zod_utilz 中文文档教程
与框架无关的实用程序 佐德
您可能不想安装另一个库只是为了访问您需要的Util。不用担心。请随意将您需要的代码复制并粘贴到您的项目中。当这个库更新时它不会更新,但它会减少你的包大小。 :D
也许将来会有一种方法可以只安装您需要的 Utilz。如果您知道如何执行此操作,请告诉我。
从 npm (Node/Bun)
npm install zod_utilz
yarn add zod_utilz
pnpm add zod_utilz
bun add zod_utilz
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
import { zu } from 'https://deno.land/x/zod_utilz/mod.ts'
// or
import { zu } from 'npm:zod_utilz'
SPR 代表 SafeParseResult
这启用了 可选链接或的空值合并 z.SafeParseReturnType
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = z.object( { foo: z.string() } )
const result = zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( { foo: 42 } ) )
const fooDataOrErrors = result.data?.foo ?? result.error?.format().foo?._errors
简化制作 ZodErrorMap
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const errorMap = zu.makeErrorMap( {
required: 'Custom required message',
invalid_type: ( { data } ) => `${ data } is an invalid type`,
too_big: ( { maximum } ) => `Maximum length is ${ maximum }`,
invalid_enum_value: ( { data, options } ) =>
`${ data } is not a valid enum value. Valid options: ${ options?.join( ' | ' ) } `,
} )
const stringSchema = z.string( { errorMap } ).max( 32 )
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( undefined ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// Custom required message
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( 42 ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 42 is an invalid type
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( 'this string is over the maximum length' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// Maximum length is 32
const enumSchema = z.enum( [ 'foo', 'bar' ], { errorMap } )
zu.SPR( enumSchema.safeParse( 'baz' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// baz is not a valid enum value. Valid options: foo | bar
启用 zod 解析器的编译时类型检查。
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schemaWithTypedParsers = zu.useTypedParsers( z.literal( 'foo' ) )
schemaWithTypedParsers.parse( 'foo' )
// no ts errors
schemaWithTypedParsers.parse( 'bar' )
// ^^^^^
// Argument of type '"bar"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"foo"'
强制将错误视为正常的 zod 错误。防止使用 safeParse
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const bigintSchema = zu.coerce( z.bigint() )
bigintSchema.parse( '42' ) // 42n
bigintSchema.parse( '42n' ) // 42n
zu.SPR( bigintSchema.safeParse( 'foo' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 'Expected bigint, received string'
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const booleanSchema = zu.coerce( z.boolean() )
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Boolean
// only exception to normal boolean coercion rules
booleanSchema.parse( 'false' ) // false
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Falsy
// falsy => false
booleanSchema.parse( false ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( 0 ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( -0 ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( 0n ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( '' ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( null ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( undefined ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( NaN ) // false
// truthy => true
booleanSchema.parse( 'foo' ) // true
booleanSchema.parse( 42 ) // true
booleanSchema.parse( [] ) // true
booleanSchema.parse( {} ) // true
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const numberArraySchema = zu.coerce( z.number().array() )
// if the value is not an array, it is coerced to an array with one coerced item
numberArraySchema.parse( 42 ) // [ 42 ]
numberArraySchema.parse( '42' ) // [ 42 ]
// if the value is an array, it coerces each item in the array
numberArraySchema.parse( [] ) // []
numberArraySchema.parse( [ '42', 42 ] ) // [ 42, 42 ]
zu.SPR( numberArraySchema.safeParse( 'foo' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 'Expected number, received nan'
一种解析 URLSearchParams 的方法
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = zu.useURLSearchParams(
z.object( {
string: z.string(),
number: z.number(),
boolean: z.boolean(),
} )
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse(
new URLSearchParams( {
string: 'foo',
number: '42',
boolean: 'false',
} )
) ).data
// { string: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: false }
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse(
new URLSearchParams( {
string: '42',
number: 'false',
boolean: 'foo',
} )
) ).error?.flatten().fieldErrors
// {
