@accessible/disclosure 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 27 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


Bundlephobia Types 代码覆盖率 构建状态 NPM 版本 麻省理工学院许可证

npm i @accessible/disclosure



  • [x] Style-agnostic You can use this component with the styling library of your choice. It works with CSS-in-JS, SASS, plain CSS, plain style objects, anything!
  • [x] Portal-friendly The disclosure target will render into React portals of your choice when configured to do so.
  • [x] a11y/aria-compliant This component works with screen readers out of the box and manages focus for you.

Quick Start


组件jsx和谐 从“反应”导入*作为反应 import * as Disclosure from '@accessible/disclosure'

const Component = () => ( <披露.披露> <披露.触发>

  <div className='my-disclosure'>
      <button>Close me</button>

    <div>I've been disclosed!</div>

## API

### Components

| Component                       | Description                                                                                                        |
| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`<Disclosure>`](#disclosure)   | This component creates the context for your disclosure target and trigger and contains some configuration options. |
| [`<Target>`](#target)           | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a disclosure target.                                      |
| [`<Trigger>`](#trigger)         | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a disclosure trigger.                                     |
| [`<CloseButton>`](#closebutton) | This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler to close the disclosure.  |  |

### Hooks

| Hook                                                        | Description                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`useDisclosure()`](#usedisclosure)                         | This hook provides the value of the disclosure's [DisclosureContextValue object](#disclosurecontextvalue).                                                                       |
| [`useA11yTarget()`](#usea11ytargettarget-options)           | A React hook for creating a headless disclosure target to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).  |
| [`useA11yTrigger()`](#usea11ytriggertarget-options)         | A React hook for creating a headless disclosure trigger to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html). |
| [`useA11yCloseButton()`](#usea11yclosebuttontarget-options) | A React hook for creating a headless close button to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).       |

### &lt;Disclosure&gt;

This component creates the context for your disclosure target and trigger and contains some
configuration options.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                      | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                               |
| ----------- | ------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| defaultOpen | `boolean`                 | `false`     | No        | This sets the default open state of the disclosure. By default the disclosure is closed.                                                                  |
| open        | `boolean`                 | `undefined` | No        | This creates a controlled disclosure component where the open state of the disclosure is controlled by this property.                                     |
| onChange    | `(open: boolean) => void` | `undefined` | No        | This callback is invoked any time the `open` state of the disclosure changes.                                                                             |
| id          | `string`                  | `undefined` | No        | By default this component creates a unique id for you, as it is required for certain aria attributes. Supplying an id here overrides the auto id feature. |
| children    | `React.ReactNode`         | `undefined` | No        | Your disclosure contents and any other children.                                                                                                          |

### useA11yTarget(target, options?)

A React hook for creating a headless disclosure target to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).

#### Arguments

| Argument | Type                                               | Required? | Description                 |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------- |
| target   | <code>React.RefObject&lt;T&gt; \| T \| null</code> | Yes       | A React ref or HTML element |
| options  | [`UseA11yTargetOptions`](#usea11ytargetoptions)    | No        | Configuration options       |

#### UseA11yTargetOptions

TS 导出接口 UseA11yTargetOptions { /**

  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is open / openClass?: string /*
  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is closed / closedClass?: string /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is open / openStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is closed / closedStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Prevents the window from scrolling when the target is
  • focused after opening. / preventScroll?: boolean /*
  • When true, this closes the target element when the Escape
  • key is pressed.
  • @default true */ closeOnEscape?: boolean }
#### Returns

TS 接口 A11yProps { 只读'aria-hidden':布尔值 只读 ID:字符串 | 不明确的 只读类名:字符串 | 不明确的 只读风格:{ 能见度:“可见” | '隐' } & React.CSS 属性 }

#### Example

jsx 和谐 从“反应”导入*作为反应 导入 {useA11yTarget}

从 '@accessible/disclosure' const MyTarget = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null) const a11yProps = useA11yTarget(ref, {preventScroll: true})

返回 (

I am the disclosure content
) }

### &lt;Target&gt;

This component wraps any React element and turns it into a disclosure target.

