an∙gry / ˈæŋgrɪ ; ˈæŋgri /
◙adj,angrier, angriest
1. feeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at someone or hurt them because they have behaved in an unfair, cruel, offensive etc way, or because you think that a situation is unfair, unacceptable etc
• 发怒的,生气的,气愤的;
--› annoyed :
»I was angry because he hadn't told me his plans.
»He was beginning toget angry.
»His comments brought an angry response from opposition politicians.
»'Calm down,' she said, looking at his angry face.
▪ [+with / at]
»'Please don't be angry with me,' she said.
»Jesse laughed, whichmademe evenangrier.
▪ [+about / over]
»Kate's still so angry about the whole thing.
»angry (that)
»The workers are angry that they haven't been paid for the week.
2. angry with / at yourself, feeling strongly that you wish you had done something or had not done something
• 生自己的气:
»David was angry with himself for letting the others see his true feelings.
3. [literary] an angry sky or cloud looks dark and stormy
• 〔天空〕昏暗的,狂风暴雨的;〔云层〕黑压压的
4. [literary] an angry wound etc is painful and red and looks infected
• 〔伤口等〕肿痛发炎的,感染的
»Joey reacted angrily.
ANGRY• a little angry
• 一点点生气:
miffed [informal] , peeved [informal]
• rather angry
• 相当生气:
annoyed , irritated , cross ,in a bad / foul mood
• very angry
• 很生气:
furious , livid , outraged , incensed ,incandescent with rage [formal]
• to become angry
• 发脾气:
lose your temper,go mad [BrE] ,go berserk [informal] ,go ballistic [informal] ,hit the roof [informal]
• words for describing someone who often gets angry
• 描述某人经常生气的词:
bad-tempered , grouchy , cantankerous , crabby , stroppy [BrE informal]