@acimini/cm-d3-graphs 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 25 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


这个库是一个 Angular 库,它在 d3 和 dagrejs 库的帮助下构建最常见的图形。\ 有了这个库,我们有:

  • histogram
  • line chart
  • pie
  • donut
  • range slider
  • tree chart
  • flow chart
  • bubble chart



  1. Install
  2. How to use
  3. Graph types
  4. Authors
  5. License


npm install d3 --save

npm install dagre --save

npm install @acimini/cm-d3-graphs --save


import { CmD3GraphsModule } from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

  imports: [ CmD3GraphsModule ],

How to use

First define the configuration for the graph

import {GraphTypeConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const graphConf: GraphTypeConfigurationInterface = {

每个图表都有自己的配置。 请参阅以下部分以检查您选择的图形的配置是什么。

Define the data for the graph

import {GraphTypeDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const graphData: GraphTypeDataInterface = [

对于图形数据,有一个适用于大多数图形类型的基本接口,还有一些特定于那些具有更复杂结构的图形。 请参阅以下部分以检查您选择的图表的数据格式是什么。

Use the graph component in the html

<cm-graph-type [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-graph-type>

该组件可能需要比上面显示的更多的输入。 请参阅以下部分以检查为您选择的图表使用组件的正确方法是什么。

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.

Graph types

下面显示了可用图表类型的列表。\ 每个图表部分分为四个部分:

  • Configurations: in this section, it is described what configurations are available for the graph and how use them.
  • Data: in this section, it is described how data must be structured to work with the graph type choose.
  • Component: in this section, it is show how to use the graph component in the html.
  • Example: in this section, it is show an example of the usage of the graph choose.



要正确配置图表,可以使用 HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface

import {HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramConf: HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface = {

在列表下方,其中包含直方图图表的所有可用配置。\ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的,并且必须是直方图



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

定义图表中显示的最大数据数的数字。\ 如果数据长度大于该属性的值,将显示一个滚动条。



    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnBar will be emitted each time user clicks on a bar. The event contains the data of the bar clicked.


  clickOnElement: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。



(label: string, value: number) => string


(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

它可以是水平垂直并定义图形的方向。\ 如果未提供,则默认值为vertical



    axisX: boolean,
    axisY: boolean,
    color: string
  • axisX: if true, enables the grid along the horizontal direction.
  • axisY: if true, enables the grid along the vertical direction.
  • color: defines the color of the grid.


    axisX: true,
    axisY: true,
    color: '#ccc'


    showAxisX: boolean,
    showAxisY: boolean,
    invertAxisX: boolean,
    invertAxisY: boolean,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    tickFormatX: (d: string) => string,
    tickFormatY: (d: string) => string,
    lineColor: string,
    textColor: string
  • showAxisX: if true, enables the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • showAxisY: if true, enables the axis along the vertical direction.
  • invertAxisX: if true, inverts the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • invertAxisY: if true, inverts the axis along the vertical direction.
  • labelXOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the horizontal axis.
  • labelYOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the vertical axis.
  • tickFormatX: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the horizontal axis.
  • tickFormatY: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the vertical axis.
  • lineColor: defines the color of the axes.
  • textColor: defines the tick label color.


    showAxisX: true,
    showAxisY: true,
    invertAxisX: false,
    invertAxisY: false,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal',
    lineColor: 'black',
    textColor: 'black'

使用直方图,我们可以在同一张图中表示一组或多组数据。\ 组的配置是一个对象数组,它定义了每个组的配置。

    color: string,
    label: string
  • color: defines the color of the bars that represent the set.
  • label: defines the label of the set (it is useful in conjunction with the legend - see section below).


    color: '#1980B6',
    label: 'Group-' + index of the set

与前面的配置一起,可以定义分组的类型。 它可以是内联堆叠。\ 如果未提供,则默认值为 inline



    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.


    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


直方图的数据具有特定格式,由 HistogramGraphDataInterface

import {HistogramGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramData: HistogramGraphDataInterface[] = [

在列表下方定义,其中包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


定义数据 ID 的字符串。\ 如果未提供,将使用自动计算 值。


定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的


为每个数据定义组值的数字数组。 它是必需的


定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击一个栏时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。



<cm-histogram-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-histogram-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




import {HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramConfs: HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'histogram_chart',
  type: 'histogram',
  groups: [
    {color: '#1980B6'},
    {color: '#ec1f1f'},
    {color: '#09b116'}
  axis: {
    invertAxisY: false,
    invertAxisX: false
  orientation: 'vertical',
  maxDisplayedNumber: 10,
  legend: {
    position: 'right',
    enabled: true


import {HistogramGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramData: HistogramGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {values: [-12, 34, -56], label: 'Label1'},
  {values: [23, -5, 67], label: 'Label2'},
  {values: [1, 7, 4], label: 'Label3'},
  {values: [67, 31, -12], label: 'Label4'},
  {values: [-43, -43, 9], label: 'Label5'},
  {values: [2, -89, -63], label: 'Label6'},
  {values: [98, 11, 45], label: 'Label7'},
  {values: [-53, 26, -12], label: 'Label8'},
  {values: [-29, 26, 35], label: 'Label9'},
  {values: [31, 1, -5], label: 'Label10'},
  {values: [81, -12, -34], label: 'Label11'},
  {values: [60, 51, -41], label: 'Label12'},
  {values: [-4, -17, 31], label: 'Label13'},
  {values: [35, 67, 18], label: 'Label14'},
  {values: [19, 56, 25], label: 'Label15'},
  {values: [-93, 5, -89], label: 'Label16'},
  {values: [51, 34, -57], label: 'Label17'},
  {values: [56, 76, 12], label: 'Label18'},
  {values: [-48, 87, 90], label: 'Label19'},
  {values: [11, -32, -12], label: 'Label20'}




import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieConf: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {

,列表下方包含饼图的所有可用配置。\ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的并且必须是馅饼



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

定义图表中显示的最大数据数的数字。\ 如果数据长度大于该属性的值,切片将按冠分布。



    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnSlice will be emitted each time user clicks on a slice. The event contains the data of the slice clicked.


  clickOnElement: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。



(label: string, value: number) => string


(label, value) => label + ': ' + value


    colors: string[],
    textColor: string
  • colors: an array that defines the color of each slice.
  • textColor: defines the color of the slice label.


    colors: ['#e61400', '#ff0f64', '#0555fa', '#008c5a', '#ff5a0f',
      '#ff4687', '#41b9e6', '#55be5a', '#c6c6c6', '#000000'],
    textColor: 'white'

如果定义的颜色的维度小于数据维度,它们将被循环使用。\ 例如,如果我们有 11 个数据和 10 种颜色,则第 11 个数据将使用第一个颜色,依此类推。



    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.


    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


饼图的数据具有特定格式,由 PieGraphDataInterface

import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [

在列表下方定义,其中包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


定义数据 ID 的字符串。\ 如果未提供,将使用自动计算 值。


定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的


定义数据值的数字。 它是必需的


定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击切片时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。



  color: string;
  • color: defines the color of the slice and overwrite the colors' property defined in configurations.




