a rounding error
a rounding error
a large amount of money that is relatively small in comparison to a much larger sum.
To a large company like Smith & Co., a few thousand dollars is just a rounding error. It's not a lot at all.
- a couch potato
- affiliate (so or sth) with so or sth
- after so or sth
- a gnashing of teeth
- a (good) working over
- a grandfather clause
- a high roller
- a kick in the butt
- align
- (all) joking aside
- (all) set (to do sth)
- alpha and omega
- and
- and sth to spare
- annex
- A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
- another pair of eyes
- ant
- a political football
- appeal to so
- (Are you) leaving so soon?