< a href="#install">安装 | 用法 | 例子 | 数据标准 | API 文档
这是一个允许您设置、获取和删除与以太坊帐户关联的私人和公共数据的库。 使用支持 web3 的浏览器的 dapp 可以使用它来存储身份数据、用户设置等。 只要用户可以访问所用以太坊帐户的私钥,就可以检索数据。 数据经过加密处理,任何未经用户授权的第三方均无法读取。 默认情况下,所有授权 dapps 访问的数据有一个共享空间,然后 dapps 必须请求明确同意访问的空间。
Getting Started
在您的 npm 项目中安装 3box:
$ npm install 3box
Import 3Box into your project
导入 3box 模块
const Box = require('3box')
在您的 html 代码中使用 dist 构建导入
<script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/3box.js"></script>
或选择从 unpkg CDN 加载远程副本。
<!-- The most recent version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box/dist/3box.js"></script>
<!-- The most recent minified version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box/dist/3box.min.js"></script>
<!-- Load specific versions by specifying the version as follows -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box@<version>/dist/3box.js"></script>
Profiles API
Get the existing public profile of an address (or DID)
3Box 允许用户为其以太坊地址创建一个公共配置文件。 在你的 dapp 中,你可能有多个以太坊地址,你希望为这些地址显示名称、图像和其他基本社交元数据。 getProfile
方法允许您获取任何以太坊地址(如果有的话)的公开资料。 这是一个静态 方法,因此您可以直接从Box 对象调用它。
const profile = await Box.getProfile('0x12345abcde')
Update (get, set, remove) public and private profile data
3Box 允许应用程序创建、读取、更新和删除存储在用户 3Box 中的公共和私有数据。 要启用此功能,应用程序必须首先通过调用 auth
方法对用户的 3Box 进行身份验证。 此方法提示用户对您的 dapp 进行身份验证(登录)并返回带有 threeBox 实例的承诺。 您只能更新(设置、获取、删除)已通过身份验证并当前正在与您的 dapp 交互的用户的数据。 下面的 ethereumProvider
指的是您将从 web3.currentProvider
或 window.ethereum
1. Create a 3Box instance
要创建 3Box 会话,您可以调用 create
方法。 这将创建 Box 类的一个实例,该实例可用于以任何顺序打开线程和验证用户。 为了创建一个 3Box 会话,需要传递一个 provider
。 这可以是 ethereum provider
(来自 web3.currentProvider
或 window.ethereum
)或 3ID Provider
(来自 IdentityWallet)。 现在建议使用 3ID Connect Provider,这是一个 3ID 提供程序,它包装了可用的 ethereum providers
并将管理/许可 3ID 密钥、身份验证和 iframe 中的区块链帐户链接。 这将很快成为默认设置,并将覆盖通过的 ethereum providers
。 您可以按如下方式获取 3ID Connect Provider。
const provider = await Box.get3idConnectProvider()
const box = await Box.create(provider)
2. Authenticate user
调用 auth
方法将对用户进行身份验证。 如果您想将用户验证到一个或多个空间,您可以在此处指定。 如果您在创建 3Box 会话时使用了以太坊提供商,则需要将以太坊地址传递给 auth
方法。 如果用户没有现有的 3Box 帐户,此方法将在后台自动为他们创建一个。
const address = '0x12345abcde'
const spaces = ['myDapp']
await box.auth(spaces, { address })
3. Sync user's available 3Box data from the network
当您第一次验证 dapp 中的盒子时,所有数据可能尚未从网络同步。 因此,您应该等待数据完全同步。 为此,您只需等待 box.syncDone
await box.syncDone
这将使您知道何时可以使用所有用户数据。 我们建议不要在此同步发生之前设置任何数据。 但是,在同步完成之前读取数据是很好的,也是值得鼓励的——只要记住在同步完成后检查更新! 请注意,box.syncDone
只能在用户通过身份验证后调用,如果仅调用 Box.create
如果您不想使用承诺,您可以使用 onSyncDone
3. Interact with 3Box profile data
您现在可以使用 box
实例对象与存储在用户配置文件中的公共和私人数据进行交互。 在公共和私有数据存储中,您都使用 key
来设置 value
// use the public profile
// get
const nickname = await box.public.get('name')
// set
await box.public.set('name', 'oed')
// remove
await box.public.remove('name')
// use the private store
// get
const email = await box.private.get('email')
// set
await box.private.set('email', 'oed@email.service')
// remove
await box.private.remove('email')
Set multiple fields at once:
const fields = ['name', 'website', 'employer']
const values = ['Jon Schwartz', 'openworklabs.com', 'Open Work Labs']
await box.public.setMultiple(fields, values)
const privateFields = ['age', 'coinBalance']
const privateValues = ['xxx', 'yyy']
await box.private.setMultiple(privateFields, privateValues)
Open a thread
创建 3Box 会话后,您可以打开一个线程来查看其中的数据。 这可以在您对用户进行身份验证之前完成(他们需要在线程中发帖)。
打开线程时,需要提供审核选项。 您可以传递 firstModerator
,第一个主持人的 3ID(或以太坊地址),以及一个指示它是否是成员线程的 members
const thread = await box.openThread('myDapp', 'myThread', { firstModerator: 'did:3:bafy...', members: true })
打开一个线程后,您可以调用 getPosts()
Spaces API (Storage)
Open a space
空间是用户 3Box 的命名部分。 每个空间都有一个公共商店和一个私人商店,对于您打开的每个空间,用户必须明确同意才能查看该空间。 这意味着,如果您的 dapp 使用其他 dapp 未使用的空间,则只有您的 dapp 可以更新数据并读取该特定空间的私有存储。 要打开一个名为 narwhal
const space = await box.openSpace('narwhal')
Sync user's available space data from the network
await space.syncDone
Get, set, and remove space data
调用 空间的完成方式与与 box.public
和 box.private
的交互方式相同(参见此处). 例如:
const config = await space.private.get('dapp-config')
Threads API (Messaging)
Add public and confidential message threads to your app
线程是一种共享数据存储,通过允许一个或多个用户按顺序发布消息,实现用户之间的去中心化通信。 此功能非常适合向您的应用程序添加评论、聊天、消息传递、提要和流媒体功能。 线程保存在一个空间中,加入线程的用户(具有相同的名称、空间、审核配置和访问配置)将能够在该线程中进行通信。
Viewing a Public Thread
您可以在不打开空间的情况下获取公共线程中的所有帖子。 这对于允许您网站的访问者查看其他用户发表的评论非常有用。 这是通过调用 Box 对象的 getThread
方法实现的。 线程可以通过其所有配置选项或地址来引用。
const posts = await Box.getThread(spaceName, threadName, firstModerator, membersThread)
也可以在不打开空间的情况下查看线程,或者通过对从 openThread
返回的线程对象调用 getPosts()
const posts = await Box.getThreadByAddress(threadAddress)
但是,如果应用程序想要向线程添加交互性,例如允许用户在线程中发帖或关注线程中的更新,则需要打开它们的空间以启用其他功能。 机密线程也是如此,这需要您进行身份验证才能访问以查看机密线程中的帖子。
Interacting with a Thread
1.a Creating a Public Thread
要创建和加入公共线程,您只需加入线程即可。 这将隐式使用当前用户为 firstModerator
且 members
为 false 的审核选项。
const thread = await space.joinThread('myThread')
线程也可以在加入时获得审核选项。 您可以传递 firstModerator
、第一个主持人的 3ID 和一个指示它是否是成员线程的 members
布尔值。 版主可以添加其他版主、添加成员以及删除话题中的任何帖子。 会员可以在仅限会员的主题中发帖。
const thread = await space.joinThread('myThread', { firstModerator: 'some3ID', members: true })
1.b Creating a Confidential Thread
const thread = await space.createConfidentialThread('myConfThread')
2. Joining a Thread
现有的公共或机密线程可以通过其地址加入。 机密线程最好通过其地址引用。
const thread = await space.joinThreadByAddress('/orbitdb/zdpuAp5QpBKR4BBVTvqe3KXVcNgo4z8Rkp9C5eK38iuEZj3jq/3box.thread.testSpace.testThread')
const publicThread = await space.joinThread('myThread', { firstModerator: 'some3ID', members: true })
const threadAddress = thread.address
3. Posting to a thread