<cm-pie-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-pie-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieConfs: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'pie_chart',
  type: 'pie',
  maxDisplayedNumber: 7,
  legend: {
    position: 'top',
    enabled: true


import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {label: 'USA', value: 130},
  {label: 'UK', value: 20},
  {label: 'Canada', value: 30},
  {label: 'Mexico', value: 15},
  {label: 'Italy', value: 5},
  {label: 'France', value: 6},
  {label: 'England', value: 4},
  {label: 'Japan', value: 10},
  {label: 'Germany', value: 7},
  {label: 'Poland', value: 12},
  {label: 'Ukraine', value: 8},
  {label: 'Russia', value: 9},
  {label: 'China', value: 10}



要正确配置图形,可以使用 PieGraphConfigurationInterface

import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutConf: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {

列表下方的圆环图所有可用配置。\ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的,并且必须是甜甜圈



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

定义图表中显示的最大数据数的数字。\ 如果数据长度大于该属性的值,切片将按冠分布。



    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnSlice will be emitted each time user clicks on a slice. The event contains the data of the slice clicked.


  clickOnElement: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。



(label: string, value: number) => string


(label, value) => label + ': ' + value


    colors: string[],
    textColor: string
  • colors: an array that defines the color of each slice.
  • textColor: defines the color of the slice label.


    colors: ['#e61400', '#ff0f64', '#0555fa', '#008c5a', '#ff5a0f',
      '#ff4687', '#41b9e6', '#55be5a', '#c6c6c6', '#000000'],
    textColor: 'white'

如果定义的颜色的维度小于数据维度,它们将被循环使用。\ 例如,如果我们有 11 个数据和 10 种颜色,则第 11 个数据将使用第一个颜色,依此类推。



    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.


    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


甜甜圈的数据有一个特定的格式,由 PieGraphDataInterface 定义,

import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [

下面是一个列表,其中包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


定义数据 ID 的字符串。\ 如果未提供,将使用自动计算 值。


定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的


定义数据值的数字。 它是必需的


定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击切片时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。



  color: string;
  • color: defines the color of the slice and overwrite the colors' property defined in configurations.




<cm-pie-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-pie-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutConfs: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'donut_chart',
  type: 'donut',
  maxDisplayedNumber: 7


import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {label: 'USA', value: 60},
  {label: 'UK', value: 20},
  {label: 'Canada', value: 30},
  {label: 'Mexico', value: 15},
  {label: 'Italy', value: 5},
  {label: 'France', value: 6},
  {label: 'England', value: 4},
  {label: 'Japan', value: 10},
  {label: 'Germany', value: 7},
  {label: 'Poland', value: 12},
  {label: 'Ukraine', value: 8},
  {label: 'Russia', value: 9},
  {label: 'China', value: 10}




import {LineGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineConf: LineGraphConfigurationInterface = {

,在列表下方包含折线图的所有可用配置。\ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的,并且必须是



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

定义图表中显示的最大数据数的数字。\ 如果数据长度大于该属性的值,将显示一个滚动条。



    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnDot will be emitted each time user clicks on a dot on the line. The event contains the data of the dot clicked.


  clickOnElement: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。



(label: string, value: number) => string


(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

它可以是水平垂直并定义图形的方向。\ 如果未提供,则默认值为vertical



    axisX: boolean,
    axisY: boolean,
    color: string
  • axisX: if true, enables the grid along the horizontal direction.
  • axisY: if true, enables the grid along the vertical direction.
  • color: defines the color of the grid.


    axisX: true,
    axisY: true,
    color: '#ccc'


    showAxisX: boolean,
    showAxisY: boolean,
    invertAxisX: boolean,
    invertAxisY: boolean,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    tickFormatX: (d: string) => string,
    tickFormatY: (d: string) => string,
    lineColor: string,
    textColor: string
  • showAxisX: if true, enables the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • showAxisY: if true, enables the axis along the vertical direction.
  • invertAxisX: if true, inverts the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • invertAxisY: if true, inverts the axis along the vertical direction.
  • labelXOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the horizontal axis.
  • labelYOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the vertical axis.
  • tickFormatX: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the horizontal axis.
  • tickFormatY: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the vertical axis.
  • lineColor: defines the color of the axes.
  • textColor: defines the tick label color.


    showAxisX: true,
    showAxisY: true,
    invertAxisX: false,
    invertAxisY: false,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal',
    lineColor: 'black',
    textColor: 'black'

使用这条线,我们可以在同一张图中表示一组或多组数据。\ 组的配置是一个对象数组,它定义了每个组的配置。

    color: string,
    label: string
  • color: defines the color of the line that represent the set.
  • label: defines the label of the set (it is useful in conjunction with the legend - see section below).


    color: '#1980B6',
    label: 'Group-' + index of the set




    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.


    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


线条的数据具有特定格式,由 LineGraphDataInterface 定义,

import {LineGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineData: LineGraphDataInterface[] = [

列表下方包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


定义数据 ID 的字符串。\ 如果未提供,将使用自动计算 值。


定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的


为每个数据定义组值的数字数组。 它是必需的


定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击线上的一个点时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。



<cm-line-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-line-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




import {LineGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineConfs: LineGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'line_chart',
  type: 'line',
  groups: [
    {color: '#1980B6'},
    {color: '#ec1f1f'}


import {LineGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineData: LineGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {values: [-12, 34], label: 'Label1'},
  {values: [23, -5], label: 'Label2'},
  {values: [1, 7], label: 'Label3'},
  {values: [67, 31], label: 'Label4'},
  {values: [-43, -43], label: 'Label5'},
  {values: [2, -89], label: 'Label6'},
  {values: [98, 11], label: 'Label7'},
  {values: [-53, 26], label: 'Label8'},
  {values: [-29, 26], label: 'Label9'},
  {values: [31, 1], label: 'Label10'},
  {values: [81, -12], label: 'Label11'},
  {values: [60, 51], label: 'Label12'},
  {values: [-4, -17], label: 'Label13'},
  {values: [35, 67], label: 'Label14'},
  {values: [19, 56], label: 'Label15'},
  {values: [-93, 5], label: 'Label16'},
  {values: [51, 34], label: 'Label17'},
  {values: [56, 76], label: 'Label18'},
  {values: [-48, 87], label: 'Label19'},
  {values: [11, -32], label: 'Label20'}

Range slider



import {RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSliderConf: RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface = {

,列表下方包含范围滑块图表的所有可用配置。 \ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的,并且必须是range-slider



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10


    rangeChanging: boolean,
    rangeChanged: boolean
  • rangeChanging: if true, the event rangeChanging will be emitted during range selection. The event contains the data of the range selected.
  • rangeChanged: if true, the event rangeChanged will be emitted at the end of selection. The event contains the data of the range selected.


    rangeChanging: false,
    rangeChanged: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。



(label: string, value: number) => string


(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

它可以是水平垂直并定义图形的方向。\ 如果未提供,则默认值为水平



    showAxisX: boolean,
    showAxisY: boolean,
    invertAxisX: boolean,
    invertAxisY: boolean,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    tickFormatX: (d: string) => string,
    tickFormatY: (d: string) => string,
    lineColor: string,
    textColor: string
  • showAxisX: if true, enables the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • showAxisY: if true, enables the axis along the vertical direction.
  • invertAxisX: if true, inverts the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • invertAxisY: if true, inverts the axis along the vertical direction.
  • labelXOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the horizontal axis.
  • labelYOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the vertical axis.
  • tickFormatX: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the horizontal axis.
  • tickFormatY: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the vertical axis.
  • lineColor: defines the color of the axes.
  • textColor: defines the tick label color.


