@acdh/event-drops 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 26 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


EventDrops 是一个基于时间/事件系列的交互式可视化工具,由 D3.js 提供支持。

EventDrops example



EventDrops 作为 npm 包提供。 使用您选择的工具获取它:

yarn add event-drops
npm install --save event-drops


从 1.0 版开始,event-drops 遵循语义版本控制。 因此,我们建议检查您的 package.json 文件并确保 event-drops 版本前面有一个 carret:

    "event-drops": "^1.0.0"



Without a Module Bundler

如果您使用任何模块捆绑器,例如 Webpack,我们建议使用 unpkg.com。 获取库的最新版本非常简单:

<link href="https://unpkg.com/event-drops/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<script src="https://unpkg.com/d3"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/event-drops"></script>

然后,代码类似于带有模块捆绑器的代码(请参阅下一段),只是您不必指定 D3 配置参数。

With a Module Bundler

如果您使用模块捆绑器,则可以通过以下方式导入 EventDrops:

import * as d3 from 'd3/build/d3';

import eventDrops from 'event-drops';

const chart = eventDrops({ d3 });

const repositoriesData = [
        name: 'admin-on-rest',
        data: [{ date: new Date('2014/09/15 14:21:31') } /* ... */],
        name: 'event-drops',
        data: [{ date: new Date('2014/09/15 13:24:57') } /* ... */],
        name: 'sedy',
        data: [{ date: new Date('2014/09/15 13:25:12') } /* ... */],


您可以使用 D3 作为特定导入(在 eventDrops 调用的第一个参数中指定它),或使用全局导入。 默认情况下,它回退到全局定义的 d3


eventDrops 函数将一个配置对象作为一个参数,详细信息在:

Configuration Reference


  • scale() provides the horizontal scale, allowing you to retrieve bounding dates thanks to .scale().domain(),
  • filteredData() returns an object with both data and fullData keys containing respectively bounds filtered data and full dataset.
  • draw(config, scale) redraws chart using given configuration and d3.scaleTime scale
  • destroy() execute this function before to removing the chart from DOM. It prevents some memory leaks due to event listeners.
  • currentBreakpointLabel returns current breakpoint (for instance small) among a list of breakpoints.

因此,如果您想要显示显示数据的数量和时间范围,如 demo,可以使用如下代码:

const updateCommitsInformation = chart => {
    const filteredData = chart
        .reduce((total, repo) => total.concat(repo.data), []);

    numberCommitsContainer.textContent = filteredData.length;
    zoomStart.textContent = humanizeDate(chart.scale().domain()[0]);
    zoomEnd.textContent = humanizeDate(chart.scale().domain()[1]);




git clone git@github.com:marmelab/EventDrops.git
cd EventDrops
make install
make run

演示将在 http://localhost:8080 上可用. 自动观看源文件。 更改一个文件会自动重新加载您的浏览器。


make test


欢迎在 GitHub 问题跟踪器 上寻求帮助。 核心团队很乐意帮助您做出贡献。


EventDrops 根据 MIT 许可证发布,由 marmelabCanal Plus。 这意味着您可以不受任何限制地使用此工具。


EventDrops is a time based / event series interactive visualization tool powered by D3.js.

EventDrops example

If you want to pan and zoom on previous data on your own, here is the demo.


EventDrops is provided as an npm package. Grab it using the tool of your choice:

yarn add event-drops
npm install --save event-drops

Note you don't need this step if you don't use any module bundler.

Since version 1.0, event-drops follows semantic versionning. Hence, we recommend checking your package.json file and ensure that event-drops version is preceded by a carret:

    "event-drops": "^1.0.0"

This way, you'll get all bug fixes and non breaking new features.


Without a Module Bundler

If you don't use any module bundler such as Webpack, we recommend using EventDrop script available on unpkg.com. Grabbing last versions of the library is as simple as:

<link href="https://unpkg.com/event-drops/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<script src="https://unpkg.com/d3"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/event-drops"></script>

Then, the code is similar to the one with module bundler (see next paragraph), except you are not forced to specify D3 configuration parameter.

With a Module Bundler

If you use a module bundler, you can import EventDrops the following way:

import * as d3 from 'd3/build/d3';

import eventDrops from 'event-drops';

const chart = eventDrops({ d3 });

const repositoriesData = [
        name: 'admin-on-rest',
        data: [{ date: new Date('2014/09/15 14:21:31') } /* ... */],
        name: 'event-drops',
        data: [{ date: new Date('2014/09/15 13:24:57') } /* ... */],
        name: 'sedy',
        data: [{ date: new Date('2014/09/15 13:25:12') } /* ... */],


You can either use D3 as a specific import (specifying it in first argument of eventDrops call), or use the global one. By default, it fallbacks to a global defined d3.


eventDrops function takes as a single argument a configuration object, detailed in the:

Configuration Reference

In addition to this configuration object, it also exposes some public members allowing you to customize your application based on filtered data:

  • scale() provides the horizontal scale, allowing you to retrieve bounding dates thanks to .scale().domain(),
  • filteredData() returns an object with both data and fullData keys containing respectively bounds filtered data and full dataset.
  • draw(config, scale) redraws chart using given configuration and d3.scaleTime scale
  • destroy() execute this function before to removing the chart from DOM. It prevents some memory leaks due to event listeners.
  • currentBreakpointLabel returns current breakpoint (for instance small) among a list of breakpoints.

Hence, if you want to display number of displayed data and time bounds as in the demo, you can use the following code:

const updateCommitsInformation = chart => {
    const filteredData = chart
        .reduce((total, repo) => total.concat(repo.data), []);

    numberCommitsContainer.textContent = filteredData.length;
    zoomStart.textContent = humanizeDate(chart.scale().domain()[0]);
    zoomEnd.textContent = humanizeDate(chart.scale().domain()[1]);


If you want to contribute to EventDrops, first, thank you!

To launch the project locally, grab this repository, install its dependencies, and launch the demo:

git clone git@github.com:marmelab/EventDrops.git
cd EventDrops
make install
make run

Demo will then be available on http://localhost:8080. Source files are watched automatically. Changing one file would automagically reload your browser.

When you are satisfied with your changes, ensure you didn't break anything launching tests:

make test

Finally, if everything is fine, you can then create a pull request.

Feel free to ask some help on GitHub issue tracker. The core team would be glad to help you to contribute.


EventDrops is released under the MIT License, courtesy of marmelab and Canal Plus. It means you can use this tool without any restrictions.

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