ab∙sent¹ / ˈæbsnt ; ˈæbsənt /
1. not at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go
• 不在的,缺席的;
【OPP】 present
▪ [+from]
»students who are regularly absent from school
2. if someone or something is absent, they are missing or not in the place where they are expected to be
• 缺乏的,不在场的:
»absent parent / father
»plans to force absent fathers to pay child maintenance
▪ [+from]
»Local women wereconspicuously absent
(=obviously not there)from the meeting.当地妇女缺席会议,众目昭彰。
3. [only before noun] a look etc that shows you are not paying attention to or thinking about what is happening
• 心不在焉的;
--› absently :
»The dull,absent lookon her face implied boredom.
ab∙sent² / æbˈsɛnt ; əbˈsent /
◙verb [T] [formal]
1. absent yourself (from sth), to not go to a place or take part in an event where people expect you to be
• 缺席,不参加