    showAxisX: true,
    showAxisY: false,
    invertAxisX: false,
    invertAxisY: false,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal',
    lineColor: 'black',
    textColor: 'black'


    color: string,
    width: number,
    insetColor: string,
    insetWidth: number,
    fillColor: string,
    fillWidth: number
  • color: defines the border color of the track.
  • width: defines the border width of the track.
  • insetColor: defines the color of the track outside the range selected.
  • insetWidth: defines the width of the track outside the range selected.
  • fillColor: defines the color of the track into the range selected.
  • fillWidth: defines the width of the track into the range selected.


    color: '#bbb',
    width: 6,
    insetColor: '#eee',
    insetWidth: 4,
    fillColor: '#3883fa',
    fillWidth: 4


    type: 'discrete' | 'continuous',
    step: number
  • type: if set to discrete, the interval will be discrete and only values defined in data will be selectable. If set to continuos, all values between start and end values will be selectable.
  • step: defines minimum range selectable. It works if handle type is double.


    type: 'discrete'


    strokeColor: string,
    fillColor: string,
    type: 'single' | 'double',
    showTooltip: 'never' | 'always' | 'on-hover'
  • strokeColor: defines the border color of the handle.
  • fillColor: defines the inner color of the handle.
  • type: if it is single, we will have a single handle, and we can select only a specific value of the interval. If it is double, we will have two handles and we can select a range.
  • showTooltip: set the visibility of the handle tooltip.


    strokeColor: '#777',
    fillColor: 'white',
    type: 'double',
    showTooltip: 'always'


范围滑块的数据具有特定格式,由 RangeSliderGraphDataInterface

import {RangeSliderGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSliderData: RangeSliderGraphDataInterface[] = [

在列表下方定义,该列表包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


定义数据 ID 的字符串。\ 如果未提供,将使用自动计算 值。


定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的


定义数据值的数字。 它是必需的


定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击线上的一个点时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。



<cm-range-slider-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-range-slider-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




import {RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSldierConfs: RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'range_slider_chart',
  type: 'range-slider',
  tooltipFormat: (label, value) => value.toFixed(2),
  axis: {
    tickFormatX: d => Number(d).toFixed(2)


import {RangeSliderGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSliderData: RangeSliderGraphDataInterface[] = [
  { value: 1 },
  { value: 2 },
  { value: 3 },
  { value: 4 },
  { value: 5 },
  { value: 6 },
  { value: 7 },
  { value: 8 },
  { value: 9 },
  { value: 10 },
  { value: 11 },
  { value: 12 },
  { value: 13 },
  { value: 14 },
  { value: 15 },
  { value: 16 },
  { value: 17 },
  { value: 18 },
  { value: 19 },
  { value: 20 },
  { value: 21 },
  { value: 22 },
  { value: 23 },
  { value: 24 },
  { value: 25 },
  { value: 26 },
  { value: 27 },
  { value: 28 },
  { value: 29 },
  { value: 30 }



要正确配置图形,可以使用 TreeGraphConfigurationInterface

import {TreeGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeConf: TreeGraphConfigurationInterface = {

在列表下方,其中包含树形图的所有可用配置。\ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的并且必须是



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10


    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnNode will be emitted each time user clicks on a node. The event contains the data of the node clicked.


    clickOnElement: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。


它可以是水平垂直并定义图形的方向。\ 如果未提供,则默认值为vertical



    minZoom: number,
    maxZoom: number
  • minZoom: defines the minimum zoom level available.
  • maxZoom: defines the maximum zoom level available.




    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: number,
    distanceBetweenCousins: number,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: number,
    expandable: boolean,
    maxInitialExpandedLevel: number,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for all nodes. It can be overwritten by single data (see section below).
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • distanceBetweenBrothers: defines the distance between two nodes at the same level with the same parent.
  • distanceBetweenCousins: defines the distance between two nodes at different level with a different parent.
  • distanceBetweenParentAndChild: defines the distance between parent and its children.
  • expandable: sets if nodes with children can be collapsed and expanded.
  • maxInitialExpandedLevel: if expandable is true, defines the last level visible.
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to nodes (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.


    shape: 'circle',
    collapsedColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    expandedColor: 'white',
    strokeColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    circleRadius: 10,
    rectangleDimensions: {width: 150, height: 40},
    squareDimensions: 80,
    rhombusDimensions: 120,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: 20,
    distanceBetweenCousins: 40,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: 150,
    expandable: true,
    maxInitialExpandedLevel: 2


    color: string,
    arrow: boolean,
    arrowDirection: 'start' | 'end',
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the links.
  • arrow: if true add arrows to the links.
  • arrowDirection: if arrow is true, set the position of the arrow.
  • width: defines the width of the links.


    color: 'lightsteelblue',
    arrow: true,
    arrowDirection: 'end',
    width: '0.125rem'


    color: string,
    padding: {top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number},
    'font-size': number
  • color: defines the color of the labels.
  • padding: defines the padding of the labels.
  • font-size: defines the font size of the labels.


    color: 'black',
    padding: {top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5}


树的数据具有特定格式,由 TreeGraphDataInterface

import {TreeGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeData: TreeGraphDataInterface[] = [

在列表下方定义,其中包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


定义数据 ID 的字符串。\ 如果未提供,将使用自动计算 值。


定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的。\ 如果标签包含特殊字符 %nl%,它将被分成多行(例如“hi %nl%my name is Andrea”,结果为“hi”和“my name is Andrea”两条不同的线)。


定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击一个节点时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。



    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    labelColor: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for single node.
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • labelColor: defines the color of the node label.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to single node (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.



    color: string,
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the single link.
  • width: defines the width of the single link.




    children: TreeGraphDataInterface[]



<cm-tree-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-tree-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




import {TreeGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeConfs: TreeGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'tree_chart',
  type: 'tree',
  nodes: {
    shape: 'rect'
  zoom: {
    minZoom: 0.5,
    maxZoom: 4


import {TreeGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeData: TreeGraphDataInterface[] = [
    label: 'Top Level with a very very long text',
    node: {
      shape: 'square'
    children: [
        label: 'Level 2: A',
        children: [
            label: 'Son of A with a very very long text' ,
            children: [
                label: 'Son of son of A'
                label: 'Daughter of son of A'
            label: 'Daughter of A',
            children: [
                label: 'Son of son of A'
                label: 'Daughter of son of A'
        label: 'Level 2: B',
        node: {
          shape: 'rhombus'
        children: [
            label: 'Son of B with a very very long text'
            label: 'Daughter of B'
        label: 'Level 2: B',
        children: [
            label: 'Son of B',
            children: [
                label: 'Daughter of A',
                children: [
                    label: 'Son of son of A'
                    label: 'Daughter of son of A'
            label: 'Daughter of B'

Flow chart


要正确配置图形,可以使用 FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface

import {FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const flowChartConf: FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface = {

在列表下方,其中包含流程图的所有可用配置。\ 大多数配置都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。


设置图表 ID 的字符串。 它是必需的


定义图表类型的字符串。 它是必需的,并且必须是流程图



    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number


    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10


    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnNode will be emitted each time user clicks on a node. The event contains the data of the node clicked.


    clickOnElement: false

启用沿水平方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图形不会调整为容器宽度,并且会显示水平滚动条。


启用沿垂直方向溢出的布尔值。\ 如果未提供,则默认为 false。\ 如果启用,图表不会调整到容器高度,并且会显示垂直滚动条。


它可以是水平垂直并定义图形的方向。\ 如果未提供,则默认值为vertical



    minZoom: number,
    maxZoom: number
  • minZoom: defines the minimum zoom level available.
  • maxZoom: defines the maximum zoom level available.




