
发布于 2017-06-29 10:20:04 字数 15129 浏览 7751 评论 0



我们创造了HTML5版本与 Cut the Rope 都能很好的工作,可以预加载图像和声音文件类型的资源,我们需要为游戏,但它的设计是与任何类型的文件或其他网络行为的可扩展性和工作。



  • PxLoader.js 主要库文件
  • PxLoaderImage.js 图像文件下载,如果你想下载图像文件
  • PxLoaderSound.js 音频文件下载,如果你想下载音频文件
  • PxLoaderVideo.js 视频文件下载,如果想下载视频文件
  • 任何你写的或在本页下载插件部分

声音文件下载依赖于 SoundManager 2 ,实际上PxLoader.js总是会延时下载文件,通过 SoundManager 2 我们可以选择如何下载基于无论是使用Flash或HTML5的音频文件。


<script src="js/PxLoader.js"></script>


<!- images -->
<script src="js/PxLoaderImage.js"></script>

<!- sounds -->
<script src="js/PxLoaderSound.js"></script>



// Create the loader and queue our 3 images. Images will not 
// begin downloading until we tell the loader to start. 
var loader = new PxLoader(), 
    backgroundImg = loader.addImage('images/headerbg.jpg'), 
    treesImg = loader.addImage('images/trees.png'), 
    ufoImg = loader.addImage('images/ufo.png'); 
// callback that will be run once images are ready 
loader.addCompletionListener(function() { 
    var canvas = document.getElementById('sample1-canvas'), 
        ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
    ctx.drawImage(backgroundImg, 0, 0); 
    ctx.drawImage(treesImg, 0, 104); 
    ctx.drawImage(ufoImg, 360, 50); 
// begin downloading images 



// delay each image and append the timestamp to prevent caching 
var baseUrl = 'http://thinkpixellab.com/pxloader' + 
        '/slowImage.php?delay=1&time=' + new Date, 
    $log = $('#sample2-log').val(''), 
    $progress = $('#sample2-progress').text('0 / 100'), 
    loader = new PxLoader(); 
// add 100 images to the queue 
for(var i=0; i < 100; i++) { 
    // this time we'll create a PxLoaderImage instance instead of just 
    // giving the loader the image url 
    var pxImage = new PxLoaderImage(baseUrl + '&i=' + i); 
    // we can add our own properties for later use 
    pxImage.imageNumber = i + 1; 
// callback that runs every time an image loads 
loader.addProgressListener(function(e) { 
    // log which image completed 
    $log.val($log.val() + 'Image ' + e.resource.imageNumber + ' Loaded\r'); 
    // scroll to the bottom of the log 
    // the event provides stats on the number of completed items 
    $progress.text(e.completedCount + ' / ' + e.totalCount); 



// delay each image and append the timestamp to prevent caching 
var baseUrl = 'http://thinkpixellab.com/pxloader' + 
        '/slowImage.php?delay=1time=' + new Date, 
    $log = $('#sample3-log').val(''), 
    $menuProgress = $('#sample3-menuProgress').text('0 / 50'), 
    $gameProgress = $('#sample3-gameProgress').text('0 / 50'), 
    $totalProgress = $('#sample3-totalProgress').text('0 / 100'), 
    loader = new PxLoader(); 
// queue 50 images for each section 
var addImagesForTag = function(tag, $progress) { 
    for(var i=0; i < 50; i++) { 
        var imageUrl = baseUrl + '&i=' + i + '&tag=' + tag; 
            pxImage = new PxLoaderImage(imageUrl, tag); 
        pxImage.imageNumber = i + 1; 
    // add a listener to update progress for the tag 
    loader.addProgressListener(function(e) { 
        $progress.text(e.completedCount + ' / ' + e.totalCount); 
    }, tag); // scope listener to the current tag only 
addImagesForTag('menu', $menuProgress); 
addImagesForTag('game', $gameProgress); 
// listen to every event to update total progress 
loader.addProgressListener(function(e) { 
    // log which image completed 
    var line = ' Image ' + e.resource.imageNumber + 
        ' Loaded [' + e.resource.tags[0] + ']\r'; 
    $log.val($log.val() + line); 
    // scroll to the bottom of the log 
    // the event provides stats on the number of completed items 
    $totalProgress.text(e.completedCount + ' / ' + e.totalCount); 
// start downloading images for tags in prioritized order 
loader.start(['menu', 'game']);



PxLoaderSound 插件的依赖 SoundManager2 加载和播放音频文件。首先,添加 SoundManager2 和 PxLoaderSound 脚本引用:

<script src="soundManager2.js"></script>
<script src="PxLoaderSound.js"></script>


// initialize the sound manager 
soundManager.url = 'soundManager2/'; 
soundManager.flashVersion = 9; 
soundManager.useHighPerformance = true; // reduces delays 
// reduce the default 1 sec delay to 500 ms 
soundManager.flashLoadTimeout = 500; 
// mp3 is required by default, but we don't want any requirements 
soundManager.audioFormats.mp3.required = false; 
// flash may timeout if not installed or when flashblock is installed 
soundManager.ontimeout(function(status) { 
    // no flash, go with HTML5 audio 
    soundManager.useHTML5Audio = true; 
    soundManager.preferFlash = false; 
soundManager.onready(function() { 
    // ok to show the button to run the sound sample 


var soundNames = ['cow', 'pig', 'tractor', 'dino', 'r2d2'], 
    loader = new PxLoader(), 
    i, len, url; 
// queue each sound for loading 
for(i=0, len = soundNames.length; i < len; i++) { 
    // see if the browser can play m4a 
    url = 'audio/' + soundNames[i] + '.m4a'; 
    if (!soundManager.canPlayURL(url)) { 
        // ok, what about ogg? 
        url = 'audio/' + soundNames[i] + '.ogg'; 
        if (!soundManager.canPlayURL(url)) { 
            continue; // can't be played 
    // queue the sound using the name as the SM2 id 
    loader.addSound(soundNames[i], url); 
// listen to load events 
loader.addProgressListener(function(e) { 
    // show the icon once a sound has loaded 
    var soundId = e.resource.sound.sID, 
        $icon = $('#' + soundId).addClass('ready'); 
    // play the sound when the icon is clicked 
    $icon.click(function() { 
        // highlight the icon while playing 
        soundManager.play(soundId, { 
            onfinish: function() { 


new PxLoader(settings)

You can override the default settings when creating a new PxLoader instance.

