Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel
A.bu Sim.bel  AHD[ä”b› s¹m“b…l, -bµl]   DJ[7$8bu8 6s!mb*l, -bel]  KK[7$bu 6s!mb*l, -bWl]
    A village of southern Egypt on the Nile River. It is the site of massive rock temples dating from c. 1250b.c.  that were raised (1964-1966) to avoid flooding from the Aswan High Dam.
    阿布辛拜尔神庙:埃及南部尼罗河沿岸一村庄。是可追溯到公元前 1250年的巨岩庙宇的所在地,为了避免被阿斯旺大坝的洪水淹没曾被加高(1964-1966年)

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