    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: number,
    distanceBetweenCousins: number,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: number,
    expandable: boolean,
    maxInitialExpandedLevel: number,
    icon: string,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for all nodes. It can be overwritten by single data (see section below).
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • distanceBetweenBrothers: defines the distance between two nodes at the same level with the same parent.
  • distanceBetweenCousins: defines the distance between two nodes at different level with a different parent.
  • distanceBetweenParentAndChild: defines the distance between parent and its children.
  • expandable: sets if nodes with children can be collapsed and expanded.
  • maxInitialExpandedLevel: if expandable is true, defines the last level visible.
  • icon: sets the icon for all nodes. It can be overwritten by single data (see section below).
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to nodes (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.


    shape: 'circle',
    collapsedColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    expandedColor: 'white',
    strokeColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    circleRadius: 10,
    rectangleDimensions: {width: 150, height: 40},
    squareDimensions: 80,
    rhombusDimensions: 120,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: 20,
    distanceBetweenCousins: 40,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: 150


    color: string,
    arrow: boolean,
    arrowDirection: 'start' | 'end',
    shape: 'smooth' | 'straight',
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the links.
  • arrow: if true add arrows to the links.
  • arrowDirection: if arrow is true, set the position of the arrow.
  • shape: defines the shape of the links.
  • width: defines the width of the links.


    color: 'lightsteelblue',
    arrow: true,
    arrowDirection: 'end',
    shape: 'smooth',
    width: '0.125rem'


    color: string,
    padding: {top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number},
    'font-size': number
  • color: defines the color of the labels.
  • padding: defines the padding of the labels.
  • font-size: defines the font size of the labels.


    color: 'black',
    padding: {top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5}


  position: 'default' | 'full-space',
  strokeColor: string,
  fillColor: string,
  borderRadius: number,
  label: {
    color: string,
    position: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'center',
    'font-size': number,
    padding: {top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number}
  • position: defines if the cluster is drawn around its nodes, or if it occupies the total width/height of the graph in case of vertical/horizontal orientation.
  • strokeColor: defines the border color of the clusters.
  • fillColor: defines the inner color of the clusters.
  • shape: defines the shape of the clusters.
  • label: an object that defines the appearance of the cluster label.
  • color: defines the color of the label.
  • position: defines the position of the label within the cluster.
  • font-size: defines the font size of the label.
  • padding: defines the padding of the label.


    strokeColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    fillColor: 'transparent',
    position: 'default',
    shape: 'rectangle',
    label: {
        color: 'lightsteelblue',
        position: 'center',
        'font-size': 25,
        padding: {top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5}


流程图的数据具有特定格式,由 FlowChartGraphDataInterface 定义,

import {FlowChartGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const flowChartData: FlowChartGraphDataInterface[] = [

下面是一个列表,其中包含单个数据可以具有的所有属性。\ 大多数属性都是可选的,如果未提供值,将设置默认值。\ 流程图数据不同于其他图形。 数据按节点(必需)、边(必需)和簇(可选)划分。\ 这些元素中的每一个都具有相同的接口 FlowChartGraphDataInterface,因此某些属性对节点无用,但对边则无用,反之亦然。

id (configuration for node)

定义数据 ID 的 string。 它是必需的

label (configuration for node and cluster)

定义数据标签的字符串。 它是必需的。\ 如果标签包含特殊字符 %nl%,它将被分成多行(例如“hi %nl%my name is Andrea”,结果为“hi”和“my name is Andrea”两条不同的线)。

extraData (configuration for node)

定义与数据关联的额外数据的对象。 它可以包含每个额外的信息。\ 例如,当用户点击一个节点时,它会返回关键字 extraData 下的数据。

node (configuration for node)


    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    labelColor: string,
    icon: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for single node.
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • labelColor: defines the color of the node label.
  • icon: sets the icon for single node.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to node (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.


link (configuration for edge)


    color: string,
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the single link.
  • width: defines the width of the single link.


source (configuration for edge)

定义边缘源节点 ID 的 string。 它是必需的

target (configuration for edge)

定义边缘目标节点 ID 的 string。 它是必需的

nodes (configuration for cluster)

定义集群中包含的节点 ID 的字符串数组。 它是必需的

cluster (configuration for cluster)


    level: number,
    strokeColor: string,
    fillColor: string,
    label: {
        color: string,
        position: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'center'
  • level: defines the position of the cluster respect to the others. For example, if level is 0, the cluster will be the first and so on. If not provided, clusters will be ordered by the position in the data.
  • strokeColor: defines the border color of the cluster. If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.
  • fillColor: defines the inner color of the cluster. If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.
  • label: an object that defines the appearance of the cluster label. If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.



<cm-flow-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [nodes]="graphNodes"
               [edges]="graphEdges" [clusters]="graphClusters"></cm-flow-chart>

