arse from your elbow, to be stupid and confused about simple things
• 一无所知,屁都不懂
--› see ASS
--› see be a pain in the arse at PAIN ¹ (3)
--› see SMART ARSE
--› see work your arse off at WORK ¹ (30)
◙verb [BrE spoken not polite]
1. can't / couldn't be arsed (to do sth), to not do something because you are feeling too lazy
• 懒得做某事
◘arse about / around• [spoken not polite] to waste time behaving in a silly way instead of doing the things you should do
• 游手好闲,鬼混