@adamcikado/sitemap 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 18 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

Sitemap Module


为 Nuxt.js 项目自动生成或提供动态 sitemap.xml



  • Module based on the awesome sitemap.js package ❤️
  • Create sitemap or sitemap index
  • Automatically add the static routes to each sitemap
  • Support i18n routes from nuxt-i18n (latest version)
  • Works with all modes (SSR, SPA, generate)
  • For Nuxt 2.x and higher

Table of Contents


npm install @nuxtjs/sitemap

yarn add @nuxtjs/sitemap


@nuxtjs/sitemap 添加到 nuxt.config.jsmodules 部分> 文件:

  modules: [

如果您使用其他模块(例如 nuxt-i18n),请始终在数组末尾声明站点地图模块
例如。 modules: ['nuxt-i18n', '@nuxtjs/sitemap']



// nuxt.config.js

  modules: [
  sitemap: {
    // options



模块选项 站点地图站点地图索引

  sitemap: {
    // ...


sitemapsitemap index 项目:

  sitemap: [
      // ...
      // ...



  sitemap: function () {
    return {
      // ...


您可以在 false

  sitemap: false


Setup a Sitemap

所有静态路由(例如 /pages/about.vue)都会自动添加到站点地图,但您可以使用 exclude 属性。
对于动态路由(例如 /pages/_id.vue),您必须使用 routes 声明它们 属性。 此选项可以是数组或函数。 此外,generate.routes 中定义的路由将自动用于站点地图。

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    gzip: true,
    exclude: [
    routes: [
        url: '/page/3',
        changefreq: 'daily',
        priority: 1,
        lastmod: '2017-06-30T13:30:00.000Z'

Setup a Sitemap Index

要声明站点地图索引及其链接的站点地图,请使用 sitemaps 属性。
sitemaps 数组中的每一项都可以使用自己的sitemap options 进行设置。

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    lastmod: '2017-06-30',
    sitemaps: [
        path: '/sitemap-foo.xml',
        routes: ['foo/1', 'foo/2'],
        gzip: true
      }, {
        path: '/folder/sitemap-bar.xml',
        routes: ['bar/1', 'bar/2'],
        exclude: ['/**']

Setup a list of sitemaps

要声明站点地图列表,请使用 array 为每个站点地图设置自己的配置。

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: [
      path: '/sitemap-products.xml',
      routes: [
        // array of URL
    }, {
      path: '/sitemap-news.xml',
      routes: () => // promise or function
    }, {
      path: '/sitemapindex.xml',
      sitemaps: [{
        // array of Sitemap configuration

Sitemap Options

routes (optional) - array | function

routes 参数遵循与 generate configuration


path (optional) - string

  • Default: /sitemap.xml

生成的站点地图的 URL 路径。

hostname (optional) - string

  • Default:
  1. sitemap.hostname value from your nuxt.config.js
  2. build.publicPath value from your nuxt.config.js (⚠️ deprecated)
  3. os.hostname() in generate or spa mode, or dynamically based on request URL (headers.host) in ssr mode

此值对于生成站点地图文件是必需的,您应该在生成spa 模式下明确提供它。

⚠️ build.publicPath 作为默认值的用法已弃用,并将在 v3.0 版本中删除。
要在当前版本上禁用它,请设置一个假值(例如 hostname: false)。

cacheTime (optional) - number

  • Default: 1000 * 60 * 15 (15 Minutes)


请注意,在每次失效后,routes 将被再次评估(参见routes declaration 部分)。

此选项仅在 ssr 模式下可用。

etag (optional) - object

在站点地图上启用 etag 缓存标头(有关可能的选项,请参阅 etag 文档)。

要禁用站点地图的 etag,请设置 etag: false

此选项仅在 ssr 模式下可用。

exclude (optional) - string array

  • Default: []

exclude 参数是一个 glob 模式 的数组,用于从生成的站点地图中排除静态路由。

filter (optional) - function

  • Default: undefined

如果将 filter 选项设置为函数,则所有路由都将通过它进行过滤。



// nuxt.config.js

// Filter routes by language
  sitemap: {
    filter ({ routes, options }) {
      if (options.hostname === 'example.com') {
        return routes.filter(route => route.locale === 'en')
      return routes.filter(route => route.locale === 'fr')

