across the board
come across
crawl across sth
creep across sth
cut across sth
dart across sth
dash across sth
drop across so or sth
drop sth across sth
edge (one's way) across (sth)
extend across sth
ferry so or sth across sth
flash across sth
flow across sth
fly across sth
get across (sth)
get so across (in a good way)
get so or sth across sth
get sth across (to so)
glide across sth
go across (sth)
go across sth to so or sth
guide so or sth across (sth)
inch one's way across sth
inch oneself across sth
jump across sth
lean across so or sth
pan across to so or sth
push so or sth across (sth)
put so across (in a good way)
put sth across (to so)
rap so across the knuckles
run across so or sth
run across sth
scuttle across sth
see so across sth
send so or sth across (sth)
skid across sth
smuggle so or sth across sth
steam across sth
streak across sth
stumble across so or sth
take so or sth across (sth)
tear across sth
throw sth across so or sth
throw sth across sth
thunder across sth
tramp across sth
travel across sth
trek across sth
troop across so or sth
wade across sth
walk across sth
zoom across (sth)
- abstract
- accustom
- act up
- a done deal
- adore so for doing sth
- advisement
- a fan of so
- a fine kettle of fish
- a fly in the ointment
- afternoon
- a hell of a so or sth
- a jack of all trades is a master of none.
- a leg up
- (a little) new to (all) this
- all of a size
- all things being equal
- alpha
- alphabet soup
- a match for so, sth, or an animal
- a match made in heaven
- and the like