
air  AHD[âr]   DJ[e*]  KK[Wr]
1.A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen (approximately 78 percent) and oxygen (approximately 21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases.
2.This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping Earth; the atmosphere.
3.The atmosphere in an enclosure.
4.The sky; the firmament.
5.A giant void; nothingness:
    The money vanished into thin air.
6.An atmospheric movement; a breeze or wind.
    send troops to Europe by air.
8.Public utterance; vent:
    gave air to their grievances.
9.The electronic broadcast media:
  “often ridiculed . . . extremist groups on air”(&b{Christian Science Monitor})
10.A peculiar or characteristic impression; an aura.
11.Personal bearing, appearance, or manner; mien.
12.airs An affected, often haughty pose; affectation.See Synonyms ataffectation
    airs 装腔作势:做作的且常是傲慢的姿态;虚假参见affectation
13.Music A melody or tune, especially:
  【音乐】 曲调,旋律:曲调或旋律,尤其指
14.The soprano or treble part in a harmonized composition.
15.A solo with or without accompaniment.
16.Air conditioning.
17.Archaic Breath.
  【古语】 呼吸
    Often used to modify another noun:
    air movements; air safety.
v.(动词)  aired,,airs及物动词)
1.To expose so that air can dry, cool, or freshen; ventilate.
2.To give vent to publicly:
    airing my pet peeves.See Synonyms at &b{vent} &+{1}
3.To broadcast on television or radio:
  “The ad was submitted to CBS . . . which accepted and aired it”(&b{New York})
    To be broadcast on television or radio:
  “tidbits that will air on tonight's 6 o'clock news”(&b{Terry Ann Knopf})
in the air: Abroad; prevalent:
    Excitement was in the air.
up in the air: Not yet decided; uncertain.
1.Partly from Middle Englishair [gas, atmosphere]  from Old French  from Latin³r  from Greekar * see  wer-1
    部分源自 中古英语air [气体,大气]  源自 古法语  源自 拉丁语³r  源自 希腊语ar *参见 wer-1
2.and partly from Frenchair [nature, quality, place of origin]  from Latinager [place, field] * see  agriculture  Latin³rea [open space, threshing floor] * see  area
    并且部分源自 法语air [品性,品质,产地]  源自 拉丁语ager [场所,田地] *参见agriculture 拉丁语³rea [开放的空间,打谷场] *参见area
3.N., sense 9, from Frenchair [tune]
    名词释义9,源自 法语air [曲调]
4.from Italianaria * see  aria
    源自 意大利语aria *参见aria

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