这允许用户向线程添加消息。 消息的作者将是用户的 3Box DID。 当用户在线程中发帖时,他们会自动订阅该线程,并将其保存在应用程序使用的空间中,关键字为 thread-threadName
await thread.post('hello world')
4. Getting all posts in a thread
const posts = await thread.getPosts()
5. Listening for updates in thread
这允许应用程序侦听线程中的新帖子,并在发生时执行操作,例如将新消息添加到应用程序的 UI。
6. Handling moderation and capabilities
await thread.addModerator('some3ID')
const mods = await thread.listModerators()
await thread.addMember('some3ID')
const members = await thread.listMembers()
Example Application
您可以通过查看 /example
文件夹中的文件来快速运行某些代码并与之交互。 您使用以下命令运行该示例:
$ npm ci
$ npm run example:start
这将在 http://localhost:3000/
运行一个简单的服务器,该服务器为静态 example/index.html
文件提供服务。 这使它可以轻松地与元掩码交互。 您可以编辑 example/index.html
Optimize build for read-only 3Box API
如果您只想从 3Box 的配置文件 API 获取配置文件数据,您可以通过仅导入那些函数或特定于 API 的 dist 文件来进行优化。 由于这包括最小的依赖项,因此文件大小约为 80kb,而完整构建的文件大小为 4+mb。
const { profileGraphQL, getProfile, getProfiles, getVerifiedAccounts } = require('3box/lib/api')
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box/dist/3box.api.min.js"></script>
Resolving build size issues and out of memory errors
某些平台、工具或配置导致构建过程抛出内存不足错误。 这是我们库的大小(加上依赖项)和您构建的特定配置的组合。 它可能是在依赖项上运行的工具之类的东西,而不仅仅是你的源代码或依赖项被递归解析。 无论如何,您都可以尝试通过添加以下环境变量来构建库,以增加节点进程的内存。
NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 npm run build
Data Standards
Dapp 可以存储仅与他们的 dapp 相关的用户数据。 然而,我们鼓励 dapps 在它们之间共享数据以获得更丰富的 web3 体验。 因此,我们创建了Key Conventions 以便促进这一点。 请随时对此文件进行 PR,以向社区解释您如何使用 3Box!
Validate claims
使用 idUtils
模块验证声明。 看
did-jwt 库了解更多详情。
const { idUtils } = require('3box')
const claim = 'eyJ0eX...'
.then(valid => console.info('details:', valid)
.catch(err => console.error('claim verification failed:', err)
API Documentation
new Box()
请使用openBox< /strong> 方法来实例化一个 3Box
Kind: Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
public |
KeyValueStore |
access the profile store of the users 3Box |
Name |
Type |
Description |
private |
KeyValueStore |
access the private store of the users 3Box |
Name |
Type |
Description |
verified |
Verified |
check and create verifications |
Name |
Type |
Description |
spaces |
Object |
an object containing all open spaces indexed by their name. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
syncDone |
Promise |
A promise that is resolved when the box is synced |
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
the DID of the user |
box.auth(spaces, opts)
Kind: Box 的实例方法
Param |
Type |
Description |
spaces |
Array.<String> |
A list of spaces to authenticate (optional) |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.address |
String |
An ethereum address |
opts.consentCallback |
function |
A function that will be called when the user has consented to opening the box |
box.openSpace(name, opts) ⇒ Space
Kind: 盒子
- 给定空间名称的 Space 实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the space |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.consentCallback |
function |
A function that will be called when the user has consented to opening the box |
opts.onSyncDone |
function |
A function that will be called when the space has finished syncing with the pinning node |
< /a>
box.openThread(space, name, opts) ⇒ Thread
打开一个线程。 使用它开始接收更新
- 加入线程的线程类实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
space |
String |
The name of the space for this thread |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.firstModerator |
String |
DID of first moderator of a thread, by default, user is first moderator |
opts.members |
Boolean |
join a members only thread, which only members can post in, defaults to open thread |
opts.noAutoSub |
Boolean |
Disable auto subscription to the thread when posting to it (default false) |
opts.ghost |
Boolean |
Enable ephemeral messaging via Ghost Thread |
opts.ghostBacklogLimit |
Number |
The number of posts to maintain in the ghost backlog |
opts.ghostFilters |
Array.<function()> |
Array of functions for filtering messages |
box.onSyncDone(syncDone) ⇒ Promise
- 当框被同步时实现的承诺
Param |
Type |
Description |
syncDone |
function |
The function that will be called |
创建链接以太坊地址的证明到用户的 3Box 帐户。 如果给出证明,它将被简单地添加到根存储中。
Param |
Type |
Description |
[link] |
Object |
Optional link object with type or proof |
[link.proof] |
Object |
Proof object, should follow spec |
Kind: Box
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
address that is linked |
检查是否有证明将外部帐户链接到用户的 3Box 帐户。 如果没有给定参数并且存在任何链接,则返回 true
Param |
Type |
Description |
[query] |
Object |
Optional object with address and/or type. |
[query.type] |
String |
Does the given type of link exist |
[query.address] |
String |
Is the given adressed linked |
box.listAddressLinks() ⇒ Array
列出与此 3Box 关联的地址链接
Kind: Box
- 链接对象数组
关闭 3box 实例并清除本地缓存。 如果你这样称呼,
你叫 openBox。
验证 & 的模块 验证声明
idUtils.verifyClaim ⇒ Object
有关详细信息,请参阅 https://github.com/uport-project/did-jwt/。
- 经过验证的声明
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.audience |
string |
The DID of the JWT's audience |
idUtils.isSupportedDID(did) ⇒ \*
| boolean
检查字符串是否为 muport
| boolean
- did 是否为受支持的 did
Param |
Type |
Description |
did |
String |
A string containing a user did |
idUtils.isClaim(claim, opts) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>
Kind: idUtils
- 参数是否为实际声明
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.audience |
string |
The DID of the audience of the JWT |
Box.create(provider, opts) ⇒ Box
Kind 的实例:Box
- 3Box 会话实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
provider |
provider |
A 3ID provider, or ethereum provider |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.pinningNode |
String |
A string with an ipfs multi-address to a 3box pinning node |
opts.ipfs |
Object |
