@adrianjost/oauth2-firebase 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 7 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


该库为 Firebase 提供 OAuth2 服务器实现。 要点是:

  • Supporting Google Sign-In, GitHub Login and Facebook Login to authenticate users as Federation ID provider using Firebase Authentication.
  • Providing each endpoint for Cloud Functions.
  • Storing information into Cloud Firestore.
  • Supporting Authorization Code Grant, Implicit Grant and Client Credentials grant of OAuth 2.0.

NPM Version

How to install



您必须已经有一些启用 Cloud Functions、Cloud Firestore 和 Firebase Authentication 的 Firebase 项目。 特别是,有必要在 Firebase 身份验证上启用联邦 ID 提供商的 Google 登录或 Facebook 登录。

Install this library

这个库一直作为 JavaScript 库在 npm 存储库中提供。 你可以安装这个库 使用 npm 命令。 我们代表您的项目目录 ${PROJECT_HOME}

$ cd functions
$ npm install oauth2-firebase --save

Define endpoints as Cloud Functions

这个库为 OAuth 2.0 提供了一些端点。 每个端点都是 express 的处理函数。

如果您使用 TypeScript 编写您的函数,请将以下代码添加到您的 functions/index.ts 文件中。

$ vi index.ts


Google 登录

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, googleAccountAuthentication, token} from "oauth2-firebase";

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = googleAccountAuthentication();


Facebook 登录

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, facebookAccountAuthentication, token} from "oauth2-firebase";

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = facebookAccountAuthentication();


GitHub 登录

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, githubAccountAuthentication, token} from "oauth2-firebase";

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = githubAccountAuthentication();



  • https://.../token - Token endpoint.
  • https://.../authorize - Authorization endpoint.
  • https://.../authentication - Login page for Google Sign-In.

Generate a shared key

该库使用共享密钥来导航页面。 您需要为共享密钥生成一个随机字符串。 该字符串的长度必须为 32。 例如:

$ cat /dev/urandom | base64 | fold -w 32 | head -n 1

Set a configuration value to your project

生成随机字符串后,您需要使用以下 firebase 命令将该字符串设置为共享密钥。

firebase functions:config:set crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32=<YOUR_GENERATED_RANDOM_STRING>

此外,您需要设置您的 Firebase 项目的 API Key 值。 您可以通过以下方式检索 API 密钥值 以下步骤:

  1. Go to the setting page of your Firebase project: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/settings/general/
  2. Get the string of the field labeled Web API Key.


firebase functions:config:set project.api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>

Deploy your project

编写代码并设置配置后,将您的项目部署到 Firebase。

$ firebase deploy --only functions



  • Register your client
  • Set a description for each scope

Register your client

在OAuth2.0中,每个客户端都必须提前注册。 这个库使用 Cloud Firestore 作为存储 对于客户定义。 在当前版本中,您需要使用 Firebase 控制台注册客户端定义 手动。 要注册客户端定义,请在“客户端”集合中添加一个新文档,如下所示:

  • Collection: clients
  • Doc ID: Auto-generated. This will be used as a Client ID value.
  • Fields:
  • user_id - The user ID which represents this client as a user.
  • provider_name - The provider name who this client provides.
  • client_secret - The client secret string. You need to generate this string as the shared key, and need to share the provider.
  • redirect_uri - If this client supports Authorization Code grant and Implicit grant, you need to set this redirect_uri string.
  • grant_type - This is an object. Each key represents a grant type, and each value is boolean whether the grant type is supported or not. You need to set these entries: authorization_code, password, client_credentials and refresh_token.
  • response_type - This is an object. Each key represents a response type, and each value is boolean whether the response type is supported or not. You need to set these entries: code and token.
  • scope - This is an object. Each key represents a scope, and each value is boolean whether the scope is supported or not. You need to set the entry: profile.

