@acheetahk/request 中文文档教程

发布于 4年前 浏览 27 项目主页 更新于 3年前



@acheetahk/request ⛵ . supports all node.js request methods for HTTP/HTTPS and includes the best proxy and file download modules.

codecovbuild npm


Methods Nav


npm install @acheetahk/request

cnpm install @acheetahk/request

yarn add @acheetahk/request


    "@types/express": "^4.17.8",
    "@types/form-data": "^2.5.0",
    "axios": "^0.21.0",
    "form-data": "^3.0.0"



fastRequest - get

  import { fastRequest } from '@acheetahk/request';
  const response = await fastRequest({ url: <YOUR URL>, method: 'GET' });

fastRequest - post

  import { fastRequest } from '@acheetahk/request';
  const response = await fastRequest({ url: <YOUR URL>, method: 'POST', data: { value: 'test post' } });

fastRequest - options

|参数|类型|解释|要求| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|url|true| |方法|GET DELETE HEAD OPTIONS POST PUT PATCH PURGE LINK UNLINK|method|true| |headers|any|header|false| |query|any|连接 URL 中的参数|false| |data|any|data 仅适用于这些请求方法 'PUT'、'POST' 和 'PATCH'|false| |timeout|number|timeout 单位是秒|false| |withCredentials|boolean|允许cookie信息跨域携带|false| |responseType|arraybuffer blob 文档 json 文本 |响应类型|false| |onUploadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|配置上传进度|false| |onDownloadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|配置下载进度|false| |代理|{ host: string, port: number, auth: { username: 字符串, 密码: 字符串 } }| 配置代理 |false| |解压|boolean| 指示是否应解压缩响应主体 |false|


fastFormData - example

  import * as fs from 'fs';
  import { fastFormData } from '@acheetahk/request';

  const response = await fastFormData(
      data: {
        name: 'test formData',
        file: fs.createReadStream(resolve(__dirname, './xx.xx')),

fastFormData - options

|参数|类型|解释|要求| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|要寻址的资源|true| |data|any|form-data body|true| |配置|RequestOptions| ⬇️ |真|

fastFormData - options - configs

|参数|类型|解释|要求| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |headers|any|header|false| |timeout|number|timeout 单位是秒|false| |withCredentials|boolean|允许cookie信息跨域携带|false| |responseType|arraybuffer blob 文档 json 文本 |响应类型|false| |onUploadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|配置上传进度|false| |onDownloadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|配置下载进度|false| |解压|boolean| 指示是否应解压缩响应主体 |false|


委托给指定的 express.js / nest.js 服务

fastProxy - example for nest.js

import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Module, All, Controller, HttpCode, HttpStatus, InternalServerErrorException, Req } from '@nestjs/common';

class DemoController {
  async demo(@Req() requset: Request) {
    try {
      await fastProxy(
          host: '<The server host that requires a proxy>',
          port: '<The server port that requires a proxy>',
          isRewrite: true,
          rewrite: '/demo',
          body: requset.body,
          path: requset.originalUrl,
          headers: requset.headers,
    } catch (error) {
      throw new InternalServerErrorException('Error');

const app = await NestFactory.create(CoreModule, { cors: true });
await app.listen(8000);

fastProxy - example of express.js

import * as express from 'express';
import { fastProxy } from '@acheetahk/request';

const app = express();

const router = express.Router();

app.use('/express', router);

router.all('*', async (requset: Request, response: Response) => {
  await fastProxy(
      host: '<The server host that requires a proxy>',
      port: '<The server port that requires a proxy>',
      isRewrite: true,
      rewrite: '/express',
      body: requset.body,
      path: requset.originalUrl,
      headers: requset.headers,

const server = app.listen(8000);

fastProxy - options

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |req|express.request|底层是HTTP.IncomingMessage|true| |res|express.response|底层是HTTP.ServerResponse|true| |选项|ProxyOptions| ⬇️ |真|

fastProxy - options - options

|参数|类型|解释|要求| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |<代码>主机| string |需要代理的服务器主机|true| |<代码>端口| number |需要代理的服务器端口|true| |path|string|路由地址|true| |headers|any|请求标头|true| |<代码>正文| any |请求体|false| |timeout|number|timeout 单位是秒|false| |isRewrite|boolean|是否覆盖路由地址|false| |rewrite|string|重写规则示例:'/express' ==> '/''/express/test' ==> '/测试'|false|


fileDownload - example


import { resolve } from 'path';

const path = resolve(__dirname, './fileDownload');
const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;

// result -> The full path of the downloaded file
const result = await fileDownload(url, path);

fileDownload - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |网址|字符串|真| |路径|字符串|真|


fileToStr - example


const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToStr(url);

fileToStr - args

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |网址|字符串|网址|真| |type|string|编码类型,默认为base64|true|


fileToBuffer - example


const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToBuffer(url, path);

fileToBuffer - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |网址|字符串|真|


fileToDuplexStream - example


const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToDuplexStream(url, path);

fileToDuplexStream - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |网址|字符串|真|


bufferToStream - example

const result = await bufferToStream(buffer);

bufferToStream - args

|参数|类型|要求| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |缓冲区|缓冲区|真|




@acheetahk/request ⛵ . supports all node.js request methods for HTTP/HTTPS and includes the best proxy and file download modules.

