ad.mi.ral AHD[²d“m…r-…l] DJ[6#dm*r*l] KK[6#dm*r*l]
1.The commander in chief of a fleet.
2.A flag officer.
3.A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above vice-admiral and below Admiral of the Fleet.
4.One who holds the rank of admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, rear admiral, or vice-admiral.
5.Any of various brightly colored butterflies of the generaLimenitis andVanessa.
    彩蝶,花蝶,纹白蝶,纹红蝶:多种港神蝶属 和丽蛱蝶属 的色彩绚丽的蝴蝶
6.Archaic The ship carrying an admiral; flagship.
  【古语】 旗舰:海军上将所在的船只;旗舰
1.Middle Englishamiral, admiral
    中古英语amiral, admiral
2.from Old French
    源自 古法语
3.and from Medieval Latinamīr³lis, admīr³lis}
    并源自 中世纪拉丁语amīr³lis, admīr³lis}
4.both from Arabic’amīr a ’³lī [high commander]
    都源自 阿拉伯语’amīr a ’³lī [高级指挥官]