act (up)on sth
act (up)on something
1. to take action on a particular problem. (Upon is more formal and less commonly used than on.)
I will act on this immediately.
2. to take action because of some special information.
The police refused to act upon his complaint because he was an ex-convict.
3. to perform on something, usually the stage (in a theater).
Ken has never acted on the stage or in front of a camera.
- about to do sth
- actual
- a done deal
- a fly in the ointment
- a glut on the market
- a house of ill fame
- air sth out
- a jam session
- (all) for the best
- all hell broke loose
- all shook up
- all things being equal
- allude
- amount (up) to sth
- an even break
- angle for sth
- ante
- any Tom, Dick, and Harry
- a past master at sth
- A penny for your thoughts!
- a perfect stranger