nounwhere you live/work
ADJ. home, private | business | contact Please leave a contact address.| forwarding, return There was no return address on the back of the envelope.| postal | full Please write your full postal address.| false, wrong He gave a false address to the police.| correct, right | useful | secret | fashionable Cheyne Walk was a very fashionable address.
VERB + ADDRESS give, leave, write
PREP. at a/the ~ I'm afraid there's nobody called Williams at this address.
PHRASES a change of address Please inform us of any change of address.| name and address, no fixed address a man of no fixed addressspeech
ADJ. short | inaugural, keynote, opening | public a public address system| radio, televised/television | election | presidential
VERB + ADDRESS deliver, give The prime minister delivered the keynote address at the conference.
PREP. in a/the ~ He gave details of the policy in an address to party members.| ~ by an address by the Chancellor of the University| ~ to a radio address to the nation