@acent/node 中文文档教程
What is this?
- @acent is a module distributed by npm and is a kind of sdk. Install the appropriate modules for your project, and follow the guide to add code to help you collect and manage errors.
- It can be used in node.js-based server projects.
- It can be used in javascript-based client projects.
- It contains common functions used by all modules.
- It can be used in React-based projects. However, it is not yet complete, so I recommend using @acent/browser
How to use
- For detailed usage, please refer to the following link.
What is this?
- @acent is a module distributed by npm and is a kind of sdk. Install the appropriate modules for your project, and follow the guide to add code to help you collect and manage errors.
- It can be used in node.js-based server projects.
- It can be used in javascript-based client projects.
- It contains common functions used by all modules.
- It can be used in React-based projects. However, it is not yet complete, so I recommend using @acent/browser
How to use
- For detailed usage, please refer to the following link.
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