#### Props

| Prop          | Type                                              | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| portal        | <code>boolean \| string \| PortalizeProps </code> | `false`     | No        | When `true` this will render the disclosure into a React portal with the id `#portals`. You can render it into any portal by providing its query selector here, e.g. `#foobar`, `[data-portal=true]`, or `.foobar`. |
| closeOnEscape | `boolean`                                         | `true`      | No        | By default the disclosure will close when the `Escape` key is pressed. You can turn this off by providing `false` here.                                                                                             |
| closedClass   | `string`                                          | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed`.                                                                                                                               |
| openClass     | `string`                                          | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open`.                                                                                                                                 |
| closedStyle   | `React.CSSProperties`                             | `undefined` | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                               |
| openStyle     | `React.CSSProperties`                             | `undefined` | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                            |
| preventScroll | `boolean`                                         | `false`     | No        | When `true` this will prevent your browser from scrolling the document to bring the newly-focused tab into view.                                                                                                    |
| children      | `React.ReactElement`                              | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above.                                                                                          |

#### Example

jsx和谐 <目标>



### useA11yTrigger(target, options?)

A React hook for creating a headless disclosure trigger to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).
In addition to providing accessibility props to your component, this hook will add events
for interoperability between actual <button> elements and fake ones e.g. <a> and <div> to the
target element

#### Arguments

| Argument | Type                                               | Required? | Description                 |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------- |
| target   | <code>React.RefObject&lt;T&gt; \| T \| null</code> | Yes       | A React ref or HTML element |
| options  | [`UseA11yTriggerOptions`](#usea11ytriggeroptions)  | No        | Configuration options       |

#### UseA11yTriggerOptions

TS 导出接口 UseA11yTriggerOptions { /**

  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is open / openClass?: string /*
  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is closed / closedClass?: string /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is open / openStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is closed / closedStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Adds an onClick handler in addition to the default one that
  • toggles the disclosure's open state. */ onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => any }
#### Returns

TS 接口 A11yProps { 只读'aria-controls':字符串| 不明确的 只读'aria-expanded':布尔值 只读角色:“按钮” 只读标签索引:0 只读类名:字符串 | 不明确的 只读样式:React.CSSProperties | 不明确的 }

#### Example

jsx 和谐 从“反应”导入*作为反应 导入 {useA11yTrigger}

从 '@accessible/disclosure' const MyTrigger = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null) const a11yProps = useA11yTrigger(ref, { openClass: '打开', closedClass: '关闭', })

返回 (

### &lt;Trigger&gt;

This component wraps any React element and adds an `onClick` handler which toggles the open state
of the disclosure target.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                  | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| ----------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| closedClass | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed`.                                      |
| openClass   | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open`.                                        |
| closedStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed`.                                         |
| openStyle   | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open`.                                      |
| children    | `React.ReactElement`  | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx 和谐 <触发=“点击”>


### useA11yCloseButton(target, options?)

A React hook for creating a headless close button to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).
In addition to providing accessibility props to your component, this hook will add events
for interoperability between actual <button> elements and fake ones e.g. <a> and <div> to the
target element

#### Arguments

| Argument | Type                                                      | Required? | Description                 |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------- |
| target   | <code>React.RefObject&lt;T&gt; \| T \| null</code>        | Yes       | A React ref or HTML element |
| options  | [`UseA11yCloseButtonOptions`](#usea11yclosebuttonoptions) | No        | Configuration options       |

#### UseA11yCloseButtonOptions

TS 导出接口 UseA11yCloseButtonOptions { /**

  • Adds an onClick handler in addition to the default one that
  • closes the disclosure. */ onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => any }
#### Returns

TS 接口 A11yProps { 只读'aria-controls':字符串| 不明确的 只读'aria-expanded':布尔值 只读'aria-label':'关闭' 只读角色:“按钮” 只读标签索引:0 }

#### Example

jsx 和谐 从“反应”导入*作为反应 导入 {useA11yCloseButton}

从 '@accessible/disclosure' const MyTrigger = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null) const a11yProps = useA11yCloseButton(ref, { onClick: () =>; console.log('关闭!'), })

返回 (

### &lt;CloseButton&gt;

This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler which closes the disclosure.

#### Props

| Prop     | Type                 | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| -------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx 和谐 <关闭按钮>


### useDisclosure()

This hook provides the value of the disclosure's [DisclosureContextValue object](#disclosurecontextvalue)

### DisclosureContextValue

打字稿 导出接口 DisclosureContextValue { /**

  • The open state of the disclosure / isOpen: boolean /*
  • Opens the disclosure / open: () => void /*
  • Closes the disclosure / close: () => void /*
  • Toggles the open state of the disclosure / toggle: () => void /*
  • A unique ID for the disclosure target */ id?: string }
#### Example

jsx和谐 const 组件 = () => { const {open, close, toggle, isOpen} = useDisclosure() return } ```




Bundlephobia Types Code coverage Build status NPM Version MIT License

npm i @accessible/disclosure

An accessible and versatile disclosure component for React


  • [x] Style-agnostic You can use this component with the styling library of your choice. It works with CSS-in-JS, SASS, plain CSS, plain style objects, anything!
  • [x] Portal-friendly The disclosure target will render into React portals of your choice when configured to do so.
  • [x] a11y/aria-compliant This component works with screen readers out of the box and manages focus for you.