codecovbuild npm

Please use version greater than 2.9.0

Methods Nav


npm install @acheetahk/request

cnpm install @acheetahk/request

yarn add @acheetahk/request


    "@types/express": "^4.17.8",
    "@types/form-data": "^2.5.0",
    "axios": "^0.21.0",
    "form-data": "^3.0.0"



fastRequest - get

  import { fastRequest } from '@acheetahk/request';
  const response = await fastRequest({ url: <YOUR URL>, method: 'GET' });

fastRequest - post

  import { fastRequest } from '@acheetahk/request';
  const response = await fastRequest({ url: <YOUR URL>, method: 'POST', data: { value: 'test post' } });

fastRequest - options

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|url|true| |method|GET DELETE HEAD OPTIONS POST PUT PATCH PURGE LINK UNLINK|method|true| |headers|any|header|false| |query|any|Concatenate parameters in the URL|false| |data|any|data Apply only to these request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'|false| |timeout|number|timeout Units are seconds|false| |withCredentials|boolean|allows cookie information to be carried across domains|false| |responseType|arraybuffer blob document json text stream|response-type|false| |onUploadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|Configure the progress on upload|false| |onDownloadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|Configure the progress on download|false| |proxy|{ host: string, port: number, auth: { username: string, password: string } }| Configure proxy |false| |decompress|boolean| indicates whether or not the response body should be decompressed |false|


fastFormData - example

  import * as fs from 'fs';
  import { fastFormData } from '@acheetahk/request';

  const response = await fastFormData(
      data: {
        name: 'test formData',
        file: fs.createReadStream(resolve(__dirname, './xx.xx')),

fastFormData - options

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|Resources to address|true| |data|any|form-data body|true| |configs|RequestOptions| ⬇️ ???? |true|

fastFormData - options - configs

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |headers|any|header|false| |timeout|number|timeout Units are seconds|false| |withCredentials|boolean|allows cookie information to be carried across domains|false| |responseType|arraybuffer blob document json text stream|response-type|false| |onUploadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|Configure the progress on upload|false| |onDownloadProgress|(progressEvent: any) => void|Configure the progress on download|false| |decompress|boolean| indicates whether or not the response body should be decompressed |false|


Delegate to the specified express.js / nest.js service

fastProxy - example for nest.js

import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Module, All, Controller, HttpCode, HttpStatus, InternalServerErrorException, Req } from '@nestjs/common';

class DemoController {
  async demo(@Req() requset: Request) {
    try {
      await fastProxy(
          host: '<The server host that requires a proxy>',
          port: '<The server port that requires a proxy>',
          isRewrite: true,
          rewrite: '/demo',
          body: requset.body,
          path: requset.originalUrl,
          headers: requset.headers,
    } catch (error) {
      throw new InternalServerErrorException('Error');

const app = await NestFactory.create(CoreModule, { cors: true });
await app.listen(8000);

fastProxy - example of express.js

import * as express from 'express';
import { fastProxy } from '@acheetahk/request';

const app = express();

const router = express.Router();

app.use('/express', router);

router.all('*', async (requset: Request, response: Response) => {
  await fastProxy(
      host: '<The server host that requires a proxy>',
      port: '<The server port that requires a proxy>',
      isRewrite: true,
      rewrite: '/express',
      body: requset.body,
      path: requset.originalUrl,
      headers: requset.headers,

const server = app.listen(8000);

fastProxy - options

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |req|express.request|The bottom layer is HTTP.IncomingMessage|true| |res|express.response|The bottom layer is HTTP.ServerResponse|true| |options|ProxyOptions| ⬇️ ???? |true|

fastProxy - options - options

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |host| string |The server host that requires a proxy|true| |port| number |The server port that requires a proxy|true| |path|string|The routing address|true| |headers|any|The request header|true| |body| any |The request body|false| |timeout|number|timeout Units are seconds|false| |isRewrite|boolean|Whether to override the routing address|false| |rewrite|string|example of rewrite rule: '/express' ==> '/' or '/express/test' ==> '/test'|false|


fileDownload - example

Download the file and return to the local file path

import { resolve } from 'path';

const path = resolve(__dirname, './fileDownload');
const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;

// result -> The full path of the downloaded file
const result = await fileDownload(url, path);

fileDownload - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|true| |path|string|true|


fileToStr - example

Convert the network file into a string of the specified encoding

const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToStr(url);

fileToStr - args

|param|type|explain|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|url|true| |type|string|Encoding type, the default is base64|true|


fileToBuffer - example

Convert web files to Buffer

const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToBuffer(url, path);

fileToBuffer - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|true|


fileToDuplexStream - example

Convert web files to Duplex Stream

const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToDuplexStream(url, path);

fileToDuplexStream - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |url|string|true|


bufferToStream - example

const result = await bufferToStream(buffer);

bufferToStream - args

|param|type|require| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |buffer|Buffer|true|


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