Africanized bee

Africanized bee
Af.ri.can.ized bee  AHD[²f“r¹-k…-nºzd”]   DJ[6#fr!k*7na!zd]  KK[6#fr!k*7na!zd]
    A hybrid strain of honeybee introduced into Brazil in the mid-1950's and distinguished by aggressive traits such as the tendency to mass swarm and sting with great frequency. The bee was developed by a geneticist attempting to produce a commercial honeybee better adapted to the tropics.Also called  Africanized honeybee ,killer bee
    非洲蜂:一种蜜蜂的杂交品种,五十年代中期引进到巴西,以其具有侵略性特性而闻名,例如倾向于组成大蜂群以及经常蜇叮人。这种蜂由一位试图培养更能适应赤道气候的商业用蜜蜂的遗传学家培育而成也作  Africanized honeybee,killer bee

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