@accessible/tabs 中文文档教程
??? 用于 React 的可访问且通用的选项卡组件,具有 w3.org 的 WAI-ARIA 选项卡示例中教授的键盘导航和标签功能
npm i @accessible/tabs
React 的可访问且通用的选项卡组件,仿照 此处教授的 WAI-ARIA 示例。
Quick Start
查看 CodeSandbox 上的示例
```jsx 和谐 import {Tabs, TabList, Tab, Panel}
从'@accessible/tabs' const Component = () => (
<div>Abstract body</div>
<div>References body</div>
## API
### Components
| Component | Description |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`<Tabs>`](#tabs) | This component creates the context for your tabs and contains some configuration options. You'll need to add [`<Tab>`](#tab) and [`<Panel>`](#panel) as children in order to actually create tabs. |
| [`<TabList>`](#tablist) | The component adds `role='tablist'` to its child component. |
| [`<Tab>`](#tab) | This component clones any React element and turns it into a tab that controls the visible state of a [`<Panel>`](#panel). It must be a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs) and all tabs must be adjacent in the tree. Each tab has a corresponding [`<Panel>`](#panel) that shares the same index. |
| [`<Panel>`](#panel) | This component clones its child and turns it into a panel that corresponds to a [`<Tab>`](#tab) with the same index. All panels must be adjacent in the tree unless an `index` prop is defined. |
### Hooks
| Hook | Description |
| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`useTabs()`](#usetabs) | This hook returns the value of the [TabsContext object](#tabscontextvalue). |
| [`useTab()`](#usetabindex-number) | This hook returns the value of the [TabContext object](#tabcontextvalue). |
### <Tabs>
This component creates the context for your tabs and contains some configuration options. You'll need to add
[`<Tab>`](#tab) and [`<Panel>`](#panel) as children in order to actually create tabs.
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| ---------------- | -------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| defaultActive | `number` | `0` | No | The [`<Tab>`](#tab) index you want active by default. |
| active | `number` | `undefined` | No | Makes this a controlled component where the `activate` control has no effect. The tab index defined here is always the one that is active. |
| manualActivation | `boolean` | `false` | No | By default this component opens tabs automatically when using keyboard navigation to switch between tabs. By setting this to `true`, the user will have to use the `space` or `enter` key to activate the tab after the tab is focused. |
| preventScroll | `boolean` | `false` | No | When `true` this will prevent your browser from scrolling the document to bring the newly-focused tab into view. |
| onChange | `(active: number) => void` | `undefined` | No | Called each time the active tab changes. It provides the active tab `index` as its only argument. |
| children | `React.ReactNode[]` | `undefined` | Yes | You can define any children here with some caveats listed elsewhere. |
### <TabList>
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| -------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes | The child is cloned by this component and given a property for `role='tablist'`. |
### <Tab>
This component clones any React element and turns it into a tab that controls the visible state of a [`<Panel>`](#panel). It must be a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs) and all
tabs must be adjacent in the tree. Each tab has a corresponding [`<Panel>`](#panel) that shares the same index.
