@adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 6 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


Vue.js 项目的可重用工具提示组件。 这个插件是 @adamdehaven/vue-custom-tooltip 的 VuePress 包装器。

Tooltip Vue component examples


# With npm
npm install @adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip

# or Yarn
yarn add @adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip

您可以通过将插件安装到 .vuepress/config.js 文件中来使用该插件,如下所示:

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  // Install the plugin using ONE of the options below:
  // --------------------------------------------------

  // 1. Install with default options
  plugins: ['@adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip'],

  // ===== OR  =====

  // 2. Install with custom options (defaults shown)
  plugins: [
        name: 'VueCustomTooltip',
        color: '#fff',
        background: '#000',
        borderRadius: 100,
        fontWeight: 400,

或者,如果您正在使用主题,您可以在 .vuepress/theme/index.js 文件中安装:

// .vuepress/theme/index.js
module.exports = (options, ctx) => {
  return {
    // Install the plugin using ONE of the options below:
    // --------------------------------------------------

    // 1. Install with default options
    plugins: ['@adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip'],

    // ===== OR  =====

    // 2. Install with custom options (defaults shown)
    plugins: [
          name: 'VueCustomTooltip',
          color: '#fff',
          background: '#000',
          borderRadius: 100,
          fontWeight: 400,


<!-- Basic -->
What is <VueCustomTooltip label="This is a tooltip">a tooltip</VueCustomTooltip>?

<!-- With Props -->
What is
<VueCustomTooltip label="This is a tooltip" position="is-bottom" abbreviation sticky>a tooltip</VueCustomTooltip>?

<!-- With element(s) -->
<VueCustomTooltip label="View @adamdehaven on Twitter">
  <a class="button" href="https://twitter.com/adamdehaven">
    <span class="icon icon-twitter"></span>


将下面列出的任何选项传递给 Vue.use (VueCustomTooltip, {...}) 为您的项目自定义插件(不适用于组件内安装)< /em>。

关于与 CSS 属性相关的选项的说明

colorbackgroundborderRadiusfontWeight 属性是使用 CSS 变量(自定义属性) 在伪元素上设置的,这意味着它们将回退到它们的不支持的浏览器中的默认值(例如 Internet Explorer)。


  • Type: String
  • Default: VueCustomTooltip

自定义您将在项目中使用的组件的名称。 首选 Camel-case 名称,因为这允许在您的项目中使用 camel-case 或 kebob-case。

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  name: 'SuperCoolTooltip', // camel-case preferred

如果您使用驼峰命名法注册名称,则可以通过驼峰命名法引用工具提示组件。 kebob-case:

<!-- Default name (user did not pass the 'name' option) -->

<!-- camel-case -->
Nice <VueCustomTooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</VueCustomTooltip>!
<!-- kebob-case -->
Nice <vue-custom-tooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</vue-custom-tooltip>!

<!-- Custom name (allows user to rename component) -->

<!-- camel-case -->
Nice <SuperCoolTooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</SuperCoolTooltip>!
<!-- kebob-case -->
Nice <super-cool-tooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</super-cool-tooltip>!


  • Type: HEX Color
  • Default: #fff


Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  color: '#c1403d', // 3 or 6 digit HEX color, including a leading hash (#)


  • Type: HEX Color
  • Default: #000

自定义工具提示的背景颜色(以及 underlined 文本颜色)。

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  background: '#1b2735', // 3 or 6 digit HEX color, including a leading hash (#)


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 100

自定义工具提示的边框半径。 必须是整数。

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  borderRadius: 4,


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 400

自定义工具提示文本的字体粗细。 必须是 100 的倍数,介于 100 - 900 之间的整数。

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  fontWeight: 700,


除了上面的 插件选项 之外,您还可以将 props 传递给组件本身以自定义两者工具提示元素的外观和行为。

如果需要 true 值,可以简单地通过将属性添加到组件标签来传递接受布尔值的道具。 请参阅此处的 sticky 示例:

