absinthe 也作 ab.sinth AHD[²b“s¹nth] DJ[6#bs!nG] KK[6#bs!nG]
1.A perennial aromatic European herb(Artemisia absinthium), naturalized in eastern North America and having pinnatifid, silvery silky leaves and numerous nodding flower heads. Also called common wormwood
    苦艾:一种欧洲多年生草本植物(洋艾 蒿属) ,移植到北美东部,有羽状的银色丝般叶子及许多低垂花序 也作 common wormwood
2.A green liqueur having a bitter anise or licorice flavor and a high alcohol content, prepared from absinthe and other herbs. Production of absinthe is now prohibited in many countries because of its toxicity.
1.Middle English [wormwood]
    中古英语 [苦艾]
2.from Old French
    源自 古法语
3.from Latinabsinthium
    源自 拉丁语absinthium
4.from Greekapsinthion
    源自 希腊语apsinthion