jsx和谐 // 是的 常量 MyTabs = () => ( <制表符> <表格列表> {/* 索引:0 /} <标签>
// 绝对不 常量 MyTabs = () => ( <制表符> <表格列表> {/* 这里的 Tab 组件在树中是不相邻的。 */}
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| activeClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the tab is in an active state. |
| inactiveClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the tab is in an inactive state. |
| activeStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the tab is in an active state. |
| inactiveStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the tab is in an inactive state. |
| id | `string` | `undefined` | No | Defining an ID here overrides the auto id generated for aria attributes. |
| disabled | `boolean` | `false` | No | Setting this to `true` will prevent the tab from activating if it isn't already active. |
| index | `number` | `undefined` | No | Setting an index here overrides the default index created when this component mounts. Indexes are used to match tabs to their corresponding [`<Panel>`](#panel). I would recommend not setting this property and letting the library handle it automatically. |
| onDelete | `(event: KeyboardEvent) => void` | `undefined` | No | This callback will fire if a user presses the `Delete` key on their keyboard when this tab (not the panel) is focused. |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as keyboard event handlers for navigating between tabs. |
### <Panel>
This component clones its child and turns it into a panel that corresponds to a [`<Tab>`](#tab) with the same
index. All panels must be adjacent in the tree unless an `index` prop is defined. For example:
<制表符> <表格列表> [0] <选项卡> [1] <选项卡>
[0] <面板> [1] <面板>
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| ------------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| activeClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an active state. |
| inactiveClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an inactive state. |
| activeStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an active state. |
| inactiveStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an inactive state. |
| index | `number` | `undefined` | No | Setting an index here overrides the default index created when this component mounts. Indexes are used to match panels to their corresponding [`<Tab>`](#tab). I would recommend not setting this property and letting the library handle it automatically. |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props and will have its visible state controlled by the [`<Tab>`](#tab) component with the same index. |
### useTab(index: number)
Returns [`TabContext object`](#tabcontextvalue) for the [`<Tab>`](#tab) corresponding to the provided `index`.
It must be used within a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs).
### TabContextValue
打字稿 接口 TabContextValue { // 用于 aria 属性的 ID 编号?:字符串 // 选项卡底层元素的引用 tabRef?: HTMLElement //标签的索引 索引号 // 激活此选项卡,除非 disabled
为 true
激活:() => 空白 // 此选项卡是否处于活动状态? isActive:布尔值 // 这个选项卡是否被禁用? 禁用:布尔值 }
### useTabs()
This hook returns the value of the [TabsContext object](#tabscontextvalue). This hook must be within a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs).
### TabsContextValue
打字稿 接口 TabsContextValue { // 已注册的标签数组 选项卡:TabState[] // 注册一个新标签 注册标签: ( 索引号, 元素:HTML元素, 编号?:字符串, 禁用?:布尔值 ) => () => 空白 // 当前活动的选项卡 活动:数量 | 不明确的 // 激活位于 index
的选项卡 激活:(索引:数字 | 未定义)=> 空白 // 是否配置了手动激活? 手动激活:布尔值 }
输入 TabState = | { 元素?: HTMLElement 编号?:字符串 禁用?:布尔值 } | 不明确的 ```
???? An accessible and versatile tabs component for React with keyboard navigation and labeling features taught in w3.org's WAI-ARIA tabs example
npm i @accessible/tabs
An accessible and versatile tabs component for React modeled after the WAI-ARIA example taught here.
Quick Start
Check out the example on CodeSandbox
```jsx harmony import {Tabs, TabList, Tab, Panel} from '@accessible/tabs'
const Component = () => (
<div>Abstract body</div>
<div>References body</div>
## API
### Components
| Component | Description |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`<Tabs>`](#tabs) | This component creates the context for your tabs and contains some configuration options. You'll need to add [`<Tab>`](#tab) and [`<Panel>`](#panel) as children in order to actually create tabs. |
| [`<TabList>`](#tablist) | The component adds `role='tablist'` to its child component. |
| [`<Tab>`](#tab) | This component clones any React element and turns it into a tab that controls the visible state of a [`<Panel>`](#panel). It must be a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs) and all tabs must be adjacent in the tree. Each tab has a corresponding [`<Panel>`](#panel) that shares the same index. |
| [`<Panel>`](#panel) | This component clones its child and turns it into a panel that corresponds to a [`<Tab>`](#tab) with the same index. All panels must be adjacent in the tree unless an `index` prop is defined. |
### Hooks
| Hook | Description |
| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`useTabs()`](#usetabs) | This hook returns the value of the [TabsContext object](#tabscontextvalue). |
| [`useTab()`](#usetabindex-number) | This hook returns the value of the [TabContext object](#tabcontextvalue). |
### <Tabs>
This component creates the context for your tabs and contains some configuration options. You'll need to add
[`<Tab>`](#tab) and [`<Panel>`](#panel) as children in order to actually create tabs.