// string: [ 'Expected string, received number' ],
// number: [ 'Expected number, received boolean' ],
// boolean: [ 'Expected boolean, received string' ],
// }
一种解析 FormData 的方法
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = zu.useFormData(
z.object( {
string: z.string(),
number: z.number(),
boolean: z.boolean(),
file: z.instanceof( File ),
} )
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append( 'string', 'foo' )
formData.append( 'number', '42' )
formData.append( 'boolean', 'false' )
formData.append( 'file', new File( [], 'filename.ext' ) )
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( formData ) ).data,
// { string: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: false, file: File }
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append( 'string', '42' )
formData.append( 'number', 'false' )
formData.append( 'boolean', 'foo' )
formData.append( 'file', 'filename.ext' )
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( formData ) ).error?.flatten().fieldErrors,
// {
// string: [ 'Expected string, received number' ],
// number: [ 'Expected number, received boolean' ],
// boolean: [ 'Expected boolean, received string' ],
// file: [ 'Input not instance of File' ],
// }
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const userSchema = z.object( { name: z.string(), age: z.number() } )
const result = zu.partialSafeParse( userSchema, { name: null, age: 42 } )
// {
// successType: 'partial',
// validData: { age: 42 },
// invalidData: { name: null },
// }
// {
// name: [ 'Expected string, received null' ],
// }
- zu.coerce
- z.date()
- z.object()
- 递归强制 props
- https://github.com/colinhacks/zod/discussions/1910
- enum pick/omit
- https://github.com/colinhacks/zod/discussions/1922
- BaseType(递归获取a的基本类型Zod 类型)
- zu.baseType( z.string() ) => z.string()
- zu.baseType( z.string().可选() ) => z.string()
- zu.baseType( z.string().可选().refine() ) => z.string()
- zu.baseType( z.string().array().可选().refine() ) => z.string().array()
- 制作缩小
- GitHub Actions
- 的过程
- 自动发布到 npm
Zod Utilz
Framework agnostic utilities for Zod
Table of contents
- Simplify common tasks in Zod
- Fill the gap of features that might be missing in Zod
- Provide implementations for potential new features in Zod
Always open to ideas. Positive or negative, all are welcome. Feel free to contribute an issue or PR.
Yet another library
You might not want to install yet another library only to get access to that one Util you need. No worries. Feel free to copy and paste the code you need into your project. It won't get updated when this library gets updated, but it will reduce your bundle size. :D
Perhaps in the future there will be a way to install only the Utilz you need. If you know how to do this, please let me know.
From npm (Node/Bun)
npm install zod_utilz
yarn add zod_utilz
pnpm add zod_utilz
bun add zod_utilz
Getting Started
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
import { zu } from 'https://deno.land/x/zod_utilz/mod.ts'
// or
import { zu } from 'npm:zod_utilz'
SPR stands for SafeParseResult
This enables optional chaining or nullish coalescing for z.SafeParseReturnType
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = z.object( { foo: z.string() } )
const result = zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( { foo: 42 } ) )
const fooDataOrErrors = result.data?.foo ?? result.error?.format().foo?._errors
Simplifies the process of making a ZodErrorMap
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const errorMap = zu.makeErrorMap( {
required: 'Custom required message',
invalid_type: ( { data } ) => `${ data } is an invalid type`,
too_big: ( { maximum } ) => `Maximum length is ${ maximum }`,
invalid_enum_value: ( { data, options } ) =>
`${ data } is not a valid enum value. Valid options: ${ options?.join( ' | ' ) } `,
} )
const stringSchema = z.string( { errorMap } ).max( 32 )
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( undefined ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// Custom required message
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( 42 ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 42 is an invalid type
zu.SPR( stringSchema.safeParse( 'this string is over the maximum length' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// Maximum length is 32
const enumSchema = z.enum( [ 'foo', 'bar' ], { errorMap } )
zu.SPR( enumSchema.safeParse( 'baz' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// baz is not a valid enum value. Valid options: foo | bar
Enables compile time type checking for zod parsers.