<VueCustomTooltip label="Tooltip" sticky>text/element</VueCustomTooltip>

所有其他属性都可以作为普通属性传递(如果相应的值是字符串,如上所示的 label 属性)或使用 v-bind 指令,如下所示:

<VueCustomTooltip :label="element.helpText" :sticky="false">text/element</VueCustomTooltip>



  • Type: String
  • Default: null

将显示在工具提示中的文本。 如果 label 的值为 null,则不会显示工具提示。

您可以将 HTML 传递给 label 属性。


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

确定工具提示是否应在悬停时显示,或者是否存在 sticky 道具,如果工具提示应该可见。


  • Type: String
  • Value: is-top / is-bottom / is-left / is-right
  • Default: is-top



  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

用语义正确的 元素替换组件的标准 元素,并设置 下划线 属性为 true。 这在向页面内容中的文本添加工具提示时非常有用,您希望在其中为单词或短语提供额外的上下文,或者提供单词或首字母缩略词的定义。

VuePress pages are served as an <VueCustomTooltip label="Single Page Application" abbreviation>SPA</VueCustomTooltip>.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false



  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

在包含的文本下方添加虚线边框(与 ​​background HEX 值相同的颜色)。 如果 abbreviation 属性设置为 true,此值将自动设置为 true


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

允许工具提示文本根据需要换行。 可以与 size 属性结合使用来调整工具提示的宽度。


  • Type: String
  • Value: is-small / is-medium / is-large
  • Default: is-medium

工具提示的宽度,如果 multiline 属性设置为 true

Adding Custom Classes & Styles

就像任何其他 Vue 组件一样,您可以将类或样式直接添加到将应用于呈现的 标签(或 标记,如果 abbreviation 设置为 true)。

<!-- Tooltip component with custom classes and styles -->
<VueCustomTooltip class="your-class" :class="{ 'dynamic-class': isDynamic }" :style="{ display: 'inline' }" label="Neat"


tooltip 组件默认呈现为 display: inline-block 元素; 但是,您可以通过将样式直接绑定到组件来覆盖它,如上所示。




A reusable tooltip component for Vue.js projects. This plugin is a VuePress wrapper for @adamdehaven/vue-custom-tooltip.

Tooltip Vue component examples


# With npm
npm install @adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip

# or Yarn
yarn add @adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip

You can use the plugin by installing it in your .vuepress/config.js file, as shown here:

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  // Install the plugin using ONE of the options below:
  // --------------------------------------------------

  // 1. Install with default options
  plugins: ['@adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip'],

  // ===== OR  =====

  // 2. Install with custom options (defaults shown)
  plugins: [
        name: 'VueCustomTooltip',
        color: '#fff',
        background: '#000',
        borderRadius: 100,
        fontWeight: 400,

Alternatively, if you are using a theme, you may install in your .vuepress/theme/index.js file:

// .vuepress/theme/index.js
module.exports = (options, ctx) => {
  return {
    // Install the plugin using ONE of the options below:
    // --------------------------------------------------

    // 1. Install with default options
    plugins: ['@adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip'],

    // ===== OR  =====

    // 2. Install with custom options (defaults shown)
    plugins: [
          name: 'VueCustomTooltip',
          color: '#fff',
          background: '#000',
          borderRadius: 100,
          fontWeight: 400,


<!-- Basic -->
What is <VueCustomTooltip label="This is a tooltip">a tooltip</VueCustomTooltip>?

<!-- With Props -->
What is
<VueCustomTooltip label="This is a tooltip" position="is-bottom" abbreviation sticky>a tooltip</VueCustomTooltip>?

<!-- With element(s) -->
<VueCustomTooltip label="View @adamdehaven on Twitter">
  <a class="button" href="https://twitter.com/adamdehaven">
    <span class="icon icon-twitter"></span>


Pass any of the options listed below to Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {...}) to customize the plugin for your project (not available with in-component installation).

A note on options tied to CSS properties

The color, background, borderRadius, and fontWeight attributes listed below are set on the psuedo element using CSS Variables (Custom Properties), meaning they will fallback to their default values in unsupported browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer).


