@acflow/react-native-action-sheet 中文文档教程

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ActionSheet 是一个跨平台的 React Native 组件,它在 iOS 上使用本机 UIActionSheet,在 Android 上使用 JS 实现。 几乎是 ActionSheetIOS 的替代品,除了它不能被静态调用。

iOS Android Web


$ npm install @expo/react-native-action-sheet -S


$ yarn add @expo/react-native-action-sheet

A basic ActionSheet Setup

1. Wrap your top-level component with <ActionSheetProvider />

import { ActionSheetProvider } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet';

class AppContainer extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <ConnectedApp />

2. Connect your component which uses showActionSheetWithOptions.

import { connectActionSheet } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet';

class App extends React.Component {
  /* ... */

const ConnectedApp = connectActionSheet(App);

export default ConnectedApp;

App 组件可以访问 actionSheet 方法作为 this.props.showActionSheetWithOptions

_onOpenActionSheet = () => {
  // Same interface as https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/actionsheetios.html
  const options = ['Delete', 'Save', 'Cancel'];
  const destructiveButtonIndex = 0;
  const cancelButtonIndex = 2;

    (buttonIndex) => {
      // Do something here depending on the button index selected

如果您使用的是 React 16.8 或更新版本,您可以使用钩子而不是高阶组件。

import { useActionSheet } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet';

export default function App() {
  const { showActionSheetWithOptions } = useActionSheet();
  /* ... */


这个库的目标是尽可能地模仿原生的 iOS 和 Android ActionSheets。

这个库也可以在带有 Expo for web 的浏览器中使用。

Universal Props

React Native 的 ActionSheetIOS 组件上可用的相同选项适用于此库中的 iOS 和 Android。 注意:disabledButtonIndices 仅适用于 Expo 43+ 或 RN 0.64.0+ 中的 iOS。

iOS Only Props

Name Type Required Default
anchor number No
userInterfaceStyle string No

anchor (optional)

仅 iPad 选项允许将操作表停靠到节点。 有关如何实现此功能的示例,请参阅 ShowActionSheetButton.tsx

userInterfaceStyle (optional)

action sheet使用的界面风格,可以设置为lightdark,否则将使用默认的系统风格。

Android/Web-Only Props

以下道具允许修改 Android ActionSheet。 它们对 iOS 上的外观没有影响,因为本机 iOS 操作表没有用于修改这些选项的选项。

Name Type Required Default
icons array of required images or icons No
tintIcons boolean No true
textStyle TextStyle No
titleTextStyle TextStyle No
messageTextStyle TextStyle No
autoFocus boolean No false
showSeparators boolean No false
containerStyle ViewStyle No
separatorStyle ViewStyle No
useModal boolean No false (true if autoFocus is true)
destructiveColor string No #d32f2f

icons (optional)

显示图标以配合每个选项。 如果通过 require 提供图像源路径,将为您呈现图像。 或者,您可以提供一组元素,例如矢量图标、预渲染图像等

tintIcons (optional)

。默认情况下,图标将被着色以匹配文本颜色。 当设置为 false 时,图标将是源图像的颜色。 如果您想使用多色图标,这很有用。 如果您在 icons 数组中提供自己的节点/预渲染图标而不是所需的图像,则需要在将它们提供给 icons 数组之前对其进行适当的着色; tintColor 不会应用于图标,除非它们是来自所需来源的图像。

textStyle (optional)

将任何文本样式道具应用于选项。 如果提供了 tintColor 选项,则它优先于彩色文本样式道具。

titleTextStyle (optional)


messageTextStyle (optional)


autoFocus: (optional)

如果为真,将在操作表可见时自动为第一个选项屏幕阅读器提供焦点。 在 iOS 上,这是本机操作表的默认行为。

showSeparators: (optional)

显示项目之间的分隔符。 在 iOS 上,分隔符始终显示,因此此属性无效。

containerStyle: (optional)


separatorStyle: (optional)


useModal: (optional)

用 Modal 包裹 ActionSheet,以便在其他已打开的 Modal 前面显示 (issue参考)。

destructiveColor: (optional)


ActionSheetProvider Props

以下道具可以直接在 ActionSheetProvider

useNativeDriver (optional)

Windows 选项上直接设置,该选项提供禁用 native animation 驱动程序; Build-10.0.17763.0 及更早版本。 useNativeDriver 在版本 1903 及更高版本中受支持 所以如果你的项目是针对那个的,你不需要设置这个道具。

Try it out

在 Expo 中尝试:https://expo.io/@community/react-native-action-sheet-example


请参阅 示例应用程序


$ cd example
$ yarn

// build simulator
$ yarn ios
$ yarn android

// web
$ yarn web



$ git clone git@github.com:expo/react-native-action-sheet.git
$ cd react-native-action-sheet
$ yarn