以下是表示上述值的示例 JSON 字符串:

  "user_id": "client@123",
  "provider_name": "Google, Inc.",
  "client_secret": "foobar123456",
  "redirect_uri": "https://foobar.com/foo/bar/baz",
  "grant_type": {
    "authorization_code": true,
    "password": false,
    "client_credentials": true,
    "refresh_token": true
  "response_type": {
    "code": true,
    "token": true
  "scope": {
    "profile": true

Set a description for each scope

该库显示一个同意页面,询问他们是允许还是拒绝范围。 您需要使用 Firebase 控制台手动为每个范围注册描述。 要注册范围描述,请在“范围”集合中添加新文档,如下所示:

  • Collection: scopes
  • Doc ID: Auto-generated.
  • Fields:
  • name - Scope name (ex. "profile").
  • description - Scope description (ex. "User profile information (User ID and Nickname)").

以下是表示上述值的示例 JSON 字符串:

  "name": "profile",
  "description": "User profile information (User ID and Nickname)"

Use Additional Endpoints


  • userinfo - Userinfo API endpoint.
  • tokeninfo - Tokeninfo API endpoint.

Userinfo API endpoint

在 OpenID Connect 规范中,userinfo 端点是定义。 它提供经过身份验证的用户的信息。 您可以通过编写以下代码轻松提供 userinfo API 端点:

import {userinfo} from "oauth2-firebase";
exports.userinfo = userinfo();

此 userinfo 端点用作受保护的资源端点。 也就是说,访问令牌是使用此端点所必需的。 例如:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" https://.../userinfo



Tokeninfo API endpoint

tokeninfo API 端点提供传递的访问令牌的信息。 通过这个端点,您可以确认 传递的访问令牌是否为您的客户颁发。 您可以通过以下方式轻松提供 tokeninfo API 端点 编写以下代码:

import {tokeninfo} from "oauth2-firebase";
exports.tokeninfo = tokeninfo();

tokeninfo API 端点接受访问令牌作为名为“access_token”的查询参数。 例如:

curl https://.../tokeninfo?access_token=<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>


  "aud": "<CLIENT_ID>",
  "sub": "<USER_ID>",
  "expires_in": "<EXPIRES_IN_VALUE>",
  "scope": "<SCOPE_VALUES>"

您可以通过比较aud 值来检查访问令牌是否适用于您的客户端。



Set expires_in values to access tokens

您可以为每个授权类型的访问令牌设置每个 expires_in 值(单位:秒)。 例如:

const expiresInMap = new Map<string, number>();
expiresInMap.set("authorization_code", 2678400);
expiresInMap.set("implicit", 86400);
expiresInMap.set("password", 86400);
expiresInMap.set("client_credentials", 2678400);
expiresInMap.set("refresh_token", 2678400);
  tokens_expires_in: expiresInMap


  • Authorization Code Grant: 86400
  • Implicit Grant: 3600
  • Password: 86400
  • Client Credentials: 86400
  • Refresh Token: 86400

Customize the consent page design

这个库提供了一个非常简单的同意页面设计。 但是,您可以自定义设计。 例如,你 可以从您的代码中为同意页面提供您自己的模板字符串。

要自定义页面设计,您需要创建一个实现 ConsentViewTemplate 接口的新类。 例如,类代码将如下所示:

import {ConsentViewTemplate} from "oauth2-firebase/dist/endpoint/views/consent_view_template";

export class MyConsentViewTemplate implements ConsentViewTemplate {

  provide(): Promise<string> {
    return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
      resolve(`<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
    <title>Authorization page</title>
<p><%= providerName %> requests the following permissions:</p>
    <% for (const key of scopeString.split(" ")) { %>
    <li><%= scopes.get(key) %></li>
    <% } %>
<p>Could you allow them?</p>
<form method="post" action="/authorize/consent">
    <input type="hidden" name="auth_token" value="<%= encryptedAuthToken %>">
    <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="<%= encryptedUserId %>">
    <button type="submit" name="action" value="allow">Allow</button>
    <button type="submit" name="action" value="deny">Deny</button>


模板字符串写为“ejs”模板。 该库在呈现时将以下值绑定到模板。

  • providerName: string - The provider name of the client.
  • scopeString: string - The scope string devided by space the client code specifies.
  • scopes: Map<string, string> - The map object which has a set of the scope name and its description.
  • encryptedAuthToken: string - The encrypted auth token. You need to set this as the hidden parameter.
  • encryptedUserId: string - The encrypted user ID. You need to set this as the hidden parameter.