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schemaWithTypedParsers = zu.useTypedParsers( z.literal( 'foo' ) )
schemaWithTypedParsers.parse( 'foo' )
// no ts errors
schemaWithTypedParsers.parse( 'bar' )
// ^^^^^
// Argument of type '"bar"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"foo"'
Coercion that treats errors like normal zod errors. Prevents throwing errors when using safeParse
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const bigintSchema = zu.coerce( z.bigint() )
bigintSchema.parse( '42' ) // 42n
bigintSchema.parse( '42n' ) // 42n
zu.SPR( bigintSchema.safeParse( 'foo' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 'Expected bigint, received string'
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const booleanSchema = zu.coerce( z.boolean() )
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Boolean
// only exception to normal boolean coercion rules
booleanSchema.parse( 'false' ) // false
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Falsy
// falsy => false
booleanSchema.parse( false ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( 0 ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( -0 ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( 0n ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( '' ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( null ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( undefined ) // false
booleanSchema.parse( NaN ) // false
// truthy => true
booleanSchema.parse( 'foo' ) // true
booleanSchema.parse( 42 ) // true
booleanSchema.parse( [] ) // true
booleanSchema.parse( {} ) // true
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const numberArraySchema = zu.coerce( z.number().array() )
// if the value is not an array, it is coerced to an array with one coerced item
numberArraySchema.parse( 42 ) // [ 42 ]
numberArraySchema.parse( '42' ) // [ 42 ]
// if the value is an array, it coerces each item in the array
numberArraySchema.parse( [] ) // []
numberArraySchema.parse( [ '42', 42 ] ) // [ 42, 42 ]
zu.SPR( numberArraySchema.safeParse( 'foo' ) ).error?.issues[ 0 ].message
// 'Expected number, received nan'
A way to parse URLSearchParams
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = zu.useURLSearchParams(
z.object( {
string: z.string(),
number: z.number(),
boolean: z.boolean(),
} )
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse(
new URLSearchParams( {
string: 'foo',
number: '42',
boolean: 'false',
} )
) ).data
// { string: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: false }
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse(
new URLSearchParams( {
string: '42',
number: 'false',
boolean: 'foo',
} )
) ).error?.flatten().fieldErrors
// {
// string: [ 'Expected string, received number' ],
// number: [ 'Expected number, received boolean' ],
// boolean: [ 'Expected boolean, received string' ],
// }
A way to parse FormData
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const schema = zu.useFormData(
z.object( {
string: z.string(),
number: z.number(),
boolean: z.boolean(),
file: z.instanceof( File ),
} )
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append( 'string', 'foo' )
formData.append( 'number', '42' )
formData.append( 'boolean', 'false' )
formData.append( 'file', new File( [], 'filename.ext' ) )
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( formData ) ).data,
// { string: 'foo', number: 42, boolean: false, file: File }
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append( 'string', '42' )
formData.append( 'number', 'false' )
formData.append( 'boolean', 'foo' )
formData.append( 'file', 'filename.ext' )
zu.SPR( schema.safeParse( formData ) ).error?.flatten().fieldErrors,
// {
// string: [ 'Expected string, received number' ],
// number: [ 'Expected number, received boolean' ],
// boolean: [ 'Expected boolean, received string' ],
// file: [ 'Input not instance of File' ],
// }
partialSafeParse allows you to get the valid fields even if there was an error in another field
import { zu } from 'zod_utilz'
const userSchema = z.object( { name: z.string(), age: z.number() } )
const result = zu.partialSafeParse( userSchema, { name: null, age: 42 } )
// {
// successType: 'partial',
// validData: { age: 42 },
// invalidData: { name: null },
// }
// {
// name: [ 'Expected string, received null' ],
// }
Always open to ideas. Positive or negative, all are welcome. Feel free to contribute an issue or PR.
- zu.coerce
- z.date()
- z.object()
- recursively coerce props
- https://github.com/colinhacks/zod/discussions/1910
- enum pick/omit
- https://github.com/colinhacks/zod/discussions/1922
- BaseType (Recursively get the base type of a Zod type)
- zu.baseType( z.string() ) => z.string()
- zu.baseType( z.string().optional() ) => z.string()
- zu.baseType( z.string().optional().refine() ) => z.string()
- zu.baseType( z.string().array().optional().refine() ) => z.string().array()
- Make process for minifying
- GitHub Actions
- Auto publish to npm
- 5otp-boot-component 中文文档教程
- @1hive/contract-helpers-test 中文文档教程
- @1hive/gardens-dao-list 中文文档教程
- @1ky/redis 中文文档教程
- @21kb/react-device-orientation-hook 中文文档教程
- @2o3t-core/plugin-common 中文文档教程
- @44north/toggle-tailwindcss-darkmode 中文文档教程
- @7polo/block-editor-vue 中文文档教程
- @abdelmageed/nodejs-tutorial 中文文档教程
- @abmprotocl/dtbtc 中文文档教程