重要:组件必须包含在设置了widthheight 的元素中.




```javascript 从“@acimini/cm-d3-graphs”导入 {FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface};

const flowChartConfs: FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface = { id: '流程图', 类型:“流程图”, 节点:{ 形状:'矩形' }, 飞涨: { 最小缩放:0.5, 最大缩放:4 }, 链接:{ 箭头方向:'结束' }, 方向:'水平', 集群:{


This library is an Angular library that builds most common graphs with the help of d3 and dagrejs libraries.\ With this library we have:

  • histogram
  • line chart
  • pie
  • donut
  • range slider
  • tree chart
  • flow chart
  • bubble chart

This is based on:


  1. Install
  2. How to use
  3. Graph types
  4. Authors
  5. License


npm install d3 --save

npm install dagre --save

npm install @acimini/cm-d3-graphs --save

Import in your app

import { CmD3GraphsModule } from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

  imports: [ CmD3GraphsModule ],

How to use

First define the configuration for the graph

import {GraphTypeConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const graphConf: GraphTypeConfigurationInterface = {

Each graph has its own configuration. See the sections below to check what is the configuration for the graph you choose.

Define the data for the graph

import {GraphTypeDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const graphData: GraphTypeDataInterface = [

For the graph data there are a base interface that is suitable for the most of the graph types, and some specific for those graphs that have a more complex structure. See the sections below to check what is the data format for the graph you choose.

Use the graph component in the html

<cm-graph-type [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-graph-type>

The component can need more inputs than those shown above. See the sections below to check what is the right way to use the component for the graph you choose.

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.

Graph types

Below it is shown the list of the available graph types.\ Each graph section is divided in four parts:

  • Configurations: in this section, it is described what configurations are available for the graph and how use them.
  • Data: in this section, it is described how data must be structured to work with the graph type choose.
  • Component: in this section, it is show how to use the graph component in the html.
  • Example: in this section, it is show an example of the usage of the graph choose.



To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface

import {HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramConf: HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the histogram chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be histogram.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

A number that defines the max number of data displayed in the graph.\ If the data length is grater than the value of this property, a scrollbar will be shown.


An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnBar will be emitted each time user clicks on a bar. The event contains the data of the bar clicked.

If not provided, default value will be used.

  clickOnElement: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


A function that defines the format of the tooltip that appears when the mouse goes on a bar.

(label: string, value: number) => string

If not provided, default value will be used.

(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

It can be horizontal or vertical and defines the orientation of the graph.\ If not provided, default value will be vertical.


An object that defines the appearance of the grid.

    axisX: boolean,
    axisY: boolean,
    color: string
  • axisX: if true, enables the grid along the horizontal direction.
  • axisY: if true, enables the grid along the vertical direction.
  • color: defines the color of the grid.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    axisX: true,
    axisY: true,
    color: '#ccc'

An object that defines the appearance of the axes.

    showAxisX: boolean,
    showAxisY: boolean,
    invertAxisX: boolean,
    invertAxisY: boolean,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    tickFormatX: (d: string) => string,
    tickFormatY: (d: string) => string,
    lineColor: string,
    textColor: string
  • showAxisX: if true, enables the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • showAxisY: if true, enables the axis along the vertical direction.
  • invertAxisX: if true, inverts the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • invertAxisY: if true, inverts the axis along the vertical direction.
  • labelXOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the horizontal axis.
  • labelYOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the vertical axis.
  • tickFormatX: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the horizontal axis.
  • tickFormatY: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the vertical axis.
  • lineColor: defines the color of the axes.
  • textColor: defines the tick label color.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    showAxisX: true,
    showAxisY: true,
    invertAxisX: false,
    invertAxisY: false,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal',
    lineColor: 'black',
    textColor: 'black'

With the histogram we can represent one or more set of data in the same graph.\ The groups' configuration is an array of objects that defines the configuration for each set.

    color: string,
    label: string
  • color: defines the color of the bars that represent the set.
  • label: defines the label of the set (it is useful in conjunction with the legend - see section below).

If not provided, the system automatically calculates the number of the sets from data provided, and for each create the default configuration.

    color: '#1980B6',
    label: 'Group-' + index of the set

Together with the previous configuration, it is possible define the type of grouping. It can be inline or stacked.\ If not provided, default value will be inline.


An object that defines the visibility and the position of the legend.

    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


The data for the histogram have a specific format, defined by the HistogramGraphDataInterface

import {HistogramGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramData: HistogramGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that defines the id of the data.\ If not provided, an auto-calculated value will be used.


A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.


An array of numbers that defines for each data the groups values. It is required.


An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a bar.


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-histogram-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-histogram-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


import {HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramConfs: HistogramGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'histogram_chart',
  type: 'histogram',
  groups: [
    {color: '#1980B6'},
    {color: '#ec1f1f'},
    {color: '#09b116'}
  axis: {
    invertAxisY: false,
    invertAxisX: false
  orientation: 'vertical',
  maxDisplayedNumber: 10,
  legend: {
    position: 'right',
    enabled: true


import {HistogramGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const histogramData: HistogramGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {values: [-12, 34, -56], label: 'Label1'},
  {values: [23, -5, 67], label: 'Label2'},
  {values: [1, 7, 4], label: 'Label3'},
  {values: [67, 31, -12], label: 'Label4'},
  {values: [-43, -43, 9], label: 'Label5'},
  {values: [2, -89, -63], label: 'Label6'},
  {values: [98, 11, 45], label: 'Label7'},
  {values: [-53, 26, -12], label: 'Label8'},
  {values: [-29, 26, 35], label: 'Label9'},
  {values: [31, 1, -5], label: 'Label10'},
  {values: [81, -12, -34], label: 'Label11'},
  {values: [60, 51, -41], label: 'Label12'},
  {values: [-4, -17, 31], label: 'Label13'},
  {values: [35, 67, 18], label: 'Label14'},
  {values: [19, 56, 25], label: 'Label15'},
  {values: [-93, 5, -89], label: 'Label16'},
  {values: [51, 34, -57], label: 'Label17'},
  {values: [56, 76, 12], label: 'Label18'},
  {values: [-48, 87, 90], label: 'Label19'},
  {values: [11, -32, -12], label: 'Label20'}



To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the PieGraphConfigurationInterface

import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieConf: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the pie chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be pie.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

A number that defines the max number of data displayed in the graph.\ If the data length is grater than the value of this property, slices will be distributed in crowns.


An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnSlice will be emitted each time user clicks on a slice. The event contains the data of the slice clicked.

If not provided, default value will be used.

  clickOnElement: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


A function that defines the format of the tooltip that appears when the mouse goes on a slice.

(label: string, value: number) => string

If not provided, default value will be used.

(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

An object that defines the appearance of the slices.

    colors: string[],
    textColor: string
  • colors: an array that defines the color of each slice.
  • textColor: defines the color of the slice label.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    colors: ['#e61400', '#ff0f64', '#0555fa', '#008c5a', '#ff5a0f',
      '#ff4687', '#41b9e6', '#55be5a', '#c6c6c6', '#000000'],
    textColor: 'white'

If colors defined have dimension smaller than data dimension, they will be used cyclically.\ For example, if we have 11 data and 10 colors, for the 11th data will be used first color , and so on.


An object that defines the visibility and the position of the legend.

    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


The data for the pie have a specific format, defined by the PieGraphDataInterface

import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that defines the id of the data.\ If not provided, an auto-calculated value will be used.


A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.


A number that defines the value of the data. It is required.


An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a slice.


An object that defines the appearance of the single slice.

  color: string;
  • color: defines the color of the slice and overwrite the colors' property defined in configurations.

If not provided, the color from the configuration will be used.


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-pie-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-pie-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieConfs: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'pie_chart',