A js-ipfs ipfs object |
opts.addressServer |
String |
URL of the Address Server |
Box.get3idConnectProvider() ⇒ 3IDProvider
返回和 3ID Connect Provider 来管理密钥、身份验证和帐户链接。 将来成为默认值。
- 解析为 3ID Connect Provider 的 Promise
Box.openBox(address, provider, opts) ⇒ Box
打开与给定地址关联的 3Box
- 给定地址的 3Box 实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
provider |
provider |
An ethereum or 3ID provider |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.consentCallback |
function |
A function that will be called when the user has consented to opening the box |
opts.pinningNode |
String |
A string with an ipfs multi-address to a 3box pinning node |
opts.ipfs |
Object |
A js-ipfs ipfs object |
opts.addressServer |
String |
URL of the Address Server |
opts.contentSignature |
String |
A signature, provided by a client of 3box using the private keys associated with the given address, of the 3box consent message |
Box.isLoggedIn(address) ⇒ Boolean
Kind 中登录:Box
- 如果用户登录则为真
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
Box.getIPFS() ⇒ IPFS
在不调用 openBox 的情况下实例化 3Box 使用的 ipfs。
- ipfs 实例
Kind: global class
- BoxApi
- .listSpaces(address, opts) ⇒
- .getSpace(address, name, opts) ⇒
- .getThread(space, name, firstModerator, members, opts) ⇒
- .getThreadByAddress(address, opts) ⇒
- .getConfig(address, opts) ⇒
- .getProfile(address, opts) ⇒
- .getProfiles(address, opts) ⇒
- .profileGraphQL(query, opts) ⇒
- .getVerifiedAccounts(profile) ⇒
BoxApi.listSpaces(address, opts) ⇒ Object
Kind : BoxApi
返回: Object
- 一个所有空格都是字符串的数组
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getSpace(address, name, opts) ⇒ Object
- 带有公共空间数据的 json 对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
name |
String |
A space name |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.blocklist |
function |
A function that takes an address and returns true if the user has been blocked |
opts.metadata |
String |
flag to retrieve metadata |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getThread(space, name, firstModerator, members, opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
- 帖子数组
Param |
Type |
Description |
space |
String |
The name of the space the thread is in |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
firstModerator |
String |
The DID (or ethereum address) of the first moderator |
members |
Boolean |
True if only members are allowed to post |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getThreadByAddress(address, opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
- 一个帖子数组
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The orbitdb-address of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getConfig(address, opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
获取a的配置users 3Box
Kind: BoxApi
- 帖子数组
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The ethereum address |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getProfile(address, opts) ⇒ Object
- 具有给定地址配置文件的 json 对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.blocklist |
function |
A function that takes an address and returns true if the user has been blocked |
opts.metadata |
String |
flag to retrieve metadata |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getProfiles(address, opts) ⇒ Object
获取给定的公共配置文件列表地址。 这依赖于 3Box 配置文件 API。
- 一个 json 对象,每个键都有一个地址和值配置文件
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
Array |
An array of ethereum addresses |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.profileGraphQL(query, opts) ⇒ Object
GraphQL for 3Box profile API
< strong>种类:BoxApi
- 一个 json 对象,每个键都有一个地址和值配置文件
Param |
Type |
Description |
query |
Object |
A graphQL query object. |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.graphqlServer |
String |
URL of graphQL 3Box profile service |
BoxApi.getVerifiedAccounts(profile) ⇒ Object
- 包含已验证帐户的对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
profile |
Object |
A user profile object, received from the getProfile function |
new KeyValueStore()
请使用box.public 或box.private 获取该类的实例
keyValueStore.get(key, opts) ⇒ String
| Object
| Object
- 与键关联的值,如果没有这样的键则未定义
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
opts |
Object |
optional parameters |
opts.metadata |
Boolean |
return both value and metadata |
Kind: KeyValueStore
- 键的元数据,如果没有这样的键则未定义
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
keyValueStore.set(key, value) ⇒ Boolean
- 如果成功则为真
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
value |
String |
the value |
keyValueStore.setMultiple(keys, values) ⇒ Boolean
种类: KeyValueStore
- 如果成功则为真,否则则抛出错误
Param |
Type |
Description |
keys |
Array.<String> |
the keys |
values |
Array.<String> |
the values |
keyValueStore.remove(key) ⇒ Boolean
- 如果成功则为真
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
keyValueStore.all(opts) ⇒ Array.<(String\|{value: String, timestamp: Number})>
Kind: KeyValueStore
返回:Array.<(String\|{value: String, timestamp: Number})>
- 值
Param |
Type |
Description |
opts |
Object |
optional parameters |
opts.metadata |
Boolean |
return both values and metadata |
keyValueStore.log() ⇒ Array.<Object>
返回底层日志条目的数组。 根据他们的 Lamport 时钟以线性化顺序排列。
- 有序日志条目对象数组
const log = store.log
const entry = log[0]
// { op: 'PUT', key: 'Name', value: 'Botbot', timeStamp: '1538575416068' }
Kind:User 的实例属性
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
the DID of the user |
user.signClaim(payload, opts) ⇒ String
签署 JWT 声明
Kind: 的实例方法用户
- 签名的 JWT
Param |
Type |
Description |
payload |
Object |
The payload to sign |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
user.encrypt(message, opts, to) ⇒ Object
加密消息。 默认情况下对称加密消息