并且,您需要将实例设置为 Configuration 类实例,如下所示:

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, googleAccountAuthentication, token, userinfo} from "oauth2-firebase";
import {MyConsentViewTemplate} from "./my_consent_view_template"

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key,
  views_consent_template: new MyConsentViewTemplate()

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = googleAccountAuthentication();
exports.userinfo = userinfo();


Add Your Protected Resource Endpoint

在此库中,默认提供受 userinfo 保护的资源端点。 但是,您可以添加自己的受保护 资源端点。 每个受保护的资源都会收到请求,包括为用户/客户端颁发的访问令牌, 针对使用受保护的资源检查访问令牌是否有效,并实际返回资源 和/或创建一些资源或做某事。 这个库提供了一个方便的抽象类。 你可以定义你的 通过创建一个扩展抽象类并实现以下两个方法的新类来访问端点:

  • validateScope() - Check whether the passed scopes are valid to call this endpoint.
  • handleRequest() - The code body to access to target resources.

要在 Cloud Functions 上发布端点,您需要通过 endpoint 属性检索端点函数。 结果,您的代码将如下所示:

import * as express from "express";
import {AbstractProtectedResourceEndpoint} from "oauth2-firebase";
import {ProtectedResourceEndpointResponse} from "oauth2-nodejs";

class FriendsEndpoint extends AbstractProtectedResourceEndpoint {

  protected validateScope(scopes: string[]): boolean {
    return scopes.indexOf("frields") !== -1;

  protected handleRequest(req: express.Request, endpointInfo: ProtectedResourceResponse): Promise<string> {
    return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
      fetchFrields(endpointInfo.userId).then(friends => {
      }).catch(e => {


exports.friends = new FriendsEndpoint().endpoint;

如果传递的访问令牌无效,则不会调用 handleRequest() 函数并返回错误响应 通过抽象类。


This library provides OAuth2 server implementation for Firebase. The points are:

  • Supporting Google Sign-In, GitHub Login and Facebook Login to authenticate users as Federation ID provider using Firebase Authentication.
  • Providing each endpoint for Cloud Functions.
  • Storing information into Cloud Firestore.
  • Supporting Authorization Code Grant, Implicit Grant and Client Credentials grant of OAuth 2.0.

NPM Version

How to install

This section describes how to use this library.


You must already have some Firebase project which enables Cloud Functions, Cloud Firestore and Firebase Authentication. Especially, it is necessary to enable the Google Sign-In or Facebook Login for Federation ID provider on the Firebase Authentication.

Install this library

This library has been providing as JavaScript library on the npm repository. You can install this library with the npm command. We represent your project directory ${PROJECT_HOME}.

$ cd functions
$ npm install oauth2-firebase --save

Define endpoints as Cloud Functions

This library provides some endpoints for OAuth 2.0. Each endpoint is a handler function for the express.

If you use the TypeScript to write your functions, add the following code to your functions/index.ts file.

$ vi index.ts

The code you need to write is the following:

Google Sign-In

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, googleAccountAuthentication, token} from "oauth2-firebase";

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = googleAccountAuthentication();


Facebook Login

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, facebookAccountAuthentication, token} from "oauth2-firebase";

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = facebookAccountAuthentication();


GitHub Login

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, githubAccountAuthentication, token} from "oauth2-firebase";

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = githubAccountAuthentication();


By the code above, the following endpoints are defined:

  • https://.../token - Token endpoint.
  • https://.../authorize - Authorization endpoint.
  • https://.../authentication - Login page for Google Sign-In.