  type: 'pie',
  maxDisplayedNumber: 7,
  legend: {
    position: 'top',
    enabled: true


import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const pieData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {label: 'USA', value: 130},
  {label: 'UK', value: 20},
  {label: 'Canada', value: 30},
  {label: 'Mexico', value: 15},
  {label: 'Italy', value: 5},
  {label: 'France', value: 6},
  {label: 'England', value: 4},
  {label: 'Japan', value: 10},
  {label: 'Germany', value: 7},
  {label: 'Poland', value: 12},
  {label: 'Ukraine', value: 8},
  {label: 'Russia', value: 9},
  {label: 'China', value: 10}



To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the PieGraphConfigurationInterface

import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutConf: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the donut chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be donut.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

A number that defines the max number of data displayed in the graph.\ If the data length is grater than the value of this property, slices will be distributed in crowns.


An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnSlice will be emitted each time user clicks on a slice. The event contains the data of the slice clicked.

If not provided, default value will be used.

  clickOnElement: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


A function that defines the format of the tooltip that appears when the mouse goes on a slice.

(label: string, value: number) => string

If not provided, default value will be used.

(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

An object that defines the appearance of the slices.

    colors: string[],
    textColor: string
  • colors: an array that defines the color of each slice.
  • textColor: defines the color of the slice label.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    colors: ['#e61400', '#ff0f64', '#0555fa', '#008c5a', '#ff5a0f',
      '#ff4687', '#41b9e6', '#55be5a', '#c6c6c6', '#000000'],
    textColor: 'white'

If colors defined have dimension smaller than data dimension, they will be used cyclically.\ For example, if we have 11 data and 10 colors, for the 11th data will be used first color , and so on.


An object that defines the visibility and the position of the legend.

    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


The data for the donut have a specific format, defined by the PieGraphDataInterface

import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that defines the id of the data.\ If not provided, an auto-calculated value will be used.


A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.


A number that defines the value of the data. It is required.


An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a slice.


An object that defines the appearance of the single slice.

  color: string;
  • color: defines the color of the slice and overwrite the colors' property defined in configurations.

If not provided, the color from the configuration will be used.


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-pie-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-pie-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


import {PieGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutConfs: PieGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'donut_chart',
  type: 'donut',
  maxDisplayedNumber: 7


import {PieGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const donutData: PieGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {label: 'USA', value: 60},
  {label: 'UK', value: 20},
  {label: 'Canada', value: 30},
  {label: 'Mexico', value: 15},
  {label: 'Italy', value: 5},
  {label: 'France', value: 6},
  {label: 'England', value: 4},
  {label: 'Japan', value: 10},
  {label: 'Germany', value: 7},
  {label: 'Poland', value: 12},
  {label: 'Ukraine', value: 8},
  {label: 'Russia', value: 9},
  {label: 'China', value: 10}



To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the LineGraphConfigurationInterface

import {LineGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineConf: LineGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the line chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be line.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

A number that defines the max number of data displayed in the graph.\ If the data length is grater than the value of this property, a scrollbar will be shown.


An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnDot will be emitted each time user clicks on a dot on the line. The event contains the data of the dot clicked.

If not provided, default value will be used.

  clickOnElement: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


A function that defines the format of the tooltip that appears when the mouse goes on a dot.

(label: string, value: number) => string

If not provided, default value will be used.

(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

It can be horizontal or vertical and defines the orientation of the graph.\ If not provided, default value will be vertical.


An object that defines the appearance of the grid.

    axisX: boolean,
    axisY: boolean,
    color: string
  • axisX: if true, enables the grid along the horizontal direction.
  • axisY: if true, enables the grid along the vertical direction.
  • color: defines the color of the grid.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    axisX: true,
    axisY: true,
    color: '#ccc'

An object that defines the appearance of the axes.

    showAxisX: boolean,
    showAxisY: boolean,
    invertAxisX: boolean,
    invertAxisY: boolean,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    tickFormatX: (d: string) => string,
    tickFormatY: (d: string) => string,
    lineColor: string,
    textColor: string
  • showAxisX: if true, enables the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • showAxisY: if true, enables the axis along the vertical direction.
  • invertAxisX: if true, inverts the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • invertAxisY: if true, inverts the axis along the vertical direction.
  • labelXOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the horizontal axis.
  • labelYOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the vertical axis.
  • tickFormatX: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the horizontal axis.
  • tickFormatY: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the vertical axis.
  • lineColor: defines the color of the axes.
  • textColor: defines the tick label color.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    showAxisX: true,
    showAxisY: true,
    invertAxisX: false,
    invertAxisY: false,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal',
    lineColor: 'black',
    textColor: 'black'

With the line we can represent one or more set of data in the same graph.\ The groups' configuration is an array of objects that defines the configuration for each set.

    color: string,
    label: string
  • color: defines the color of the line that represent the set.
  • label: defines the label of the set (it is useful in conjunction with the legend - see section below).

If not provided, the system automatically calculates the number of the sets from data provided, and for each create the default configuration.

    color: '#1980B6',
    label: 'Group-' + index of the set

A boolean that enables the area under the line.


An object that defines the visibility and the position of the legend.

    enabled: boolean,
    position: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right'
  • enabled: defines if the legend is enabled.
  • position: defines the position of the legend.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    enabled: false, 
    position: 'right'


The data for the line have a specific format, defined by the LineGraphDataInterface

import {LineGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineData: LineGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that defines the id of the data.\ If not provided, an auto-calculated value will be used.


A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.


An array of numbers that defines for each data the groups values. It is required.


An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a dot on the line.


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-line-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-line-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


import {LineGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineConfs: LineGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'line_chart',
  type: 'line',
  groups: [
    {color: '#1980B6'},
    {color: '#ec1f1f'}


import {LineGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const lineData: LineGraphDataInterface[] = [
  {values: [-12, 34], label: 'Label1'},
  {values: [23, -5], label: 'Label2'},
  {values: [1, 7], label: 'Label3'},
  {values: [67, 31], label: 'Label4'},
  {values: [-43, -43], label: 'Label5'},
  {values: [2, -89], label: 'Label6'},
  {values: [98, 11], label: 'Label7'},
  {values: [-53, 26], label: 'Label8'},
  {values: [-29, 26], label: 'Label9'},
  {values: [31, 1], label: 'Label10'},
  {values: [81, -12], label: 'Label11'},
  {values: [60, 51], label: 'Label12'},
  {values: [-4, -17], label: 'Label13'},
  {values: [35, 67], label: 'Label14'},
  {values: [19, 56], label: 'Label15'},
  {values: [-93, 5], label: 'Label16'},
  {values: [51, 34], label: 'Label17'},
  {values: [56, 76], label: 'Label18'},
  {values: [-48, 87], label: 'Label19'},
  {values: [11, -32], label: 'Label20'}

Range slider


To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface

import {RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSliderConf: RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the range slider chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be range-slider.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    rangeChanging: boolean,
    rangeChanged: boolean
  • rangeChanging: if true, the event rangeChanging will be emitted during range selection. The event contains the data of the range selected.
  • rangeChanged: if true, the event rangeChanged will be emitted at the end of selection. The event contains the data of the range selected.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    rangeChanging: false,
    rangeChanged: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


A function that defines the format of the tooltip that appears when the mouse goes on a dot.

(label: string, value: number) => string

If not provided, default value will be used.

(label, value) => label + ': ' + value

It can be horizontal or vertical and defines the orientation of the graph.\ If not provided, default value will be horizontal.


An object that defines the appearance of the axes.

    showAxisX: boolean,
    showAxisY: boolean,
