Ab.er.deen AHD[²b“…r-d¶n”] DJ[6#b*7di8n] KK[6#b+7din]
1.also [²b”…r-d¶n“] A city of northeast Scotland on the North Sea at the mouth of the Dee River. It is known as “the Granite City” because stone from local quarries is used in many of its buildings. Population, 212,542.
    也作 [²b”…r-d¶n“] 阿伯丁:英国苏格兰东北部城市,位于迪河在北海的入海口。它被称为“花岗岩之城”,因为它的许多建筑都使用了附近采石厂的岩石。人口212,542
2.A town of northeast Maryland east-northeast of Baltimore. Aberdeen Proving Ground, a major research, development, and testing installation, is nearby. Population, 11,533.
3.A city of northeast South Dakota northeast of Pierre. It is a trade center in a wheat and livestock region. Population, 24,927.
4.A city of western Washington west-southwest of Tacoma. Located on Grays Harbor, it has lumbering, fishing, and shipping industries. Population, 16,565.