Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Prov. You will like someone or something better if that person or thing is far away.
Ever since Carla's boyfriend moved away, she can't stop thinking about him. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
- absorb sth in(to) sth
- a crash course in sth
- add up (to sth)
- admit so (in)to some place
- Age before beauty.
- a good bet
- aid so in doing sth
- air
- a labor of love
- A liar is not believed (even) when he tells the truth.
- (all) balled up
- all of a sudden
- (all) over again
- all over
- (all) tuckered out
- all tore up (about sth)
- along similar lines
- alternate with sth
- a match made in heaven
- an itchy palm
- answer for so or sth