// Add a trailing slash to each route
  sitemap: {
    filter ({ routes }) {
      return routes.map(route => {
        route.url = `${route.url}/`
        return route

gzip (optional) - boolean

  • Default: false

启用使用 gzip 压缩的 .xml.gz 站点地图的创建。

xmlNs (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

通过覆盖 元素中的所有默认 xmlns 属性来设置 XML 命名空间。

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    xmlNs: 'xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"'

xslUrl (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

用于设置站点地图样式的 XSL 文件的 URL 路径。

trailingSlash (optional) - boolean

  • Default: false

为每个路由 URL 添加尾部斜杠(例如 /page/1 => /page/1/

注意: 避免 < href="https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66359">爬虫的重复内容检测,您必须在 2 个 URL 之间配置 HTTP 301 重定向(参见 redirect-modulenuxt-trailingslash -模块)。

i18n (optional) - string | object

  • Default: undefined

配置来自 nuxt-i18n 模块的本地化路由支持。

如果配置了 i18n 选项,站点地图模块将自动在 元素中添加每个页面的默认区域设置 URL,子元素 条目列出页面的每种语言/语言环境变体,包括它本身(参见 Google 站点地图指南 ).


// nuxt.config.js

  modules: [
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'es', 'fr'],
    defaultLocale: 'en'
  sitemap: {
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    // shortcut notation (basic)
    i18n: true,
    // nuxt-i18n notation (advanced)
    i18n: {
      locales: ['en', 'es', 'fr'],
      routesNameSeparator: '___'
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://example.com/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://example.com/es/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://example.com/fr/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://example.com/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://example.com/es/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://example.com/fr/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://example.com/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://example.com/es/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://example.com/fr/"/>

defaults (optional) - object

  • Default: {}

defaults 参数设置所有路由的默认选项。

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    defaults: {
      changefreq: 'daily',
      priority: 1,
      lastmod: new Date()


Sitemap Index Options

path (optional) - string

  • Default: /sitemapindex.xml

生成的站点地图索引的 URL 路径。

hostname (optional) - string

hostname 值设置为链接到其站点地图索引的每个站点地图。

sitemaps - array of object

  • Default: []


// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    path: '/sitemapindex.xml',
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    sitemaps: [
        path: '/sitemap-foo.xml',
        // ...
      }, {
        path: '/folder/sitemap-bar.xml',
        // ...
<!-- generated sitemapindex.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">


lastmod (optional) - string

lastmod 值设置为链接到其站点地图索引的每个站点地图。

此外,可以为每个链接的站点地图定义 lastmod

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    lastmod: "2020-01-01",
    sitemaps: [
        path: '/sitemap-foo.xml',
        lastmod: "2020-01-02"
      }, {
        path: '/sitemap-bar.xml'

etag (optional) - object

在站点地图索引上启用 etag 缓存标头(有关可能的选项,请参阅 etag 文档)。

为站点地图索引设置禁用 etag etag: false

此选项仅在 ssr 模式下可用。

gzip (optional) - boolean

  • Default: false

启用使用 gzip 压缩的 .xml.gz 站点地图索引的创建。

xmlNs (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

通过覆盖 元素中的所有默认 xmlns 属性来设置 XML 命名空间。

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    xmlNs: 'xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"',
    sitemaps: [...]

xslUrl (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

用于设置站点地图索引样式的 XSL 文件的 URL 路径。

Routes Declaration

Nuxt 无法自动提供这种复杂的路由。


-| pages/
---| index.vue  --> static route
---| about.vue  --> static route
---| users/
-----| _id.vue  --> dynamic route


例如。 在配置中为 /users/:id 添加路由:

From a static list

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    routes: ['/users/1', '/users/2', '/users/3']

From a function which returns a Promise

// nuxt.config.js

const axios = require('axios')

  sitemap: {
    routes: async () => {
      const { data } = await axios.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users')
      return data.map((user) => `/users/${user.username}`)


钩子是 Nuxt 事件的监听器。 了解更多


sitemap:generate:before(nuxt, sitemapOptions)Hook on before site generation
sitemap:generate:done(nuxt)Hook on sitemap generation finished




Sitemap Module

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Automatically generate or serve dynamic sitemap.xml for Nuxt.js projects!