Generate a shared key

This library uses a shared key for navigating pages. You need to generate a random string for the shared key. The string must be 32 length. For example:

$ cat /dev/urandom | base64 | fold -w 32 | head -n 1

Set a configuration value to your project

After generating the random string, you need to set the string as the shared key with the following firebase command.

firebase functions:config:set crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32=<YOUR_GENERATED_RANDOM_STRING>

In addition, you need to set the API Key value of your Firebase project. You can retrieve the API Key value by the following steps:

  1. Go to the setting page of your Firebase project: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/settings/general/
  2. Get the string of the field labeled Web API Key.

Then, execute the following command to register the configuration:

firebase functions:config:set project.api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>

Deploy your project

After writing the code and setting the configuration, deploy your project to the Firebase.

$ firebase deploy --only functions


You need to setup the database to operate OAuth2.0 server as like the following:

  • Register your client
  • Set a description for each scope

Register your client

In OAuth2.0, each client must be registered in advance. This library uses the Cloud Firestore as the storage for the client definitions. In the current version, you need to register client definitions with the Firebase Console manually. To register a client definition, add a new doc in a "clients" collection as like the following:

  • Collection: clients
  • Doc ID: Auto-generated. This will be used as a Client ID value.
  • Fields:
  • user_id - The user ID which represents this client as a user.
  • provider_name - The provider name who this client provides.
  • client_secret - The client secret string. You need to generate this string as the shared key, and need to share the provider.
  • redirect_uri - If this client supports Authorization Code grant and Implicit grant, you need to set this redirect_uri string.
  • grant_type - This is an object. Each key represents a grant type, and each value is boolean whether the grant type is supported or not. You need to set these entries: authorization_code, password, client_credentials and refresh_token.
  • response_type - This is an object. Each key represents a response type, and each value is boolean whether the response type is supported or not. You need to set these entries: code and token.
  • scope - This is an object. Each key represents a scope, and each value is boolean whether the scope is supported or not. You need to set the entry: profile.

The following is a sample JSON string which represents the values above:

  "user_id": "client@123",
  "provider_name": "Google, Inc.",
  "client_secret": "foobar123456",
  "redirect_uri": "https://foobar.com/foo/bar/baz",
  "grant_type": {
    "authorization_code": true,
    "password": false,
    "client_credentials": true,
    "refresh_token": true
  "response_type": {
    "code": true,
    "token": true
  "scope": {
    "profile": true

Set a description for each scope

This library shows a consent page to ask whether they allow or deny scopes. You need to register descriptions for each scope with the Firebase Console manually. To register a scope description, add a new doc in a "scopes" collection as like the following:

  • Collection: scopes
  • Doc ID: Auto-generated.
  • Fields:
  • name - Scope name (ex. "profile").
  • description - Scope description (ex. "User profile information (User ID and Nickname)").

The following is a sample JSON string which represents the values above:

  "name": "profile",
  "description": "User profile information (User ID and Nickname)"

Use Additional Endpoints

This library provides some additional endpoints:

  • userinfo - Userinfo API endpoint.
  • tokeninfo - Tokeninfo API endpoint.

Userinfo API endpoint

In OpenID Connect specification, the userinfo endpoint is defined. It provides the authenticated user's information. You can provide the userinfo API endpoint easily by writing the following code:

import {userinfo} from "oauth2-firebase";
exports.userinfo = userinfo();

This userinfo endpoint works as a protected resource endpoint. That is, the access token is necessary to use this endpoint. For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" https://.../userinfo

If the access token is valid, you will retrieve the following result:


Tokeninfo API endpoint

The tokeninfo API endpoint provides the information of the passed access token. By this endpoint, you can confirm whether the passed access token is issued for your client or not. You can provide the tokeninfo API endpoint easily by writing the following code:

import {tokeninfo} from "oauth2-firebase";
exports.tokeninfo = tokeninfo();

The tokeninfo API endpoint accepts an access token as a query parameter called "access_token". For example:

curl https://.../tokeninfo?access_token=<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>

If the access token is valid, you will retrieve the following result:

  "aud": "<CLIENT_ID>",
  "sub": "<USER_ID>",
  "expires_in": "<EXPIRES_IN_VALUE>",
  "scope": "<SCOPE_VALUES>"

You can check whether the access token is for your client or not by comparing the aud value.


You can configure each behavior of this library.