使用用户私钥。 如果使用 to
- 包含加密负载的对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
message |
String |
The message to encrypt |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
to |
String |
The receiver of the message, a DID or an ethereum address |
user.decrypt(encryptedObject) ⇒ String
- 明文消息
Param |
Type |
Description |
encryptedObject |
Object |
The encrypted message to decrypt (as encoded by the encrypt method |
new Space()
Kind: instance 空间
Name |
Type |
Description |
public |
KeyValueStore |
access the profile store of the space |
Name |
Type |
Description |
private |
KeyValueStore |
access the private store of the space |
Name |
Type |
Description |
syncDone |
Promise |
A promise that is resolved when the space data is synced |
Name |
Type |
Description |
user |
User |
access the user object to encrypt data and sign claims |
space.joinThread(name, opts) ⇒ Thread
加入一个线程。 使用它开始接收来自线程的更新,并在线程中发布
- 已加入线程的线程类实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.firstModerator |
String |
DID of first moderator of a thread, by default, user is first moderator |
opts.members |
Boolean |
join a members only thread, which only members can post in, defaults to open thread |
opts.confidential |
Boolean |
create a confidential thread with true or join existing confidential thread with an encKeyId string |
opts.noAutoSub |
Boolean |
Disable auto subscription to the thread when posting to it (default false) |
opts.ghost |
Boolean |
Enable ephemeral messaging via Ghost Thread |
opts.ghostBacklogLimit |
Number |
The number of posts to maintain in the ghost backlog |
opts.ghostFilters |
Array.<function()> |
Array of functions for filtering messages |
space.createConfidentialThread(name) ⇒ Thread
- 已创建线程的线程类实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
space.joinThreadByAddress(address, opts) ⇒ Thread
通过完整的线程地址加入线程。 使用它开始接收来自线程的更新,并在线程中发布
- 加入线程的线程类实例
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The full address of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.noAutoSub |
Boolean |
Disable auto subscription to the thread when posting to it (default false) |
space.subscribeThread(address, config)
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The address of the thread |
config |
Object |
configuration and thread meta data |
opts.name |
String |
Name of thread |
opts.firstModerator |
String |
DID of the first moderator |
opts.members |
String |
Boolean string, true if a members only thread |
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The address of the thread |
space.subscribedThreads() ⇒ Array.<Objects>
- 作为{address, firstModerator, members, name}
new Thread()
thread.post(message) ⇒ String
- 新帖子的postId
Param |
Type |
Description |
message |
Object |
The message |
Kind: Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Moderator Id |
thread.listModerators() ⇒ Array.<String>
- 主持人 DID 数组
Kind: Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Member Id |
thread.listMembers() ⇒ Array.<String>
Kind: 实例方法线程
- 成员 DID 数组
Param |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Moderator Id |
< a name="Thread+getPosts">
thread.getPosts(opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
如果传递 gt、gte、lt 或 lte 时未找到散列,
- 如果成功则返回true
Param |
Type |
Description |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.gt |
String |
Greater than, takes an postId |
opts.gte |
String |
Greater than or equal to, takes an postId |
opts.lt |
String |
Less than, takes an postId |
opts.lte |
String |
Less than or equal to, takes an postId |
opts.limit |
Integer |
Limiting the number of entries in result, defaults to -1 (no limit) |
opts.reverse |
Boolean |
If set to true will result in reversing the result |
Param |
Type |
Description |
updateFn |
function |
The function that will get called |
该函数接受一个参数,即 capabilities obj,或者
您可以再次调用 listModerator / listMembers。
Param |
Type |
Description |
updateFn |
function |
The function that will get called |
Kind< 的实例方法/strong>: global class
new Verified()
verified.DID() ⇒ String
返回用户的已验证 DID
Kind: Verified
- 用户的 DID
verified.github() ⇒ Object
- 包含用户名和证明的对象
verified.addGithub(gistUrl) ⇒ Object
向用户配置文件添加 github 验证
- 包含用户名和证明的对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
gistUrl |
Object |
URL of the proof |
验证用户是否拥有有效的 Twitter 帐户
- 包含用户名、证明和验证者的对象
- 包含用户名、证明和验证器的对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
A did-JWT claim ownership of a twitter username |
verified.email() ⇒ Object
- 包含用户名、证明和验证者的对象
verified.addEmail(claim) ⇒ Object
- 包含用户名、证明和验证者的对象
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
A did-JWT claim ownership of an email username |
Install | Usage | Example | Data Standards | API Docs
This is a library which allows you to set, get, and remove private and public data associated with an ethereum account. It can be used to store identity data, user settings, etc. by dapps that use a web3 enabled browser. The data will be retrievable as long as the user has access to the private key for the used ethereum account. The data is encrypted and can not be read by any third party that the user hasn't authorized. There is one shared space for data which all authorized dapps access by default, then there are spaces which dapps have to request explicit consent to access.
Getting Started
Install 3box in your npm project:
$ npm install 3box
Import 3Box into your project
Import the 3box module
const Box = require('3box')
Import using the dist build in your html code
<script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/3box.js"></script>
Or optionally by loading remote copy from unpkg CDN.
