
between armies
ADJ. bloody, fierce | pitched The two armies fought a pitched battle on the plain.| decisive | great, important, major | famous, historic | land, naval, sea
VERB + BATTLE fight (in) | win | lose | do, give, go into, join Charles V refused to give battle. The two armies joined battle.| send sb into Many young men were sent into battle without proper training.
BATTLE + VERB begin, take place | rage | continue | be over, end
PREP. at a/the ~ Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.| in (a/the) ~ He died in battle.
violent fight between two groups
ADJ. fierce | pitched | running | gun
PREP. ~ against Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators.| ~ between a gun battle between police and drug smugglers| ~ with Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police.
ADJ. bitter, fierce | real There's now a real battle at the top of the First Division.| constant, continuing, long, long-running, ongoing, prolonged | losing, uphill We seem to be fighting a losing battle.| successful | court, legal
VERB + BATTLE be engaged in, do, fight Are you prepared to do battle with your insurance company over the claim?| face | win | lose
BATTLE + VERB begin | be over, end
PREP. ~ against his long battle against cancer| ~ between a fierce battle between developers and the local community| ~ for the battle for human rights| ~ over The government now faces a new battle over tax increases.| ~ with They are engaged in a long-running legal battle with their neighbours.
PHRASES a battle of ideas/words, a battle of wills/wits, a battle royal (= a major battle in which all available forces take part), fight your own battles My parents believed in leaving me to fight my own battles.

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