

around / əˈraund ; əˈraund /
adv, prep
1. surrounding or on all sides of something or someone
• 环绕,在(…)周围;
【SYN】 round BrE :
 »The whole family was sitting around the dinner table.
 »The Romans built a defensive wall around the city.
 »She wore a beautiful silk shawl around her shoulders.
 »People crowded around to see what was happening.
 »We would hear the birds singingall around us.
2. moving in a circle
• 旋转; 围绕;
【SYN】 round BrE :
 »A helicopter was circling around, looking for somewhere to land.
 »They danced around the bonfire.
3. in or to many places or parts of an area
• 到处,四处;
【SYN】 about BrE :
 »He wandered around the streets, looking in shop windows.
 »There are over 40 radio stations dotted around the country.
  有 40 多家广播电台遍布这个国家。
 »When I finished college, I travelled around for a while.
 »Since it's your first day here, would you like me to show you around?
 »We started looking around for somewhere to live.
a. BrE in an area near a place or person
• 在(…)附近,在(…)近处;
【SYN】 round
 »Is there a bank around here?
 »When you've been around a person long enough, you start to know how they'll react.
 »the new housing areasin and around Dublin
 »Catherine was the most beautiful girlfor miles around .
b. if someone or something is around, they are somewhere in the place where you are
• 在(…)身边:
 »Why is there never a policeman around when you need one?
 »Jake went down to the bar, but there was no-one around that he knew.
 »Is your dad around?
 »The list issomewhere around .
5. BrE on the other side of something, or to the other side of it without going through it or over it
• 绕过;
【SYN】 round
 »If the gate's locked, you'll have to go around the side of the house.
 »There's a door around the back.
 »She ranaround the corner and straight into the arms of John Delaney.
6. used to say that someone or something turns so that they face in the opposite direction
• 掉转; 掉头;
【SYN】 round BrE :
 »Rex spun around and kicked the gun from her hand.
 »Slowly he turned the boat around towards the open sea.
7. also 又作around about used when guessing a number, amount, time etc, without being exact
• 大约:
 »There must have been around 40,000 people in the stadium.
  体育场里肯定有 4 万人左右。
 »The whole project will probably cost around $3 million.
  整个工程可能要花费约 300 万美元。
 »Most guests started to make their way home around about ten o'clock.
  大多数客人 10 点钟左右开始回家了。
8. existing
• 存在着;
【SYN】 about BrE :
 »That joke's been around for years.
 »Manson has a reputation as one of the most stylish designers around.
9. if something is organized around a particular person or thing, it is organized according to their needs, wishes, ideas etc
• 围绕,以…为中心; 根据:
 »Why does everything have to be arranged around what Callum wants to do?
 »Their whole society was built around their religious beliefs.
10. used to show that someone spends time in a place without doing anything useful
• 闲散地;
【SYN】 about BrE :
 »I've been waiting around all morning.
 »They could be seen hanging around street corners, watching the girls go by.
11. a way around a difficult situation or problem is a way to solve it or avoid it
• 解决,克服; 避免;
【SYN】 round BrE :
 »We must find a way around these difficulties.
 »The company is expected to get around this problem by borrowing from the banks.
12. to other people or positions
• 传,递; 挪;
【SYN】 round BrE :
 »Write your name on this list and pass it around.
 »Someone's been moving the furniture around.
13. have been around informal
a. to have had experience of many different situations so that you can deal with new situations confidently
• 见过世面,经验丰富:
 »You could tell this guy had been around a bit by the knowing way he talked.
b. to have had many sexual experiences – used humorously
• 性经验丰富〔幽默用法〕
14. AmE used to show the length of a line surrounding something
• 以圆周计算:
 »Redwood trees can measure 30 or 40 feet around.
  红杉树合抱可达 30 或 40 英尺。
--› ROUND1
--›get around (sth) at GET AROUND (1)
--›go around in circles at CIRCLE ¹ (5)

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