
ac.tive  AHD[²k“t¹v]   DJ[6#kt!v]  KK[6#kt!v]
1.Being in physical motion:
    active fish in the aquarium.
2.Functioning or capable of functioning.
3.Disposed to take action or effectuate change:
    a director who takes active interest in corporate operations.
4.Engaged in activity; participating:
    an active member of a club.
    active stock and bond markets.
6.Being in continuous use or operation:
    an active brokerage account.
7.Being in a state of action; not passive or quiescent:
    an active volcano.
8.Characterized by energetic action or activity; lively.
9.Requiring physical exertion and energy:
    Tennis is an active sport.
11.Indicating that the subject of the sentence is performing or causing the action expressed by the verb. Used of a verb form or voice.
12.Expressing action rather than a state of being. Used of verbs such asrun, speak, andmove.  
13.Producing profit, interest, or dividends:
    active accounts; active stocks.
14.Being on full military duty and receiving full pay.
15.Music Suggesting that something follows:
  【音乐】 后接的:表示有后接物的:
    active tones.
2.The active voice.
3.A construction or form in the active voice.
4.A participating member of an organization:
    union actives.
1.Middle Englishactif
2.from Old French
    源自 古法语
3.from Latin³ctīvus}
    源自 拉丁语³ctīvus}
4.fromagere  ³ct- [to drive, do] * see  act
    源自agere  ³ct- [驱赶;驾驶,做] *参见act
ac“tively  adv.(副词)
ac“tiveness  n.(名词)
2.These adjectives are compared as they mean engaged in activity.
3.Active,   the most neutral, merely means being in a state of action as opposed to being passive or quiescent:
    Active  是最中性的词,仅表示处于运动的状态,与被动的或静止的状态相反:
    saw active service in the army.
4.Energetic   suggests sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality:
    Energetic  暗含具有持久活力的持续性热情行为:
    an energetic fund raiser for the college.
5.Dynamic   connotes energy and forcefulness that is often inspiring to others:
    Dynamic  通常指对他人起鼓舞作用的精力或坚强:
    A dynamic speaker, the senator often persuades her colleagues to change their votes.
6.Vigorous   implies healthy strength and robustness:
    Vigorous  指健壮和魁梧:
  “a vigorous crusader against apartheid and government press restrictions”  (Christian Science Monitor).
    强烈“反对种族歧视和政府新闻限制的社会运动者” (基督教科学箴言报)。
7.Lively   suggests brisk alertness, animation, and energy:
    Lively  表示机敏,活泼及活力:
    I take a lively interest in politics.

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