Adam's Bridge
Adam's Bridge
Adam's Bridge 也作's Bridge AHD[rä“m…z] DJ[6r$8m*z] KK[6r$m*z]
    A chain of shoals extending about 29 km (18 mi) between India and Sri Lanka. According to Hindu legend, the bridge was built to transport Rama, hero of theRamayana, to the island to rescue his wife from the demon king Ravana.
    亚当桥:距离印度与斯里兰卡之间约29公里(18英里)的一连串珊瑚岛。根据印度教传说,此桥为送罗摩(罗摩传 的主人公)去岛上从凶恶的国王拉瓦那手中拯救其妻而修建的