<!-- The most recent version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box/dist/3box.js"></script>
<!-- The most recent minified version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box/dist/3box.min.js"></script>
<!-- Load specific versions by specifying the version as follows -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box@<version>/dist/3box.js"></script>
Profiles API
Get the existing public profile of an address (or DID)
3Box allows users to create a public profile for their Ethereum address. In your dapp you might have multiple ethereum addresses that you would like to display a name, image, and other basic social metadata for. The getProfile
method allows you to fetch the public profile of any ethereum address (if it has one). This is a static method so you can call it directly from the Box object.
const profile = await Box.getProfile('0x12345abcde')
Update (get, set, remove) public and private profile data
3Box allows applications to create, read, update, and delete public and private data stored in a user's 3Box. To enable this functionality, applications must first authenticate the user's 3Box by calling the auth
method. This method prompts the user to authenticate (sign-in) to your dapp and returns a promise with a threeBox instance. You can only update (set, get, remove) data for users that have authenticated to and are currently interacting with your dapp. Below ethereumProvider
refers to the object that you would get from web3.currentProvider
, or window.ethereum
1. Create a 3Box instance
To create a 3Box session you call the create
method. This creates an instance of the Box class which can be used to openThreads and authenticate the user in any order. In order to create a 3Box session a provider
needs to be passed. This can be an ethereum provider
(from web3.currentProvider
, or window.ethereum
) or a 3ID Provider
(from IdentityWallet). It is now suggested to use the 3ID Connect Provider, which is a 3ID provider that wraps available ethereum providers
and will manage/permission 3ID keys, authentication and blockchain account links inside an iframe. This will become the default soon and will overide passed ethereum providers
. You can get the 3ID Connect Provider as follows.
const provider = await Box.get3idConnectProvider()
const box = await Box.create(provider)
2. Authenticate user
Calling the auth
method will authenticate the user. If you want to authenticate the user to one or multiple spaces you can specify this here. If when you created the 3Box session you used an ethereum provider you need to pass an ethereum address to the auth
method. If the user does not have an existing 3Box account, this method will automatically create one for them in the background.
const address = '0x12345abcde'
const spaces = ['myDapp']
await box.auth(spaces, { address })
3. Sync user's available 3Box data from the network
When you first authenticate the box in your dapp all data might not be synced from the network yet. You should therefore wait for the data to be fully synced. To do this you can simply await the box.syncDone
await box.syncDone
This will allow you to know when all the user's data is available to you. We advise against setting any data before this sync has happened. However, reading data before the sync is complete is fine and encouraged - just remember to check for updates once the sync is finished! Please note, box.syncDone
can only be called once the user has been authenticated, it is not possible if only the Box.create
method has been called.
If you prefer to not use promises you can add a callback using the onSyncDone
3. Interact with 3Box profile data
You can now use the box
instance object to interact with public and private data stored in the user's profile. In both the public and the private data store you use a key
to set a value
// use the public profile
// get
const nickname = await box.public.get('name')
// set
await box.public.set('name', 'oed')
// remove
await box.public.remove('name')
// use the private store
// get
const email = await box.private.get('email')
// set
await box.private.set('email', 'oed@email.service')
// remove
await box.private.remove('email')
Set multiple fields at once:
const fields = ['name', 'website', 'employer']
const values = ['Jon Schwartz', 'openworklabs.com', 'Open Work Labs']
await box.public.setMultiple(fields, values)
const privateFields = ['age', 'coinBalance']
const privateValues = ['xxx', 'yyy']
await box.private.setMultiple(privateFields, privateValues)
Open a thread
Once you have created a 3Box session you can open a thread to view data in it. This can be done before you authenticate the user (required for them to post in the thread).
When opening a thread the moderation options need to be given. You can pass firstModerator
, a 3ID (or ethereum address) of the first moderator, and a members
boolean which indicates if it is a members thread or not.
const thread = await box.openThread('myDapp', 'myThread', { firstModerator: 'did:3:bafy...', members: true })
Once a thread has been opened you can call the getPosts()
method to retrive the posts.
Spaces API (Storage)
Open a space
A space is a named section of a users 3Box. Each space has both a public and a private store, and for every space you open the user has to grant explicit consent to view that space. This means that if your dapp uses a space that no other dapp uses, only your dapp is allowed to update the data and read the private store of that particular space. To open a space called narwhal
you simply call:
const space = await box.openSpace('narwhal')
Sync user's available space data from the network
Similarly to how you need to wait for data to sync in a users main data storage, you may also do the same thing for a space:
await space.syncDone
Get, set, and remove space data
Interacting with data in a space is done in the same way as interacting with box.public
and box.private
(see here). For example:
const config = await space.private.get('dapp-config')
Threads API (Messaging)
Add public and confidential message threads to your app
Threads are a shared datastore that enable decentralized communication between users, by allowing one or more users to post messages in a sequence. This functionality is great for adding commenting, chat, messaging, feed, and stream features to your application. Threads are saved within a space and users that join a thread (with the same name, space, moderation configs, and access configs) will be able to communicate in that thread.
For the fully detailed spec, view the documentation.
Viewing a Public Thread
You can get all posts made in a public thread without opening a space. This is great for allowing visitors of your site view comments made by other users. This is achieved by calling the getThread
method on the Box object. A thread can be referenced by all its configuration options or by its address.
const posts = await Box.getThread(spaceName, threadName, firstModerator, membersThread)
Threads can also be viewed without opening space, or authenticating by calling the getPosts()
method on the thread object returned from openThread
(see Open a thread section above).
const posts = await Box.getThreadByAddress(threadAddress)
However if applications want to add interactivity to the thread, such as allowing the user to post in a thread or follow updates in a thread, you will need to open their space to enable additional functionality. Same is true for a confidential thread, which requires you autheticate to get access to view the posts in a confidential thread.
Interacting with a Thread
1.a Creating a Public Thread
To create and join a public thread, you can simply join the thread. This will implicitly use the moderation options where the current user is the firstModerator
and members
is false.
const thread = await space.joinThread('myThread')
A thread can also be given the moderation options when joining. You can pass firstModerator
, a 3ID of the first moderator, and a members
boolean which indicates if it is a members thread or not. Moderators can add other moderators, add members, and delete any posts in the thread. Members can post in member only threads.
const thread = await space.joinThread('myThread', { firstModerator: 'some3ID', members: true })
1.b Creating a Confidential Thread
To create and join a confidential thread.
const thread = await space.createConfidentialThread('myConfThread')
At creation you will likely want to add other members so that they can read and write messages to the thread, as shown below.
2. Joining a Thread
An existing public or confidential thread can be joined by its address. Confidential threads are best referenced by their address.
const thread = await space.joinThreadByAddress('/orbitdb/zdpuAp5QpBKR4BBVTvqe3KXVcNgo4z8Rkp9C5eK38iuEZj3jq/3box.thread.testSpace.testThread')
While public threads can be joined by address or by passing known configs (same as above).
const publicThread = await space.joinThread('myThread', { firstModerator: 'some3ID', members: true })
An address of a thread can be found as follows once joined.
const threadAddress = thread.address
3. Posting to a thread
This allows the user to add a message to the thread. The author of the message will be the user's 3Box DID. When a user posts in a thread, they are automatically subscribed to the thread and it is saved in the space used by the application under the key thread-threadName
await thread.post('hello world')
4. Getting all posts in a thread
This allows applications to get the posts in a thread.
const posts = await thread.getPosts()
5. Listening for updates in thread
This allows applications to listen for new posts in the thread, and perform an action when this occurs, such as adding the new message to the application's UI.