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| ---------------- | -------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| defaultActive | `number` | `0` | No | The [`<Tab>`](#tab) index you want active by default. |
| active | `number` | `undefined` | No | Makes this a controlled component where the `activate` control has no effect. The tab index defined here is always the one that is active. |
| manualActivation | `boolean` | `false` | No | By default this component opens tabs automatically when using keyboard navigation to switch between tabs. By setting this to `true`, the user will have to use the `space` or `enter` key to activate the tab after the tab is focused. |
| preventScroll | `boolean` | `false` | No | When `true` this will prevent your browser from scrolling the document to bring the newly-focused tab into view. |
| onChange | `(active: number) => void` | `undefined` | No | Called each time the active tab changes. It provides the active tab `index` as its only argument. |
| children | `React.ReactNode[]` | `undefined` | Yes | You can define any children here with some caveats listed elsewhere. |
### <TabList>
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| -------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes | The child is cloned by this component and given a property for `role='tablist'`. |
### <Tab>
This component clones any React element and turns it into a tab that controls the visible state of a [`<Panel>`](#panel). It must be a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs) and all
tabs must be adjacent in the tree. Each tab has a corresponding [`<Panel>`](#panel) that shares the same index.
jsx harmony // YES const MyTabs = () => ( // ABSOLUTELY NOT const MyTabs = () => ( [0] typescript interface TabContextValue { // The ID used for aria attributes id?: string // A ref to the tab's underlying element tabRef?: HTMLElement // The index of the tab index: number // Activates this tab unless typescript interface TabsContextValue { // An array of tabs that have been registered tabs: TabState[] // Registers a new tab registerTab: ( index: number, element: HTMLElement, id?: string, disabled?: boolean ) => () => void // The tab that is currently active active: number | undefined // Activates the tab at type TabState = | { element?: HTMLElement id?: string disabled?: boolean } | undefined ``` MIT#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| activeClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the tab is in an active state. |
| inactiveClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the tab is in an inactive state. |
| activeStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the tab is in an active state. |
| inactiveStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the tab is in an inactive state. |
| id | `string` | `undefined` | No | Defining an ID here overrides the auto id generated for aria attributes. |
| disabled | `boolean` | `false` | No | Setting this to `true` will prevent the tab from activating if it isn't already active. |
| index | `number` | `undefined` | No | Setting an index here overrides the default index created when this component mounts. Indexes are used to match tabs to their corresponding [`<Panel>`](#panel). I would recommend not setting this property and letting the library handle it automatically. |
| onDelete | `(event: KeyboardEvent) => void` | `undefined` | No | This callback will fire if a user presses the `Delete` key on their keyboard when this tab (not the panel) is focused. |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as keyboard event handlers for navigating between tabs. |
### <Panel>
This component clones its child and turns it into a panel that corresponds to a [`<Tab>`](#tab) with the same
index. All panels must be adjacent in the tree unless an `index` prop is defined. For example:
#### Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Required? | Description |
| ------------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| activeClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an active state. |
| inactiveClass | `string` | `undefined` | No | Adds this class to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an inactive state. |
| activeStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an active state. |
| inactiveStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No | Adds these styles to the child component when the panel's [`<Tab>`](#tab) is in an inactive state. |
| index | `number` | `undefined` | No | Setting an index here overrides the default index created when this component mounts. Indexes are used to match panels to their corresponding [`<Tab>`](#tab). I would recommend not setting this property and letting the library handle it automatically. |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props and will have its visible state controlled by the [`<Tab>`](#tab) component with the same index. |
### useTab(index: number)
Returns [`TabContext object`](#tabcontextvalue) for the [`<Tab>`](#tab) corresponding to the provided `index`.
It must be used within a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs).
### TabContextValue
is true
activate: () => void // Is this tab active? isActive: boolean // Is this tab disabled? disabled: boolean }### useTabs()
This hook returns the value of the [TabsContext object](#tabscontextvalue). This hook must be within a child of [`<Tabs>`](#tabs).
### TabsContextValue
activate: (index: number | undefined) => void // Is manual activation configured? manualActivation: boolean }LICENSE
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