@acpaas-ui/js-notification-store 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 16 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

ACPaaS UI JS Notification Store


@acpaas-ui/js-notification-store 包提供了一个单例存储在整个应用程序中保存和轻松访问通知。 您可以加载消息映射并通过句柄触发通知。 最重要的是,您可以设置目标来保存您的通知(例如弹出窗口、状态栏、表单)。 通知作为 BehaviorSubjects 返回,允许您订阅更改。

## Installation


npm install @acpaas-ui/js-notification-store --save


yarn add @acpaas-ui/js-notification-store

## Import

// ES2015
import { NotificationStore } from '@acpaas-ui/js-notification-store';

const store = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not found'

store.triggerNotification('404', 'statusbar');


Loading messages


import NotificationStore from 'aui-notification-store';

const store = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not found'

如果 allowOverrides 选项设置为 true:

NotificationStore.allowOverrides = true;


const store2 = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not here'

或者,您可以在实例上调用 loadMessages 方法:

    404: 'not here'

无论哪种情况,您都需要将 allowOverrides 选项设置为 true,否则现有消息将被保留.

Triggering notifications

要触发通知,您可以在商店实例上调用 triggerNotification 方法。 提供句柄、(可选)目标和一些(也是可选的)额外选项:

const store = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not found'

store.triggerNotification('404', 'statusbar', { timer: 1000 });

Clearing notifications

您可以通过调用存储上的 clearNotification 方法来清除通知:

const notifications = store.getNotifications('statusbar');
const notificationToClear = notifications.find(notification => notification.handle === 'clearme');


Subscribing to notifications

每个实例都有一个 notifications 属性,它将所有当前通知保存为您可以订阅的 BehaviorSubject

store.notifications.subscribe(newNotifications => {
    // do something


const notifications = store.notifications.getValue();

Available methods and properties

Notification Class


  • defaultOptions (object): returns a plain object with the default options
  • availableTypes (object): getter for the available notification types


  • parseOptions(options): check the provided options against the default options


  • handle (string): the unique handle for the notification message
  • target (string): the target to store the notification with
  • message (string): the message to be shown when triggering the notification
  • type (string): the type of notification (N, I, E, W, S)
  • timer (number): the lifespan of the notification once it is shown (in ms)
  • scope (string): the app scope the notification should be visible in

NotificationStore Class


  • allowOverrides (boolean): get/set for the allowOverrides option
  • defaultHandle (string): get/set for the default handle to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultTarget (string): get/set for the default target to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultMessage (string): get/set for the default message to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultTimer (number): get/set for the default timer to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultScope (string): get/set for the default scope to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • messages (object): get/set for the available messages
  • options (object): get/set for the currently selected options
  • subjects (Map): getter for the current subjects


  • subscriber(store): add a new BehaviorSubject for a store (internal function)
  • getFlatTarget(target): get the notifications as a flat array for a target (internal function)
  • getFlatNotifications(target): get the notifications (for a target if provided) as a flat object of target arrays (internal function)
  • deleteNotification(notification): delete a notification (internal function)
  • updateSubjects(): trigger an update to all subjects (internal function)
  • resetStore(): clear all messages and notifications and reset all options


  • notifications (BehaviorSubject): a BehaviorSubject that holds all current notifications

< strong>实例方法

  • getMessages: get the stored messages
  • getMessage(handle): get a message by its handle
  • loadMessages(messages): load a new set of messages (takes the allowOverrides option into account)
  • triggerNotification(handle, target, options): trigger a new notification by handle, target and provide some extra optional options
  • loadNotification(notification): load a new notification, needs a Notification instance
  • getNotifications(target): return a flat object holding all notifications or the notifications for the provided target
  • clearNotification(notification): clear a notification, needs a Notification instance
  • clearTarget(target): clear all notifications for a target, target is required

ACPaaS UI JS Notification Store


The @acpaas-ui/js-notification-store package provides a singleton store to save and easily access notifications throughout your app. You can load up a message map and trigger notifications by handle. On top of that, you can set targets to hold your notifications (e.g. popups, statusbar, forms). Notifications are returned as BehaviorSubjects, allowing you to subscribe to changes.

## Installation


npm install @acpaas-ui/js-notification-store --save


yarn add @acpaas-ui/js-notification-store

## Import

// ES2015
import { NotificationStore } from '@acpaas-ui/js-notification-store';

const store = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not found'

store.triggerNotification('404', 'statusbar');


Loading messages

To load a message map simply provide it in the constructor:

import NotificationStore from 'aui-notification-store';

const store = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not found'

If the allowOverrides option is set to true:

NotificationStore.allowOverrides = true;

you can overwrite the messages with each new instance:

const store2 = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not here'

or, you can call the loadMessages method on the instance:

    404: 'not here'

In either case, you need to set the allowOverrides option to true or the existing messages will be preserved.

Triggering notifications

To trigger a notification, you call the triggerNotification method on your store instance. Provide a handle, a (optional) target and some (also optional) extra options:

const store = new NotificationStore({
    404: 'not found'

store.triggerNotification('404', 'statusbar', { timer: 1000 });

Clearing notifications

You can clear a notification by calling the clearNotification method on the store:

const notifications = store.getNotifications('statusbar');
const notificationToClear = notifications.find(notification => notification.handle === 'clearme');


Subscribing to notifications

Each instance has a notifications property, which holds all current notifications as a BehaviorSubject which you can subscribe to:

store.notifications.subscribe(newNotifications => {
    // do something

or fetch the current value from (which is an object with a Map of the notifications for each target:

const notifications = store.notifications.getValue();

Available methods and properties

Notification Class

Static properties

  • defaultOptions (object): returns a plain object with the default options
  • availableTypes (object): getter for the available notification types

Static methods

  • parseOptions(options): check the provided options against the default options

Instance properties

  • handle (string): the unique handle for the notification message
  • target (string): the target to store the notification with
  • message (string): the message to be shown when triggering the notification
  • type (string): the type of notification (N, I, E, W, S)
  • timer (number): the lifespan of the notification once it is shown (in ms)
  • scope (string): the app scope the notification should be visible in

NotificationStore Class

Static properties

  • allowOverrides (boolean): get/set for the allowOverrides option
  • defaultHandle (string): get/set for the default handle to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultTarget (string): get/set for the default target to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultMessage (string): get/set for the default message to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultTimer (number): get/set for the default timer to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • defaultScope (string): get/set for the default scope to fall back to when triggering a notification
  • messages (object): get/set for the available messages
  • options (object): get/set for the currently selected options
  • subjects (Map): getter for the current subjects

Static methods

  • subscriber(store): add a new BehaviorSubject for a store (internal function)
  • getFlatTarget(target): get the notifications as a flat array for a target (internal function)
  • getFlatNotifications(target): get the notifications (for a target if provided) as a flat object of target arrays (internal function)
  • deleteNotification(notification): delete a notification (internal function)
  • updateSubjects(): trigger an update to all subjects (internal function)
  • resetStore(): clear all messages and notifications and reset all options

Instance properties

  • notifications (BehaviorSubject): a BehaviorSubject that holds all current notifications

Instance methods

  • getMessages: get the stored messages
  • getMessage(handle): get a message by its handle
  • loadMessages(messages): load a new set of messages (takes the allowOverrides option into account)
  • triggerNotification(handle, target, options): trigger a new notification by handle, target and provide some extra optional options
  • loadNotification(notification): load a new notification, needs a Notification instance
  • getNotifications(target): return a flat object holding all notifications or the notifications for the provided target
  • clearNotification(notification): clear a notification, needs a Notification instance
  • clearTarget(target): clear all notifications for a target, target is required
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