6. Handling moderation and capabilities
Add a moderator and list all existing moderators
await thread.addModerator('some3ID')
const mods = await thread.listModerators()
Add a member and list all existing members, if a members only thread
await thread.addMember('some3ID')
const members = await thread.listMembers()
Listen for when there has been moderators or member added.
Example Application
You can quickly run and interact with some code by looking at the files in the /example
folder. You run the example with the following commands:
$ npm ci
$ npm run example:start
This runs a simple server at http://localhost:3000/
that serves the static example/index.html
file. This allows it easily interact with metamask. You can edit the example/index.html
file to try differnt code.
Optimize build for read-only 3Box API
If you only want to fetch profile data from 3Box's profile APIs you can optimize by importing only those functions or the API specific dist file. Since this includes minimal dependencies, file size is ~ 80kb vs 4+mb for the full build.
const { profileGraphQL, getProfile, getProfiles, getVerifiedAccounts } = require('3box/lib/api')
<script src="https://unpkg.com/3box/dist/3box.api.min.js"></script>
Resolving build size issues and out of memory errors
Some platforms, tooling, or configs have caused the build process to throw out of memory errors. This is a combination of the size of our library (plus dependencies) and the specific configs you have for your build. It could be things like tooling running on dependencies and not just your source or dependencies be recursively resolved. You can attempt to build the library anyways by adding the follow environment variable to increase memory for the node process.
NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 npm run build
Data Standards
Dapps can store data about users that relate to only their dapp. However we encurage dapps to share data between them for a richer web3 experience. Therefore we have created Key Conventions in order to facilitate this. Feel free to make a PR to this file to explain to the community how you use 3Box!
Validate claims
Use the idUtils
module to validate claims. See
the did-jwt library for more details.
const { idUtils } = require('3box')
const claim = 'eyJ0eX...'
.then(valid => console.info('details:', valid)
.catch(err => console.error('claim verification failed:', err)
API Documentation
Kind: global class
Extends: BoxApi
new Box()
Please use the openBox method to instantiate a 3Box
Kind: instance property of Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
public |
KeyValueStore |
access the profile store of the users 3Box |
Kind: instance property of Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
private |
KeyValueStore |
access the private store of the users 3Box |
Kind: instance property of Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
verified |
Verified |
check and create verifications |
Kind: instance property of Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
spaces |
Object |
an object containing all open spaces indexed by their name. |
Kind: instance property of Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
syncDone |
Promise |
A promise that is resolved when the box is synced |
Kind: instance property of Box
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
the DID of the user |
box.auth(spaces, opts)
Authenticate the user
Kind: instance method of Box
Param |
Type |
Description |
spaces |
Array.<String> |
A list of spaces to authenticate (optional) |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.address |
String |
An ethereum address |
opts.consentCallback |
function |
A function that will be called when the user has consented to opening the box |
box.openSpace(name, opts) ⇒ Space
Opens the space with the given name in the users 3Box
Kind: instance method of Box
Returns: Space
- the Space instance for the given space name
Param |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the space |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.consentCallback |
function |
A function that will be called when the user has consented to opening the box |
opts.onSyncDone |
function |
A function that will be called when the space has finished syncing with the pinning node |
box.openThread(space, name, opts) ⇒ Thread
Open a thread. Use this to start receiving updates
Kind: instance method of Box
Returns: Thread
- An instance of the thread class for the joined thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
space |
String |
The name of the space for this thread |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.firstModerator |
String |
DID of first moderator of a thread, by default, user is first moderator |
opts.members |
Boolean |
join a members only thread, which only members can post in, defaults to open thread |
opts.noAutoSub |
Boolean |
Disable auto subscription to the thread when posting to it (default false) |
opts.ghost |
Boolean |
Enable ephemeral messaging via Ghost Thread |
opts.ghostBacklogLimit |
Number |
The number of posts to maintain in the ghost backlog |
opts.ghostFilters |
Array.<function()> |
Array of functions for filtering messages |
box.onSyncDone(syncDone) ⇒ Promise
Sets the callback function that will be called once when the box is fully synced.
Kind: instance method of Box
Returns: Promise
- A promise that is fulfilled when the box is syned
Param |
Type |
Description |
syncDone |
function |
The function that will be called |
Creates a proof that links an ethereum address to the 3Box account of the user. If given proof, it will simply be added to the root store.
Kind: instance method of Box
Param |
Type |
Description |
[link] |
Object |
Optional link object with type or proof |
[link.proof] |
Object |
Proof object, should follow spec |
Remove given address link, returns true if successful
Kind: instance method of Box
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
address that is linked |
Checks if there is a proof that links an external account to the 3Box account of the user. If not params given and any link exists, returns true
Kind: instance method of Box
Param |
Type |
Description |
[query] |
Object |
Optional object with address and/or type. |
[query.type] |
String |
Does the given type of link exist |
[query.address] |
String |
Is the given adressed linked |
box.listAddressLinks() ⇒ Array
Lists address links associated with this 3Box
Kind: instance method of Box
Returns: Array
- An array of link objects
Closes the 3box instance and clears local cache. If you call this,
users will need to sign a consent message to log in the next time
you call openBox.
Kind: instance method of Box
A module to verify & validate claims
Kind: static property of Box
idUtils.verifyClaim ⇒ Object
Verify a claim and return its content.
See https://github.com/uport-project/did-jwt/ for more details.
Kind: static property of idUtils
Returns: Object
- The validated claim
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.audience |
string |
The DID of the JWT's audience |
idUtils.isSupportedDID(did) ⇒ \*
| boolean
Check whether a string is a muport did or not
Kind: static method of idUtils
Returns: \*
| boolean
- Whether the did is a supported did or not
Param |
Type |
Description |
did |
String |
A string containing a user did |
idUtils.isClaim(claim, opts) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>
Check whether a string is a valid claim or not
Kind: static method of idUtils
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- whether the parameter is an actual claim
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.audience |
string |
The DID of the audience of the JWT |
Box.create(provider, opts) ⇒ Box
Creates an instance of 3Box
Kind: static method of Box
Returns: Box
- the 3Box session instance
Param |
Type |
Description |
provider |
provider |
A 3ID provider, or ethereum provider |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.pinningNode |
String |
A string with an ipfs multi-address to a 3box pinning node |
opts.ipfs |
Object |
A js-ipfs ipfs object |
opts.addressServer |
String |
URL of the Address Server |
Box.get3idConnectProvider() ⇒ 3IDProvider
Returns and 3ID Connect Provider to manage keys, authentication and account links. Becomes default in future.