  • Type: String
  • Default: VueCustomTooltip

Customize the name of the component you will use in your project. Camel-case names are preferred, as this allows for camel-case or kebob-case usage within your project.

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  name: 'SuperCoolTooltip', // camel-case preferred

If you registered the name using camel-case, you can reference the tooltip component via camel-case or kebob-case:

<!-- Default name (user did not pass the 'name' option) -->

<!-- camel-case -->
Nice <VueCustomTooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</VueCustomTooltip>!
<!-- kebob-case -->
Nice <vue-custom-tooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</vue-custom-tooltip>!

<!-- Custom name (allows user to rename component) -->

<!-- camel-case -->
Nice <SuperCoolTooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</SuperCoolTooltip>!
<!-- kebob-case -->
Nice <super-cool-tooltip label="Neat!">tooltip</super-cool-tooltip>!


  • Type: HEX Color
  • Default: #fff

Customize the color of the text displayed in the tooltip.

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  color: '#c1403d', // 3 or 6 digit HEX color, including a leading hash (#)


  • Type: HEX Color
  • Default: #000

Customize the background color (and the underlined text color) of the tooltip.

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  background: '#1b2735', // 3 or 6 digit HEX color, including a leading hash (#)


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 100

Customize the border-radius of the tooltip. Must be an integer.

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  borderRadius: 4,


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 400

Customize the font-weight of the tooltip text. Must be an integer that is a multiple of 100, between 100 - 900.

Vue.use(VueCustomTooltip, {
  fontWeight: 700,


In addition to the Plugin Options above, you may also pass props to the component itself to customize both the look and behavior of the tooltip element.

Props that accept a Boolean value may be passed simply by adding the attribute to the component tag, if a true value is desired. See the sticky example here:

<VueCustomTooltip label="Tooltip" sticky>text/element</VueCustomTooltip>

All other props may be passed as normal attributes (if the corresponding value is a String, like the label prop, shown above) or with v-bind directives, as shown here:

<VueCustomTooltip :label="element.helpText" :sticky="false">text/element</VueCustomTooltip>

All available props for the tooltip component are listed below:


  • Type: String
  • Default: null

The text that will display inside the tooltip. If the value for label is null, the tooltip will not be displayed.

You may not pass HTML to the label prop.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Determines whether the tooltip should display when hovered, or if the sticky prop is present, if the tooltip should be visible.


  • Type: String
  • Value: is-top / is-bottom / is-left / is-right
  • Default: is-top

The position of the tooltip in relation to the text/element it is surrounding.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Swaps out the component's standard <span> element with a semantically-correct <abbr> element, and sets the underlined prop to true. This is useful when adding a tooltip to text within a page's content where you want to provide additional context to a word or phrase, or provide a definition of a word or acronym.

VuePress pages are served as an <VueCustomTooltip label="Single Page Application" abbreviation>SPA</VueCustomTooltip>.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Determines if the tooltip should always be displayed (including on component load/mounting), regardless of the element being hovered.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Add a dotted border under the contained text (the same color as the background HEX value). This value is automatically set to true if the abbreviation prop is set to true.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Allows the tooltip text to wrap to multiple lines as needed. Can be used in conjunction with the size prop to adjust the width of the tooltip.


  • Type: String
  • Value: is-small / is-medium / is-large
  • Default: is-medium

The width of the tooltip, if the multiline prop is set to true.

Adding Custom Classes & Styles

Just like any other Vue component, you can add classes or styles directly to the component tag that will be applied to the rendered <span> tag (or <abbr> tag, if abbreviation is set to true).

<!-- Tooltip component with custom classes and styles -->
<VueCustomTooltip class="your-class" :class="{ 'dynamic-class': isDynamic }" :style="{ display: 'inline' }" label="Neat"

This is extremely helpful if you want to extend functionality or tooltip styles within your project, which allows you to tweak things like the display behavior of the tooltip element.

The tooltip component is rendered as a display: inline-block element by default; however, you can override this by binding styles directly to the component, as shown above.



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