Set expires_in values to access tokens

You can set each expires_in values (unit: sec) for access tokens per grant types. For example:

const expiresInMap = new Map<string, number>();
expiresInMap.set("authorization_code", 2678400);
expiresInMap.set("implicit", 86400);
expiresInMap.set("password", 86400);
expiresInMap.set("client_credentials", 2678400);
expiresInMap.set("refresh_token", 2678400);
  tokens_expires_in: expiresInMap

In this library, the default values are:

  • Authorization Code Grant: 86400
  • Implicit Grant: 3600
  • Password: 86400
  • Client Credentials: 86400
  • Refresh Token: 86400

Customize the consent page design

This library provides a very simple design of the consent page. But, you can customize the design. For instance, you can provide your own template string for the consent page from your code.

To customize the page design, you need to create a new class which implements the ConsentViewTemplate interface. For example, the class code will be like the following:

import {ConsentViewTemplate} from "oauth2-firebase/dist/endpoint/views/consent_view_template";

export class MyConsentViewTemplate implements ConsentViewTemplate {

  provide(): Promise<string> {
    return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
      resolve(`<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
    <title>Authorization page</title>
<p><%= providerName %> requests the following permissions:</p>
    <% for (const key of scopeString.split(" ")) { %>
    <li><%= scopes.get(key) %></li>
    <% } %>
<p>Could you allow them?</p>
<form method="post" action="/authorize/consent">
    <input type="hidden" name="auth_token" value="<%= encryptedAuthToken %>">
    <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="<%= encryptedUserId %>">
    <button type="submit" name="action" value="allow">Allow</button>
    <button type="submit" name="action" value="deny">Deny</button>


The template string is written as the "ejs" template. This library binds the following values to the template at rendering.

  • providerName: string - The provider name of the client.
  • scopeString: string - The scope string devided by space the client code specifies.
  • scopes: Map<string, string> - The map object which has a set of the scope name and its description.
  • encryptedAuthToken: string - The encrypted auth token. You need to set this as the hidden parameter.
  • encryptedUserId: string - The encrypted user ID. You need to set this as the hidden parameter.

And, you need to set the instance to the Configuration class instance as like the following:

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {authorize, Configuration, googleAccountAuthentication, token, userinfo} from "oauth2-firebase";
import {MyConsentViewTemplate} from "./my_consent_view_template"

  crypto_auth_token_secret_key_32: functions.config().crypto.auth_token_secret_key_32,
  project_api_key: functions.config().project.api_key,
  views_consent_template: new MyConsentViewTemplate()

exports.token = token();
exports.authorize = authorize();
exports.authentication = googleAccountAuthentication();
exports.userinfo = userinfo();


Add Your Protected Resource Endpoint

In this library, the userinfo protected resource endpoint is provided as default. But, you can add your own protected resource endpoint. Each protected resource receives the request including the access token issued for users/clients, checks whether the access token is valid or not against using the protected resource, and actually returns the resources and/or creates some resource or does something. This library provides a convenience abstract class. You can define your endpoint by creating a new class which extends the abstract class and implements the following two methods:

  • validateScope() - Check whether the passed scopes are valid to call this endpoint.
  • handleRequest() - The code body to access to target resources.

To publish your endpoint on the Cloud Functions, you need to retrieve the endpoint function by the endpoint property. As the result, your code will be like the following:

import * as express from "express";
import {AbstractProtectedResourceEndpoint} from "oauth2-firebase";
import {ProtectedResourceEndpointResponse} from "oauth2-nodejs";

class FriendsEndpoint extends AbstractProtectedResourceEndpoint {

  protected validateScope(scopes: string[]): boolean {
    return scopes.indexOf("frields") !== -1;

  protected handleRequest(req: express.Request, endpointInfo: ProtectedResourceResponse): Promise<string> {
    return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
      fetchFrields(endpointInfo.userId).then(friends => {
      }).catch(e => {


exports.friends = new FriendsEndpoint().endpoint;

If the passed access token is invalid, the handleRequest() function will not be called and returns an error response by the abstract class.

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