???? Release Notes


  • Module based on the awesome sitemap.js package ❤️
  • Create sitemap or sitemap index
  • Automatically add the static routes to each sitemap
  • Support i18n routes from nuxt-i18n (latest version)
  • Works with all modes (SSR, SPA, generate)
  • For Nuxt 2.x and higher

Table of Contents


npm install @nuxtjs/sitemap


yarn add @nuxtjs/sitemap


Add @nuxtjs/sitemap to the modules section of your nuxt.config.js file:

  modules: [

If you use other modules (eg. nuxt-i18n), always declare the sitemap module at end of array
eg. modules: ['nuxt-i18n', '@nuxtjs/sitemap']


Add a custom configuration with the sitemap property:

// nuxt.config.js

  modules: [
  sitemap: {
    // options

The module option parameter can be:


A single item of sitemap or sitemap index:

  sitemap: {
    // ...


A list of sitemap or sitemap index items:

  sitemap: [
      // ...
      // ...


A function that returns a valid sitemap configuration:

  sitemap: function () {
    return {
      // ...


You can disable the sitemap module with a boolean value at false:

  sitemap: false


Setup a Sitemap

By default, the sitemap is setup to the following path: /sitemap.xml
All static routes (eg. /pages/about.vue) are automatically add to the sitemap, but you can exclude each of them with the exclude property.
For dynamic routes (eg. /pages/_id.vue), you have to declare them with the routes property. This option can be an array or a function. In addition, the routes defined in generate.routes will be automatically used for the sitemap.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    gzip: true,
    exclude: [
    routes: [
        url: '/page/3',
        changefreq: 'daily',
        priority: 1,
        lastmod: '2017-06-30T13:30:00.000Z'

Setup a Sitemap Index

To declare a sitemap index and its linked sitemaps, use the sitemaps property.
By default, the sitemap index is setup to the following path: /sitemapindex.xml
Each item of the sitemaps array can be setup with its own sitemap options.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    lastmod: '2017-06-30',
    sitemaps: [
        path: '/sitemap-foo.xml',
        routes: ['foo/1', 'foo/2'],
        gzip: true
      }, {
        path: '/folder/sitemap-bar.xml',
        routes: ['bar/1', 'bar/2'],
        exclude: ['/**']

Setup a list of sitemaps

To declare a list of sitemaps, use an array to setup each sitemap with its own configuration.
You can combine sitemap and sitemap index configurations.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: [
      path: '/sitemap-products.xml',
      routes: [
        // array of URL
    }, {
      path: '/sitemap-news.xml',
      routes: () => // promise or function
    }, {
      path: '/sitemapindex.xml',
      sitemaps: [{
        // array of Sitemap configuration

Sitemap Options

routes (optional) - array | function

The routes parameter follows the same way than the generate configuration.

See as well the routes declaration examples below.

path (optional) - string

  • Default: /sitemap.xml

The URL path of the generated sitemap.

hostname (optional) - string

  • Default:
  1. sitemap.hostname value from your nuxt.config.js
  2. build.publicPath value from your nuxt.config.js (⚠️ deprecated)
  3. os.hostname() in generate or spa mode, or dynamically based on request URL (headers.host) in ssr mode

This value is mandatory for generation sitemap file, and you should explicitly provide it in generate or spa mode.

⚠️ The usage of build.publicPath as default value is deprecated and will be removed on release v3.0.
To disable it on the current release, set a falsy value (eg. hostname: false).

cacheTime (optional) - number

  • Default: 1000 * 60 * 15 (15 Minutes)

Defines how frequently sitemap routes should be updated (value in milliseconds).
Setting a negative value will disable the cache.

Please note that after each invalidation, routes will be evaluated again (see routes declaration section).

This option is only available in ssr mode.

etag (optional) - object

Enable the etag cache header on sitemap (see etag docs for possible options).

To disable etag for sitemap set etag: false

This option is only available in ssr mode.

exclude (optional) - string array

  • Default: []

The exclude parameter is an array of glob patterns to exclude static routes from the generated sitemap.

filter (optional) - function

  • Default: undefined

If the filter option is set as a function, all routes will be filtered through it.

This option is useful to customize or extend the features of the module, before the sitemap generation.