Kind: static method of Box
Returns: 3IDProvider
- Promise that resolves to a 3ID Connect Provider
Box.openBox(address, provider, opts) ⇒ Box
Opens the 3Box associated with the given address
Kind: static method of Box
Returns: Box
- the 3Box instance for the given address
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
provider |
provider |
An ethereum or 3ID provider |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.consentCallback |
function |
A function that will be called when the user has consented to opening the box |
opts.pinningNode |
String |
A string with an ipfs multi-address to a 3box pinning node |
opts.ipfs |
Object |
A js-ipfs ipfs object |
opts.addressServer |
String |
URL of the Address Server |
opts.contentSignature |
String |
A signature, provided by a client of 3box using the private keys associated with the given address, of the 3box consent message |
Box.isLoggedIn(address) ⇒ Boolean
Check if the given address is logged in
Kind: static method of Box
Returns: Boolean
- true if the user is logged in
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
Box.getIPFS() ⇒ IPFS
Instanciate ipfs used by 3Box without calling openBox.
Kind: static method of Box
Returns: IPFS
- the ipfs instance
Kind: global class
- BoxApi
- .listSpaces(address, opts) ⇒
- .getSpace(address, name, opts) ⇒
- .getThread(space, name, firstModerator, members, opts) ⇒
- .getThreadByAddress(address, opts) ⇒
- .getConfig(address, opts) ⇒
- .getProfile(address, opts) ⇒
- .getProfiles(address, opts) ⇒
- .profileGraphQL(query, opts) ⇒
- .getVerifiedAccounts(profile) ⇒
BoxApi.listSpaces(address, opts) ⇒ Object
Get the names of all spaces a user has
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Object
- an array with all spaces as strings
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getSpace(address, name, opts) ⇒ Object
Get the public data in a space of a given address with the given name
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Object
- a json object with the public space data
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
name |
String |
A space name |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.blocklist |
function |
A function that takes an address and returns true if the user has been blocked |
opts.metadata |
String |
flag to retrieve metadata |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getThread(space, name, firstModerator, members, opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
Get all posts that are made to a thread.
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Array.<Object>
- An array of posts
Param |
Type |
Description |
space |
String |
The name of the space the thread is in |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
firstModerator |
String |
The DID (or ethereum address) of the first moderator |
members |
Boolean |
True if only members are allowed to post |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getThreadByAddress(address, opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
Get all posts that are made to a thread.
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Array.<Object>
- An array of posts
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The orbitdb-address of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getConfig(address, opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
Get the configuration of a users 3Box
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Array.<Object>
- An array of posts
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The ethereum address |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getProfile(address, opts) ⇒ Object
Get the public profile of a given address
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Object
- a json object with the profile for the given address
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
An ethereum address |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.blocklist |
function |
A function that takes an address and returns true if the user has been blocked |
opts.metadata |
String |
flag to retrieve metadata |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.getProfiles(address, opts) ⇒ Object
Get a list of public profiles for given addresses. This relies on 3Box profile API.
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Object
- a json object with each key an address and value the profile
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
Array |
An array of ethereum addresses |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.profileServer |
String |
URL of Profile API server |
BoxApi.profileGraphQL(query, opts) ⇒ Object
GraphQL for 3Box profile API
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Object
- a json object with each key an address and value the profile
Param |
Type |
Description |
query |
Object |
A graphQL query object. |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.graphqlServer |
String |
URL of graphQL 3Box profile service |
BoxApi.getVerifiedAccounts(profile) ⇒ Object
Verifies the proofs of social accounts that is present in the profile.
Kind: static method of BoxApi
Returns: Object
- An object containing the accounts that have been verified
Param |
Type |
Description |
profile |
Object |
A user profile object, received from the getProfile function |
Kind: global class
new KeyValueStore()
Please use box.public or box.private to get the instance of this class
keyValueStore.get(key, opts) ⇒ String
| Object
Get the value and optionally metadata of the given key
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: String
| Object
- the value associated with the key, undefined if there's no such key
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
opts |
Object |
optional parameters |
opts.metadata |
Boolean |
return both value and metadata |
Get metadata for for a given key
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: Metadata
- Metadata for the key, undefined if there's no such key
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
keyValueStore.set(key, value) ⇒ Boolean
Set a value for the given key
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: Boolean
- true if successful
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
value |
String |
the value |
keyValueStore.setMultiple(keys, values) ⇒ Boolean
Set multiple values for multiple keys
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: Boolean
- true if successful, throw error if not
Param |
Type |
Description |
keys |
Array.<String> |
the keys |
values |
Array.<String> |
the values |
keyValueStore.remove(key) ⇒ Boolean
Remove the value for the given key
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: Boolean
- true if successful
Param |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
the key |
keyValueStore.all(opts) ⇒ Array.<(String\|{value: String, timestamp: Number})>
Get all values and optionally metadata
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: Array.<(String\|{value: String, timestamp: Number})>
- the values
Param |
Type |
Description |
opts |
Object |
optional parameters |
opts.metadata |
Boolean |
return both values and metadata |
keyValueStore.log() ⇒ Array.<Object>
Returns array of underlying log entries. In linearized order according to their Lamport clocks.
Useful for generating a complete history of all operations on store.
Kind: instance method of KeyValueStore
Returns: Array.<Object>
- Array of ordered log entry objects
const log = store.log
const entry = log[0]
// { op: 'PUT', key: 'Name', value: 'Botbot', timeStamp: '1538575416068' }
Class representing a user.
Kind: global class
Kind: instance property of User
Name |
Type |
Description |
String |
the DID of the user |
user.signClaim(payload, opts) ⇒ String
Sign a JWT claim
Kind: instance method of User
Returns: String
- The signed JWT
Param |
Type |
Description |
payload |
Object |
The payload to sign |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
user.encrypt(message, opts, to) ⇒ Object
Encrypt a message. By default encrypts messages symmetrically
with the users private key. If the to
parameter is used,
the message will be asymmetrically encrypted to the recipient.