    invertAxisX: boolean,
    invertAxisY: boolean,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'oblique',
    tickFormatX: (d: string) => string,
    tickFormatY: (d: string) => string,
    lineColor: string,
    textColor: string
  • showAxisX: if true, enables the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • showAxisY: if true, enables the axis along the vertical direction.
  • invertAxisX: if true, inverts the axis along the horizontal direction.
  • invertAxisY: if true, inverts the axis along the vertical direction.
  • labelXOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the horizontal axis.
  • labelYOrientation: defines the orientation of the tick label for the vertical axis.
  • tickFormatX: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the horizontal axis.
  • tickFormatY: a function that returns the tick label formatted for the vertical axis.
  • lineColor: defines the color of the axes.
  • textColor: defines the tick label color.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    showAxisX: true,
    showAxisY: false,
    invertAxisX: false,
    invertAxisY: false,
    labelXOrientation: 'horizontal',
    labelYOrientation: 'horizontal',
    lineColor: 'black',
    textColor: 'black'

An object that defines the appearance of the track.

    color: string,
    width: number,
    insetColor: string,
    insetWidth: number,
    fillColor: string,
    fillWidth: number
  • color: defines the border color of the track.
  • width: defines the border width of the track.
  • insetColor: defines the color of the track outside the range selected.
  • insetWidth: defines the width of the track outside the range selected.
  • fillColor: defines the color of the track into the range selected.
  • fillWidth: defines the width of the track into the range selected.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    color: '#bbb',
    width: 6,
    insetColor: '#eee',
    insetWidth: 4,
    fillColor: '#3883fa',
    fillWidth: 4

An object that defines the values' interval.

    type: 'discrete' | 'continuous',
    step: number
  • type: if set to discrete, the interval will be discrete and only values defined in data will be selectable. If set to continuos, all values between start and end values will be selectable.
  • step: defines minimum range selectable. It works if handle type is double.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    type: 'discrete'

An object that defines the appearance of the handle.

    strokeColor: string,
    fillColor: string,
    type: 'single' | 'double',
    showTooltip: 'never' | 'always' | 'on-hover'
  • strokeColor: defines the border color of the handle.
  • fillColor: defines the inner color of the handle.
  • type: if it is single, we will have a single handle, and we can select only a specific value of the interval. If it is double, we will have two handles and we can select a range.
  • showTooltip: set the visibility of the handle tooltip.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    strokeColor: '#777',
    fillColor: 'white',
    type: 'double',
    showTooltip: 'always'


The data for the range slider have a specific format, defined by the RangeSliderGraphDataInterface

import {RangeSliderGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSliderData: RangeSliderGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that defines the id of the data.\ If not provided, an auto-calculated value will be used.


A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.


A number that defines the value of the data. It is required.


An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a dot on the line.


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-range-slider-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-range-slider-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


import {RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSldierConfs: RangeSliderGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'range_slider_chart',
  type: 'range-slider',
  tooltipFormat: (label, value) => value.toFixed(2),
  axis: {
    tickFormatX: d => Number(d).toFixed(2)


import {RangeSliderGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const rangeSliderData: RangeSliderGraphDataInterface[] = [
  { value: 1 },
  { value: 2 },
  { value: 3 },
  { value: 4 },
  { value: 5 },
  { value: 6 },
  { value: 7 },
  { value: 8 },
  { value: 9 },
  { value: 10 },
  { value: 11 },
  { value: 12 },
  { value: 13 },
  { value: 14 },
  { value: 15 },
  { value: 16 },
  { value: 17 },
  { value: 18 },
  { value: 19 },
  { value: 20 },
  { value: 21 },
  { value: 22 },
  { value: 23 },
  { value: 24 },
  { value: 25 },
  { value: 26 },
  { value: 27 },
  { value: 28 },
  { value: 29 },
  { value: 30 }



To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the TreeGraphConfigurationInterface

import {TreeGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeConf: TreeGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the tree chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be tree.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnNode will be emitted each time user clicks on a node. The event contains the data of the node clicked.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    clickOnElement: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


It can be horizontal or vertical and defines the orientation of the graph.\ If not provided, default value will be vertical.


An object that defines the zoom configuration.

    minZoom: number,
    maxZoom: number
  • minZoom: defines the minimum zoom level available.
  • maxZoom: defines the maximum zoom level available.

If not provided, no limits are set.


An object that defines the appearance of the nodes.

    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: number,
    distanceBetweenCousins: number,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: number,
    expandable: boolean,
    maxInitialExpandedLevel: number,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for all nodes. It can be overwritten by single data (see section below).
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • distanceBetweenBrothers: defines the distance between two nodes at the same level with the same parent.
  • distanceBetweenCousins: defines the distance between two nodes at different level with a different parent.
  • distanceBetweenParentAndChild: defines the distance between parent and its children.
  • expandable: sets if nodes with children can be collapsed and expanded.
  • maxInitialExpandedLevel: if expandable is true, defines the last level visible.
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to nodes (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    shape: 'circle',
    collapsedColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    expandedColor: 'white',
    strokeColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    circleRadius: 10,
    rectangleDimensions: {width: 150, height: 40},
    squareDimensions: 80,
    rhombusDimensions: 120,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: 20,
    distanceBetweenCousins: 40,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: 150,
    expandable: true,
    maxInitialExpandedLevel: 2

An object that defines the appearance of the links.

    color: string,
    arrow: boolean,
    arrowDirection: 'start' | 'end',
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the links.
  • arrow: if true add arrows to the links.
  • arrowDirection: if arrow is true, set the position of the arrow.
  • width: defines the width of the links.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    color: 'lightsteelblue',
    arrow: true,
    arrowDirection: 'end',
    width: '0.125rem'

An object that defines the appearance of the label.

    color: string,
    padding: {top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number},
    'font-size': number
  • color: defines the color of the labels.
  • padding: defines the padding of the labels.
  • font-size: defines the font size of the labels.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    color: 'black',
    padding: {top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5}


The data for the tree have a specific format, defined by the TreeGraphDataInterface

import {TreeGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeData: TreeGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that defines the id of the data.\ If not provided, an auto-calculated value will be used.


A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.\ If label contains special character %nl%, it will be splitted on multiple lines (for example "hi %nl%my name is Andrea", results in "hi" and "my name is Andrea" on two different lines).


An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a node.


An object that defines the appearance of the single node.

    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    labelColor: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for single node.
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • labelColor: defines the color of the node label.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to single node (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.

If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.

An object that defines the appearance of the single link.

    color: string,
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the single link.
  • width: defines the width of the single link.

If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.


An array of object where the single element has the same structure of the single node.

    children: TreeGraphDataInterface[]


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-tree-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [graphData]="graphData"></cm-tree-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


import {TreeGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeConfs: TreeGraphConfigurationInterface = {
  id: 'tree_chart',
  type: 'tree',
  nodes: {
    shape: 'rect'
  zoom: {
    minZoom: 0.5,
    maxZoom: 4


import {TreeGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const treeData: TreeGraphDataInterface[] = [
    label: 'Top Level with a very very long text',
    node: {
      shape: 'square'
    children: [
        label: 'Level 2: A',
        children: [
            label: 'Son of A with a very very long text' ,
            children: [
                label: 'Son of son of A'
                label: 'Daughter of son of A'
            label: 'Daughter of A',
            children: [
                label: 'Son of son of A'
                label: 'Daughter of son of A'
        label: 'Level 2: B',
        node: {
          shape: 'rhombus'
        children: [
            label: 'Son of B with a very very long text'
            label: 'Daughter of B'
        label: 'Level 2: B',
        children: [
            label: 'Son of B',
            children: [