// nuxt.config.js

// Filter routes by language
  sitemap: {
    filter ({ routes, options }) {
      if (options.hostname === 'example.com') {
        return routes.filter(route => route.locale === 'en')
      return routes.filter(route => route.locale === 'fr')

// Add a trailing slash to each route
  sitemap: {
    filter ({ routes }) {
      return routes.map(route => {
        route.url = `${route.url}/`
        return route

gzip (optional) - boolean

  • Default: false

Enable the creation of the .xml.gz sitemap compressed with gzip.

xmlNs (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

Set the XML namespaces by override all default xmlns attributes in <urlset> element.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    xmlNs: 'xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"'

xslUrl (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

The URL path of the XSL file to style the sitemap.

trailingSlash (optional) - boolean

  • Default: false

Add a trailing slash to each route URL (eg. /page/1 => /page/1/)

notice: To avoid duplicate content detection from crawlers, you have to configure an HTTP 301 redirect between the 2 URLs (see redirect-module or nuxt-trailingslash-module).

i18n (optional) - string | object

  • Default: undefined

Configure the support of localized routes from nuxt-i18n module.

If the i18n option is configured, the sitemap module will automatically add the default locale URL of each page in a <loc> element, with child <xhtml:link> entries listing every language/locale variant of the page including itself (see Google sitemap guidelines).


// nuxt.config.js

  modules: [
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'es', 'fr'],
    defaultLocale: 'en'
  sitemap: {
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    // shortcut notation (basic)
    i18n: true,
    // nuxt-i18n notation (advanced)
    i18n: {
      locales: ['en', 'es', 'fr'],
      routesNameSeparator: '___'
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://example.com/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://example.com/es/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://example.com/fr/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://example.com/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://example.com/es/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://example.com/fr/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://example.com/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="https://example.com/es/"/>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="https://example.com/fr/"/>

defaults (optional) - object

  • Default: {}

The defaults parameter set the default options for all routes.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    defaults: {
      changefreq: 'daily',
      priority: 1,
      lastmod: new Date()

See available options: https://github.com/ekalinin/sitemap.js/blob/4.1.1/README.md#sitemap-item-options

Sitemap Index Options

path (optional) - string

  • Default: /sitemapindex.xml

The URL path of the generated sitemap index.

hostname (optional) - string

Set the hostname value to each sitemap linked to its sitemap index.

sitemaps - array of object

  • Default: []

Array of sitemap configuration linked to the sitemap index.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    path: '/sitemapindex.xml',
    hostname: 'https://example.com',
    sitemaps: [
        path: '/sitemap-foo.xml',
        // ...
      }, {
        path: '/folder/sitemap-bar.xml',
        // ...
<!-- generated sitemapindex.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">

See more examples above.

lastmod (optional) - string

Set the lastmod value to each sitemap linked to its sitemap index.

In addition, the lastmod can be defined for each linked sitemap.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    lastmod: "2020-01-01",
    sitemaps: [
        path: '/sitemap-foo.xml',
        lastmod: "2020-01-02"
      }, {
        path: '/sitemap-bar.xml'

etag (optional) - object

Enable the etag cache header on sitemap index (See etag docs for possible options).

To disable etag for sitemap index set etag: false

This option is only available in ssr mode.

gzip (optional) - boolean

  • Default: false

Enable the creation of the .xml.gz sitemap index compressed with gzip.

xmlNs (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

Set the XML namespaces by override all default xmlns attributes in <sitemapindex> element.

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    xmlNs: 'xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"',
    sitemaps: [...]

xslUrl (optional) - string

  • Default: undefined

The URL path of the XSL file to style the sitemap index.

Routes Declaration

By default, the dynamic routes are ignored by the sitemap module.
Nuxt cannot automatically provide this type of complex routes.


-| pages/
---| index.vue  --> static route
---| about.vue  --> static route
---| users/
-----| _id.vue  --> dynamic route

If you want the module to add any route with dynamic parameters, you have to set an array of dynamic routes.

eg. add routes for /users/:id in the configuration:

From a static list

// nuxt.config.js

  sitemap: {
    routes: ['/users/1', '/users/2', '/users/3']

From a function which returns a Promise

// nuxt.config.js

const axios = require('axios')

  sitemap: {
    routes: async () => {
      const { data } = await axios.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users')
      return data.map((user) => `/users/${user.username}`)


Hooks are listeners to Nuxt events. Learn more

You can register hooks on certain life cycle events.

sitemap:generate:before(nuxt, sitemapOptions)Hook on before site generation
sitemap:generate:done(nuxt)Hook on sitemap generation finished


MIT License


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