(a) short shrift
(a) short shrift
a brief period of consideration of a person's ideas or explanations.
They gave the reporter short shrift and got him out of the office.
My plan got short shrift from the board—a ten-minute presentation; they then voted it down.
- absolve so from sth
- acquainted with sth
- affix one's signature to sth
- agonize
- a good sport
- a growth experience
- align oneself with so or sth
- all and sundry
- all or nothing
- all to the good
- already
- American as apple pie
- an about-face (on so or sth)
- an absent-minded professor
- and so on
- an old warhorse
- a pound of flesh
- appear to the naked eye
- append
- approach
- April showers bring May flowers.