append sth (on)to sth
append something (on)to something
to attach something to something; to hang something onto something.
Please append these tassels onto the hem of your coat.
Append this sentence to the last paragraph.
- above one's bend
- a crick in one's neck
- activity
- admit to sth
- adore so for doing sth
- After a storm comes a calm.
- after the fact
- air one's dirty linen in public
- a lick of work
- (all) het up
- all or nothing
- allow so or sth into a place
- an attack (of an illness)
- an old warhorse
- another pair of eyes
- answer back (to so)
- a power play
- appeal to so
- approach
- arbitrate in a dispute
- (Are you) sorry you asked?