Kind: instance method of User
Returns: Object
- An object containing the encrypted payload
Param |
Type |
Description |
message |
String |
The message to encrypt |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
to |
String |
The receiver of the message, a DID or an ethereum address |
user.decrypt(encryptedObject) ⇒ String
Decrypts a message if the user owns the correct key to decrypt it.
Kind: instance method of User
Returns: String
- The clear text message
Param |
Type |
Description |
encryptedObject |
Object |
The encrypted message to decrypt (as encoded by the encrypt method |
Kind: global class
new Space()
Please use box.openSpace to get the instance of this class
Kind: instance property of Space
Name |
Type |
Description |
public |
KeyValueStore |
access the profile store of the space |
Kind: instance property of Space
Name |
Type |
Description |
private |
KeyValueStore |
access the private store of the space |
Kind: instance property of Space
Name |
Type |
Description |
syncDone |
Promise |
A promise that is resolved when the space data is synced |
Kind: instance property of Space
Name |
Type |
Description |
user |
User |
access the user object to encrypt data and sign claims |
space.joinThread(name, opts) ⇒ Thread
Join a thread. Use this to start receiving updates from, and to post in threads
Kind: instance method of Space
Returns: Thread
- An instance of the thread class for the joined thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.firstModerator |
String |
DID of first moderator of a thread, by default, user is first moderator |
opts.members |
Boolean |
join a members only thread, which only members can post in, defaults to open thread |
opts.confidential |
Boolean |
create a confidential thread with true or join existing confidential thread with an encKeyId string |
opts.noAutoSub |
Boolean |
Disable auto subscription to the thread when posting to it (default false) |
opts.ghost |
Boolean |
Enable ephemeral messaging via Ghost Thread |
opts.ghostBacklogLimit |
Number |
The number of posts to maintain in the ghost backlog |
opts.ghostFilters |
Array.<function()> |
Array of functions for filtering messages |
space.createConfidentialThread(name) ⇒ Thread
Create a confidential thread
Kind: instance method of Space
Returns: Thread
- An instance of the thread class for the created thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the thread |
space.joinThreadByAddress(address, opts) ⇒ Thread
Join a thread by full thread address. Use this to start receiving updates from, and to post in threads
Kind: instance method of Space
Returns: Thread
- An instance of the thread class for the joined thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The full address of the thread |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.noAutoSub |
Boolean |
Disable auto subscription to the thread when posting to it (default false) |
space.subscribeThread(address, config)
Subscribe to the given thread, if not already subscribed
Kind: instance method of Space
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The address of the thread |
config |
Object |
configuration and thread meta data |
opts.name |
String |
Name of thread |
opts.firstModerator |
String |
DID of the first moderator |
opts.members |
String |
Boolean string, true if a members only thread |
Unsubscribe from the given thread, if subscribed
Kind: instance method of Space
Param |
Type |
Description |
address |
String |
The address of the thread |
space.subscribedThreads() ⇒ Array.<Objects>
Get a list of all the threads subscribed to in this space
Kind: instance method of Space
Returns: Array.<Objects>
- A list of thread objects as { address, firstModerator, members, name}
Kind: global class
new Thread()
Please use space.joinThread to get the instance of this class
thread.post(message) ⇒ String
Post a message to the thread
Kind: instance method of Thread
Returns: String
- The postId of the new post
Param |
Type |
Description |
message |
Object |
The message |
Add a moderator to this thread, throws error is user can not add a moderator
Kind: instance method of Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Moderator Id |
thread.listModerators() ⇒ Array.<String>
List moderators
Kind: instance method of Thread
Returns: Array.<String>
- Array of moderator DIDs
Add a member to this thread, throws if user can not add member, throw is not member thread
Kind: instance method of Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Member Id |
thread.listMembers() ⇒ Array.<String>
List members, throws if not member thread
Kind: instance method of Thread
Returns: Array.<String>
- Array of member DIDs
Delete post
Kind: instance method of Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Moderator Id |
thread.getPosts(opts) ⇒ Array.<Object>
Returns an array of posts, based on the options.
If hash not found when passing gt, gte, lt, or lte,
the iterator will return all items (respecting limit and reverse).
Kind: instance method of Thread
Returns: Array.<Object>
- true if successful
Param |
Type |
Description |
opts |
Object |
Optional parameters |
opts.gt |
String |
Greater than, takes an postId |
opts.gte |
String |
Greater than or equal to, takes an postId |
opts.lt |
String |
Less than, takes an postId |
opts.lte |
String |
Less than or equal to, takes an postId |
opts.limit |
Integer |
Limiting the number of entries in result, defaults to -1 (no limit) |
opts.reverse |
Boolean |
If set to true will result in reversing the result |
Register a function to be called after new updates
have been received from the network or locally.
Kind: instance method of Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
updateFn |
function |
The function that will get called |
Register a function to be called for every new
capability that is added to the thread access controller.
This inlcudes when a moderator or member is added.
The function takes one parameter, which is the capabilities obj, or
you can call listModerator / listMembers again instead.
Kind: instance method of Thread
Param |
Type |
Description |
updateFn |
function |
The function that will get called |
Kind: global class
new Verified()
Please use box.verified to get the instance of this class
verified.DID() ⇒ String
Returns the verified DID of the user
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: String
- The DID of the user
verified.github() ⇒ Object
Verifies that the user has a valid github account
Throws an error otherwise.
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: Object
- Object containing username, and proof
verified.addGithub(gistUrl) ⇒ Object
Adds a github verification to the users profile
Throws an error if the verification fails.
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: Object
- Object containing username, and proof
Param |
Type |
Description |
gistUrl |
Object |
URL of the proof |
Verifies that the user has a valid twitter account
Throws an error otherwise.
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: Object
- Object containing username, proof, and the verifier
Adds a twitter verification to the users profile
Throws an error if the verification fails.
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: Object
- Object containing username, proof, and the verifier
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
A did-JWT claim ownership of a twitter username |
verified.email() ⇒ Object
Verifies that the user has a verified email account
Throws an error otherwise.
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: Object
- Object containing username, proof, and the verifier
verified.addEmail(claim) ⇒ Object
Adds an email verification to the users profile
Throws an error if the verification fails.
Kind: instance method of Verified
Returns: Object
- Object containing username, proof, and the verifier
Param |
Type |
Description |
claim |
String |
A did-JWT claim ownership of an email username |