@adobe/lit-mobx 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 2 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

Known Vulnerabilities


Mixin 和基类允许轻松使用 mobx observables lit

mixin 的实现很大程度上基于 Alexander Weiss 在他的著作中的工作。 mobx-lit-element 实现。 这已被重写为 支持多种形式的使用(mixin,或基类)以及基于typescript来获取类型定义。



npm install --save @adobe/lit-mobx lit mobx

LitElement 2.0 Usage

此库已更新到我们强烈建议您更新到的最新版本的 Lit。 但是,如果您希望继续将 LitMobx 与 LitElement 2.0 结合使用,请安装 1.0 主要版本:

npm install --save @adobe/lit-mobx@^1.0.0



npm install
npm run demo


请参阅 JavaScriptTypeScript 示例项目。 请参阅此示例,了解在不使用 Typescript 的情况下使用 Mobx v6 的演示的装饰者。

import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit';
import { customElement, LitElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';
import { MobxLitElement } from '@adobe/lit-mobx';

// create a mobx observable
class Counter {
    public count = 0;

    public increment() {

// create instance that can be shared across components
const counter = new Counter();

// create a new custom element, and use the base MobxLitElement class
// alternatively you can use the MobxReactionUpdate mixin, e.g. `class MyElement extends MobxReactionUpdate(LitElement)`
export class MyElement extends MobxLitElement {
    private counter = counter;

    // any observables accessed in the render method will now trigger an update
    public render(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
            Count is ${this.counter.count}
            <br />
            <button @click=${this.incrementCount}>Add</button>

    private incrementCount() {



欢迎投稿! 阅读贡献指南了解更多信息。


这个项目是根据 Apache V2 许可证获得许可的。 有关详细信息,请参阅许可证

Known Vulnerabilities


Mixin and base class that allow easy usage of mobx observables with lit.

The mixin implementation is based heavily on the work of Alexander Weiss in his mobx-lit-element implementation. This has been rewritten to support multiple forms of usage (mixin, or base class) as well as to be based on typescript to get type definitions.


As a dependency:

npm install --save @adobe/lit-mobx lit mobx

LitElement 2.0 Usage

This library has been updated to the latest version of Lit which we highly recommend you update to. However if you wish to continue using LitMobx with LitElement 2.0 then install the 1.0 major version:

npm install --save @adobe/lit-mobx@^1.0.0

We will backport any security patches (though don't expect there to be any) in this major version as necessary.


npm install
npm run demo


See the JavaScript and TypeScript example projects on StackBlitz. See this example for a demonstration of usage with Mobx v6 in Typescript without the use of decorators.

import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit';
import { customElement, LitElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';
import { MobxLitElement } from '@adobe/lit-mobx';

// create a mobx observable
class Counter {
    public count = 0;

    public increment() {

// create instance that can be shared across components
const counter = new Counter();

// create a new custom element, and use the base MobxLitElement class
// alternatively you can use the MobxReactionUpdate mixin, e.g. `class MyElement extends MobxReactionUpdate(LitElement)`
export class MyElement extends MobxLitElement {
    private counter = counter;

    // any observables accessed in the render method will now trigger an update
    public render(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
            Count is ${this.counter.count}
            <br />
            <button @click=${this.incrementCount}>Add</button>

    private incrementCount() {

For further examples see the demo folder.


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.

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