a fur piece
a fur piece
Rur. a long distance. (Fur = far.)
It's a fur piece to the library. You'd best take the bus instead of walking.
It's a pretty fur piece to the nearest big town.
- adapt sth from sth
- a dead duck
- a feeling about sth
- A hedge between keeps friendship green.
- Ain't it the truth?
- a jack of all trades is a master of none.
- A liar is not believed (even) when he tells the truth.
- alley
- allow sth for sth
- all the rage
- All things must pass.
- alternate
- amalgamate sth with sth
- a millstone about one's neck
- amuse so with sth
- a nine days' wonder
- an inside joke
- apart
- a perfect stranger
- a place to call one's own
- appear in court