Sweet Alert 是一个替代传统的 JavaScript Alert 的漂亮提示效果。SweetAlert 自动居中对齐在页面中央,不管您使用的是台式电脑,手机或平板电脑看起来效果都很棒。另外提供了丰富的自定义配置选择,可以灵活控制。
Sweet Alert会自动在窗口的正中心弹出一个窗口,不管你是使用什么样的设备,包括电脑、手机和平板都能兼容,而且Sweet Alert拥有高度的可定制性,有很多参数可以配置。
你可以访问Sweet Alert的Github地址,然后下载Sweet Alert的源文件,然后将JS文件和CSS文件引入到你的网页中:
<script src="dist/sweetalert.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/sweetalert.css">
在网页加载完成以后,调用Sweet Alert的函数,你可以在调用函数的时候配置一些参数,具体的参数列表见下面的可选参数:
swal({ title: "Error!", text: "Here's my error message!", type: "error", confirmButtonText: "Cool" });
在这里,您可以使用如果你传递一个对象到Sweet Alert钥匙:
参数 | 默认值 | 描述 |
title | null (required) | The title of the modal. It can either be added to the object under the key "title" or passed as the first parameter of the function. |
text | null | A description for the modal. It can either be added to the object under the key "text" or passed as the second parameter of the function. |
type | null | The type of the modal. SweetAlert comes with 4 built-in types which will show a corresponding icon animation: "warning", "error", "success" and "info". You can also set it as "input" to get a prompt modal. It can either be put in the object under the key "type" or passed as the third parameter of the function. |
allowEscapeKey | true | If set to true, the user can dismiss the modal by pressing the Escape key. |
customClass | null | A custom CSS class for the modal. It can be added to the object under the key "customClass". |
allowOutsideClick | false | If set to true, the user can dismiss the modal by clicking outside it. |
showCancelButton | false | If set to true, a "Cancel"-button will be shown, which the user can click on to dismiss the modal. |
showConfirmButton | true | If set to false, the "OK/Confirm"-button will be hidden. Make sure you set a timer or set allowOutsideClick to true when using this, in order not to annoy the user. |
confirmButtonText | "OK" | Use this to change the text on the "Confirm"-button. If showCancelButton is set as true, the confirm button will automatically show "Confirm" instead of "OK". |
confirmButtonColor | "#AEDEF4" | Use this to change the background color of the "Confirm"-button (must be a HEX value). |
cancelButtonText | "Cancel" | Use this to change the text on the "Cancel"-button. |
closeOnConfirm | true | Set to false if you want the modal to stay open even if the user presses the "Confirm"-button. This is especially useful if the function attached to the "Confirm"-button is another SweetAlert. |
closeOnCancel | true | Same as closeOnConfirm, but for the cancel button. |
imageUrl | null | Add a customized icon for the modal. Should contain a string with the path to the image. |
imageSize | "80x80" | If imageUrl is set, you can specify imageSize to describes how big you want the icon to be in px. Pass in a string with two values separated by an "x". The first value is the width, the second is the height. |
timer | null | Auto close timer of the modal. Set in ms (milliseconds). |
html | false | If set to true, will not escape title and text parameters. (Set to false if you're worried about XSS attacks.) |
animation | true | If set to false, the modal's animation will be disabled. Possible (string) values : pop (default when animation set to true), slide-from-top, slide-from-bottom |
inputType | "text" | Change the type of the input field when using type: "input" (this can be useful if you want users to type in their password for example). |
inputPlaceholder | null | When using the input-type, you can specify a placeholder to help the user. |
inputValue | null | Specify a default text value that you want your input to show when using type: "input" |
showLoaderOnConfirm | false | Set to true to disable the buttons and show that something is loading. |
函数名 | 示例 | 描述 |
setDefaults | swal.setDefaults({ confirmButtonColor: '#0000' }); | If you end up using a lot of the same settings when calling SweetAlert, you can use setDefaults at the start of your program to set them once and for all! |
close | swal.close(); | Close the currently open SweetAlert programatically. |
showInputError | swal.showInputError("Invalid email!"); | Show an error message after validating the input field, if the user's data is bad |
enableButtons, disableButtons | swal.disableButtons(); | Disable or enable the user to click on the cancel and confirm buttons. |
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