a law unto oneself
*a law unto oneself
Fig. one who ignores laws or rules; one who sets one's own standards of behavior. (*Typically: be ~; become ~.)
You can't get Bill to follow the rules. He's a law unto himself.
Jane is a law unto herself. She's totally unwilling to cooperate.
- abound with so or sth
- accustom
- ace in(to sth)
- a dead duck
- admire so for sth
- ado
- adore
- affix sth to so or sth
- a growth experience
- a hole in the wall
- ain't got the sense God gave geese
- All cats are gray in the dark.
- all spruced up
- all sweetness and light
- All things will pass.
- all wool and a yard wide
- always
- amount
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- an attack (of an illness)
- angle for sth