aloe vera
aloe vera
aloe ver.a AHD[vµr“…, vîr“…] DJ[6ver*, 6v!*r*] KK[6vWr*, 6v!r*]
1.A species of aloe(Aloe vera) native to the Mediterranean region.
2.The mucilaginous juice or gel obtained from the leaves of this plant, widely employed in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations for its soothing and healing properties.Also called aloe
    真芦荟制品:从这种植物叶中提取的粘液汁或胶质,因其具有镇定和愈合作用,广泛应用于化妆品和制药行业也作 aloe
1.Latinalo¶ [aloe plant]
    拉丁语alo¶ [芦荟植物]
2.vera [true]
    vera [真实的]