// create a loader using the default settings 
var loader = new PxLoader(); 
// create a loader with custom settings (shown with default values) 
var loader = new PxLoader({ 
        // how frequently we poll resources for progress 
        statusInterval: 5000, // every 5 seconds by default 
        // delay before logging since last progress change 
        loggingDelay: 20 * 1000, // log stragglers after 20 secs 
        // stop waiting if no progress has been made in the moving time window 
        noProgressTimeout: Infinity // do not stop waiting by default 


Add a resource to the the loading queue. This generic method allows PxLoader to handle any type of resource that has a PxLoader plugin.

// add an image with a url 
loader.add(new PxLoaderImage('/image1.png')); 
// add an image with a single tag 
loader.add(new PxLoaderImage('/image2.png', 'tag1')); 
// image with multiple tags 
loader.add(new PxLoaderImage('/image3.png', ['tag1', 'tag2']); 
// image with a priority (relative to another resource with the same tag) 
loader.add(new PxLoaderImage('/image4.png', ['tag1', 'tag2'], 1); 

Plugins may also add a convenience method to PxLoader which makes adding a new resource a little easier and more concise.

// The PxLoaderImage plugin provides addImage which returns the img element 
// which can be used once the image has been downloaded 
var imgElement1 = loader.addImage('/image1.png'); 
    imgElement2 = loader.addImage('/image2.png', 'tag1'); 

addProgressListener(callback, tags)

Registers a callback that will be called anytime an event occurs for a resource with the specified tag(s). If the tags parameter is omitted then progress updates will be provided for every resource.

// log the name of every resource as its loaded 
loader.addProgressListener(function(e) { 
// the callback function receives an event object: 
var sampleEvent = { 
    // the updated resource 
    resource: {} // the resource parameter provided to loader.add() 
    // status for the updated resource 
    loaded: true, 
    error: false, 
    timeout: false, 
    // stats for all resources that match the listener's tags 
    completedCount: 42, 
    totalCount: 100 

addCompletionListener(callback, tags)

Works in the same way as the progress listener API, except instead of receiving updates for each change you are notified once everything completes.

// log when all resources have completed 
loader.addCompletionListener(function(e) { 
    console.log('Ready to go!'); 


Writes a list of resources to the browser console. If showAll is true then all resources are logged, otherwise resources that have completed (loaded, error, or timeout) are omitted.

// write a list of resources we are still waiting for 


Returns true if the loader is still waiting for some resources to complete.


Starts downloading all queued resources. Resources are ordered and started by tag first and then by priority. Its important to register all event listeners before calling start() because its possible for the loader to complete very quickly if resources are cached.

// start loading resources according to resource priority alone 
// start resources by tag first and then by priority 
loader.start(['tag1', 'tag2']); 



PxLoaderImage loads images using JavaScript <image> elements. We listen to load and readystate change events. Some browsers won't send events for cached images so we also check the iscomplete status during the periodic poll initiated by the loader. Errors are reported to the loader, and details can be retrieved from the img element's errors property.

SoundManager 2

PxLoaderSound loads audio using the SoundManager2 library. We're fans of this great little library because it supports HTML5 audio when available and falls back to flash when necessary.


Samples showing how to use this plugin are coming soon.

Plugin API

Writing a plugin so PxLoader can track another resource type is pretty easy. There are just a few functions that a resource should implement to communicate with the loader. Here is a skeleton that you can use to start.

function PxLoaderResource(url, tags, priority) { 
    var self = this; 
        loader = null; 
    // used by the loader to categorize and prioritize 
    this.tags = tags; 
    this.priority = priority; 
    // called by PxLoader to trigger download 
    this.start = function(pxLoader) { 
        // we need the loader ref so we can notify upon completion 
        loader = pxLoader; 
        // set up event handlers so we send the loader progress updates 
        // there are 3 possible events we can tell the loader about: 
        // loader.onLoad(self);    // the resource loaded 
        // loader.onError(self);   // an error occured 
        // loader.onTimeout(self); // timeout while waiting 
        // start downloading 
    // called by PxLoader to check status of image (fallback in case 
    // the event listeners are not triggered). 
    this.checkStatus = function() { 
        // report any status changes to the loader 
        // no need to do anything if nothing has changed 
    // called by PxLoader when it is no longer waiting 
    this.onTimeout = function() { 
        // must report a status to the loader: load, error, or timeout 
    // returns a name for the resource that can be used in logging 
    this.getName = function() { 
        return url; 

Get Involved

We'd love to hear what you think about PxLoader. It's a work in progress and we'd welcome any suggestions or code contributions. You can fork us on Github.

There are also lots of opportunities to extend PxLoader to handle additional resource types. Video (contributed!) and JSON are a few we'd love to see. Please remember that not just some, but "all your resource are belong to us".

Happy loading!


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