                label: 'Daughter of A',
                children: [
                    label: 'Son of son of A'
                    label: 'Daughter of son of A'
            label: 'Daughter of B'

Flow chart


To configure correctly the graph, it is possible to use the FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface

import {FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const flowChartConf: FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface = {

Below a list with all the configurations available for the flow chart.\ Most of the configurations are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.


A string that sets the id of the chart. It is required.


A string that defines the type of the graph. It is required and must be flow-chart.


An object that sets the margins between the graph and its container.

    top: number,
    bottom: number,
    left: number,
    right: number

If not provided, default value will be used.

    top: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    left: 10,
    right: 10

An object that sets the events enabled on the graph.

    clickOnElement: boolean
  • clickOnElement: if true, the event clickOnNode will be emitted each time user clicks on a node. The event contains the data of the node clicked.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    clickOnElement: false

A boolean that enables the overflow along the horizontal direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container width, and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown.


A boolean that enables the overflow along the vertical direction.\ If not provided, by default it is false.\ If enabled, the graph is not resized to the container height, and a vertical scrollbar will be shown.


It can be horizontal or vertical and defines the orientation of the graph.\ If not provided, default value will be vertical.


An object that defines the zoom configuration.

    minZoom: number,
    maxZoom: number
  • minZoom: defines the minimum zoom level available.
  • maxZoom: defines the maximum zoom level available.

If not provided, no limits are set.


An object that defines the appearance of the nodes.

    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: number,
    distanceBetweenCousins: number,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: number,
    expandable: boolean,
    maxInitialExpandedLevel: number,
    icon: string,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for all nodes. It can be overwritten by single data (see section below).
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • distanceBetweenBrothers: defines the distance between two nodes at the same level with the same parent.
  • distanceBetweenCousins: defines the distance between two nodes at different level with a different parent.
  • distanceBetweenParentAndChild: defines the distance between parent and its children.
  • expandable: sets if nodes with children can be collapsed and expanded.
  • maxInitialExpandedLevel: if expandable is true, defines the last level visible.
  • icon: sets the icon for all nodes. It can be overwritten by single data (see section below).
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to nodes (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    shape: 'circle',
    collapsedColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    expandedColor: 'white',
    strokeColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    circleRadius: 10,
    rectangleDimensions: {width: 150, height: 40},
    squareDimensions: 80,
    rhombusDimensions: 120,
    distanceBetweenBrothers: 20,
    distanceBetweenCousins: 40,
    distanceBetweenParentAndChild: 150

An object that defines the appearance of the links.

    color: string,
    arrow: boolean,
    arrowDirection: 'start' | 'end',
    shape: 'smooth' | 'straight',
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the links.
  • arrow: if true add arrows to the links.
  • arrowDirection: if arrow is true, set the position of the arrow.
  • shape: defines the shape of the links.
  • width: defines the width of the links.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    color: 'lightsteelblue',
    arrow: true,
    arrowDirection: 'end',
    shape: 'smooth',
    width: '0.125rem'

An object that defines the appearance of the label.

    color: string,
    padding: {top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number},
    'font-size': number
  • color: defines the color of the labels.
  • padding: defines the padding of the labels.
  • font-size: defines the font size of the labels.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    color: 'black',
    padding: {top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5}

An object that defines the appearance of the clusters.

  position: 'default' | 'full-space',
  strokeColor: string,
  fillColor: string,
  borderRadius: number,
  label: {
    color: string,
    position: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'center',
    'font-size': number,
    padding: {top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number}
  • position: defines if the cluster is drawn around its nodes, or if it occupies the total width/height of the graph in case of vertical/horizontal orientation.
  • strokeColor: defines the border color of the clusters.
  • fillColor: defines the inner color of the clusters.
  • shape: defines the shape of the clusters.
  • label: an object that defines the appearance of the cluster label.
  • color: defines the color of the label.
  • position: defines the position of the label within the cluster.
  • font-size: defines the font size of the label.
  • padding: defines the padding of the label.

If not provided, default value will be used.

    strokeColor: 'lightsteelblue',
    fillColor: 'transparent',
    position: 'default',
    shape: 'rectangle',
    label: {
        color: 'lightsteelblue',
        position: 'center',
        'font-size': 25,
        padding: {top: 5, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5}


The data for the flow chart have a specific format, defined by the FlowChartGraphDataInterface

import {FlowChartGraphDataInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const flowChartData: FlowChartGraphDataInterface[] = [

Below a list with all the properties that the single data can have.\ Most of the properties are optional and, if a value is not provided, a default one will be set.\ Flow chart data is different from those of other graphs. Data is divided by nodes (required), edges (required) and clusters (optional).\ Each of these elements have the same interface FlowChartGraphDataInterface, so some properties are useless for nodes, but not for edge and viceversa.

id (configuration for node)

A string that defines the id of the data. It is required.

label (configuration for node and cluster)

A string that defines the label of the data. It is required.\ If label contains special character %nl%, it will be splitted on multiple lines (for example "hi %nl%my name is Andrea", results in "hi" and "my name is Andrea" on two different lines).

extraData (configuration for node)

An object that defines extra data associated with the data. It can contain each extra information.\ For example, it is returned whit the data under key extraData, when the user clicks on a node.

node (configuration for node)

An object that defines the appearance of the single node.

    shape: 'circle' | 'rect' | 'square' | 'rhombus',
    collapsedColor: string,
    expandedColor: string,
    strokeColor: string,
    strokeWidth: string,
    labelColor: string,
    icon: string,
    circleRadius: number,
    rectangleDimensions: { width: number, height: number },
    squareDimensions: number,
    rhombusDimensions: number,
    additionalClasses: string
  • shape: sets the shape for single node.
  • collapsedColor: defines the color of the node when it is collapsed.
  • expandedColor: defines the color of the node when it is expanded.
  • strokeColor: defines the color of the border of the node.
  • strokeWidth: defines the width of the border of the node.
  • labelColor: defines the color of the node label.
  • icon: sets the icon for single node.
  • circleRadius: defines the radius of the node if shape is circle.
  • rectangleDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rect.
  • squareDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is square.
  • rhombusDimensions: defines the dimensions of the node if shape is rhombus.
  • additionalClasses: list of additional classes associated to node (example "class1 class2 …"). It's important to put ::ng-deep before class definition.

If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.

link (configuration for edge)

An object that defines the appearance of the single link.

    color: string,
    width: string
  • color: defines the color of the single link.
  • width: defines the width of the single link.

If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.

source (configuration for edge)

An string that defines the id of the source node of the edge. It is required.

target (configuration for edge)

An string that defines the id of the target node of the edge. It is required.

nodes (configuration for cluster)

An array of string that defines the ids of the nodes that are contained in the cluster. It is required.

cluster (configuration for cluster)

An object that defines the appearance of the cluster.

    level: number,
    strokeColor: string,
    fillColor: string,
    label: {
        color: string,
        position: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'center'
  • level: defines the position of the cluster respect to the others. For example, if level is 0, the cluster will be the first and so on. If not provided, clusters will be ordered by the position in the data.
  • strokeColor: defines the border color of the cluster. If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.
  • fillColor: defines the inner color of the cluster. If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.
  • label: an object that defines the appearance of the cluster label. If not provided, will be used the values set in the configuration.


When the configuration and the data are set, the last step is to import the component into the html.

<cm-flow-chart [graphConfigs]="graphConf" [nodes]="graphNodes"
               [edges]="graphEdges" [clusters]="graphClusters"></cm-flow-chart>

IMPORTANT: the component must be enclosed in an element with width and height set.


Below an example


```javascript import {FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface} from '@acimini/cm-d3-graphs';

const flowChartConfs: FlowChartGraphConfigurationInterface = { id: 'flow_chart', type: 'flow-chart', nodes: { shape: 'rect' }, zoom: { minZoom: 0.5, maxZoom: 4 }, links: { arrowDirection: 'end' }, orientation: 'horizontal', clusters: {

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