我们使用 bob

$ yarn build

Lint & Format

// tsc
$ yarn type-check

// ESLint + Prettier
$ yarn lint


npm License: MIT Discord

ActionSheet is a cross-platform React Native component that uses the native UIActionSheet on iOS and a JS implementation on Android. Almost a drop in replacement for ActionSheetIOS except it cannot be called statically.

iOS Android Web


$ npm install @expo/react-native-action-sheet -S


$ yarn add @expo/react-native-action-sheet

A basic ActionSheet Setup

1. Wrap your top-level component with <ActionSheetProvider />

import { ActionSheetProvider } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet';

class AppContainer extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <ConnectedApp />

2. Connect your component which uses showActionSheetWithOptions.

import { connectActionSheet } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet';

class App extends React.Component {
  /* ... */

const ConnectedApp = connectActionSheet(App);

export default ConnectedApp;

App component can access the actionSheet method as this.props.showActionSheetWithOptions

_onOpenActionSheet = () => {
  // Same interface as https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/actionsheetios.html
  const options = ['Delete', 'Save', 'Cancel'];
  const destructiveButtonIndex = 0;
  const cancelButtonIndex = 2;

    (buttonIndex) => {
      // Do something here depending on the button index selected

You can use a hook instead of the higher order component if you are on React 16.8 or newer.

import { useActionSheet } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet';

export default function App() {
  const { showActionSheetWithOptions } = useActionSheet();
  /* ... */


The goal of this library is to mimic the native iOS and Android ActionSheets as closely as possible.

This library can also be used in the browser with Expo for web.

Universal Props

The same options available on React Native's ActionSheetIOS component exist for both iOS and Android in this library. Note: disabledButtonIndices is only available for iOS in Expo 43+ or RN 0.64.0+.

iOS Only Props

Name Type Required Default
anchor number No
userInterfaceStyle string No

anchor (optional)

iPad only option that allows for docking the action sheet to a node. See ShowActionSheetButton.tsx for an example on how to implement this.

userInterfaceStyle (optional)

The interface style used for the action sheet, can be set to light or dark, otherwise the default system style will be used.

Android/Web-Only Props

The below props allow modification of the Android ActionSheet. They have no effect on the look on iOS as the native iOS Action Sheet does not have options for modifying these options.

Name Type Required Default
icons array of required images or icons No
tintIcons boolean No true
textStyle TextStyle No
titleTextStyle TextStyle No
messageTextStyle TextStyle No
autoFocus boolean No false
showSeparators boolean No false
containerStyle ViewStyle No
separatorStyle ViewStyle No
useModal boolean No false (true if autoFocus is true)
destructiveColor string No #d32f2f

icons (optional)

Show icons to go along with each option. If image source paths are provided via require, images will be rendered for you. Alternatively, you can provide an array of elements such as vector icons, pre-rendered Images, etc.

tintIcons (optional)

Icons by default will be tinted to match the text color. When set to false, the icons will be the color of the source image. This is useful if you want to use multicolor icons. If you provide your own nodes/pre-rendered icons rather than required images in the icons array, you will need to tint them appropriately before providing them in the array of icons; tintColor will not be applied to icons unless they are images from a required source.

textStyle (optional)

Apply any text style props to the options. If the tintColor option is provided, it takes precedence over a color text style prop.

titleTextStyle (optional)

Apply any text style props to the title if present.

messageTextStyle (optional)

Apply any text style props to the message if present.

autoFocus: (optional)

If true, will give the first option screen reader focus automatically when the action sheet becomes visible. On iOS, this is the default behavior of the native action sheet.

showSeparators: (optional)

Show separators between items. On iOS, separators always show so this prop has no effect.

containerStyle: (optional)

Apply any view style props to the container rather than use the default look (e.g. dark mode).

separatorStyle: (optional)

Modify the look of the separators rather than use the default look.

useModal: (optional)

Wrap the ActionSheet with a Modal, in order to show in front of other Modals that were already opened (issue reference).

destructiveColor: (optional)

Modify color for text of destructive option.

ActionSheetProvider Props

The following props can be set directly on the ActionSheetProvider

useNativeDriver (optional)

Windows only option that provides the option to disable the native animation driver for React Native Windows projects targeting Windows 10 Version-1809 ; Build-10.0.17763.0 and earlier. useNativeDriver is supported in Version-1903 and later so if your project is targeting that, you don't need to set this prop.

Try it out

Try it in Expo: https://expo.io/@community/react-native-action-sheet-example


See the example app.


$ cd example
$ yarn

// build simulator
$ yarn ios
$ yarn android

// web
$ yarn web



$ git clone git@github.com:expo/react-native-action-sheet.git
$ cd react-native-action-sheet
$ yarn


We use bob.

$ yarn build

Lint & Format

// tsc
$ yarn type-check

// ESLint + Prettier
$ yarn lint


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