
ab.er.ra.tion  AHD[²b”…-r³“sh…n]   DJ[7#b*6re!.*n]  KK[7#b*6re.*n]
1.A deviation from the proper or expected course.See Synonyms atdeviation
2.A departure from the normal or typical:
    events that were aberrations from the norm.
3.Psychology A disorder or abnormal alteration in one's mental state.
  【心理学】 心理失常,精神迷乱:在心理状态上的紊乱或非正常的改变
4.A defect of focus, such as blurring in an image.
5.An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element, as in a lens.
6.Astronomy The apparent displacement of the position of a celestial body in the direction of motion of an observer on Earth, caused by the motion of Earth and the finite velocity of light.
  【天文学】 光行差:由于地球的运动和光的有限速度,而引起的天体位置在地球上观察者在运动方向上的明显移位
7.Genetics A deviation in the normal structure or number of chromosomes in an organism.
  【遗传学】 畸变,变形:有机体正常结构或染色体数量的变异
1.Latinaberr³ti½  aberr³ti½n- [diversion]
    拉丁语aberr³ti½  aberr³ti½n- [变形]
2.fromaberr³tus [past participle of] aberr³re [to go astray]
    源自aberr³tus  [] aberr³re的过去分词 [迷路]
3.ab- [away from] * see  ab-1
    ab- [从…远离] *参见ab-1
4.err³re [to stray] * see  ers-
    err³re [迷路] *参见 ers-

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