ar∙rears / əˈrɪrz ; əˈrɪəz /
◙noun [pl.]
1. be in arrears, if someone is in arrears, or if their payments are in arrears, they are late in paying something that they should pay regularly, such as rent
• 拖欠:
»Many people are in arrears with their rent.
»be four weeks / three months etc in arrears
»The rent money is two months in arrears.
»fall / get into arrears ( = become late with payments )
2. money that you owe someone because you have not made regular payments at the correct time
• 逾期欠款:
»We've got 3 months arrears to pay.
我们有 3 个月的欠账未付。
»rent / mortgage / tax arrears
»He was ordered to pay rent arrears of £550.
他被勒令支付拖欠的 550 英镑租金。
3. paid in arrears, [BrE] if your salary is paid in arrears, it is paid at the end of the period you have worked
• …之后付款:
»a salary paid monthly in arrears