bail out (of sth)
bail out (of something)
1. Lit. to jump out of an airplane with a parachute.
John still remembers the first time he bailed out of a plane.
When we get to 8,000 feet, we'll all bail out and drift down together. We'll open our parachutes at 2,000 feet.
2. Fig. to abandon a situation; to get out of something.
John got tired of school, so he just bailed out.
Please stay, Bill. You've been with us too long to bail out now.
- advisement
- afflict
- a goner
- agonize (oneself) over so or sth
- A heavy purse makes a light heart.
- a hell of a so or sth
- ahold
- aisle
- a lead-pipe cinch
- (all) het up
- all over hell and gone
- All right(y) already!
- all the same (to so)
- all the way live
- (a)long about a certain time
- along those lines
- altar
- an attack (of an illness)
- announce
- ante
- ants in one's pants