Quick Start

Check out the example on CodeSandbox

```jsx harmony import * as React from 'react' import * as Disclosure from '@accessible/disclosure'

const Component = () => (

  <div className='my-disclosure'>
      <button>Close me</button>

    <div>I've been disclosed!</div>


## API

### Components

| Component                       | Description                                                                                                        |
| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`<Disclosure>`](#disclosure)   | This component creates the context for your disclosure target and trigger and contains some configuration options. |
| [`<Target>`](#target)           | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a disclosure target.                                      |
| [`<Trigger>`](#trigger)         | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a disclosure trigger.                                     |
| [`<CloseButton>`](#closebutton) | This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler to close the disclosure.  |  |

### Hooks

| Hook                                                        | Description                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`useDisclosure()`](#usedisclosure)                         | This hook provides the value of the disclosure's [DisclosureContextValue object](#disclosurecontextvalue).                                                                       |
| [`useA11yTarget()`](#usea11ytargettarget-options)           | A React hook for creating a headless disclosure target to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).  |
| [`useA11yTrigger()`](#usea11ytriggertarget-options)         | A React hook for creating a headless disclosure trigger to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html). |
| [`useA11yCloseButton()`](#usea11yclosebuttontarget-options) | A React hook for creating a headless close button to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).       |

### &lt;Disclosure&gt;

This component creates the context for your disclosure target and trigger and contains some
configuration options.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                      | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                               |
| ----------- | ------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| defaultOpen | `boolean`                 | `false`     | No        | This sets the default open state of the disclosure. By default the disclosure is closed.                                                                  |
| open        | `boolean`                 | `undefined` | No        | This creates a controlled disclosure component where the open state of the disclosure is controlled by this property.                                     |
| onChange    | `(open: boolean) => void` | `undefined` | No        | This callback is invoked any time the `open` state of the disclosure changes.                                                                             |
| id          | `string`                  | `undefined` | No        | By default this component creates a unique id for you, as it is required for certain aria attributes. Supplying an id here overrides the auto id feature. |
| children    | `React.ReactNode`         | `undefined` | No        | Your disclosure contents and any other children.                                                                                                          |

### useA11yTarget(target, options?)

A React hook for creating a headless disclosure target to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).

#### Arguments

| Argument | Type                                               | Required? | Description                 |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------- |
| target   | <code>React.RefObject&lt;T&gt; \| T \| null</code> | Yes       | A React ref or HTML element |
| options  | [`UseA11yTargetOptions`](#usea11ytargetoptions)    | No        | Configuration options       |

#### UseA11yTargetOptions

ts export interface UseA11yTargetOptions { /**

  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is open / openClass?: string /*
  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is closed / closedClass?: string /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is open / openStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is closed / closedStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Prevents the window from scrolling when the target is
  • focused after opening. / preventScroll?: boolean /*
  • When true, this closes the target element when the Escape
  • key is pressed.
  • @default true */ closeOnEscape?: boolean }
#### Returns

ts interface A11yProps { readonly 'aria-hidden': boolean readonly id: string | undefined readonly className: string | undefined readonly style: { visibility: 'visible' | 'hidden' } & React.CSSProperties }

#### Example

jsx harmony import * as React from 'react' import {useA11yTarget} from '@accessible/disclosure'

const MyTarget = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null) const a11yProps = useA11yTarget(ref, {preventScroll: true})

return (

I am the disclosure content
) }

### &lt;Target&gt;

This component wraps any React element and turns it into a disclosure target.

#### Props

| Prop          | Type                                              | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| portal        | <code>boolean \| string \| PortalizeProps </code> | `false`     | No        | When `true` this will render the disclosure into a React portal with the id `#portals`. You can render it into any portal by providing its query selector here, e.g. `#foobar`, `[data-portal=true]`, or `.foobar`. |
| closeOnEscape | `boolean`                                         | `true`      | No        | By default the disclosure will close when the `Escape` key is pressed. You can turn this off by providing `false` here.                                                                                             |
| closedClass   | `string`                                          | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed`.                                                                                                                               |
| openClass     | `string`                                          | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open`.                                                                                                                                 |
| closedStyle   | `React.CSSProperties`                             | `undefined` | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                               |
| openStyle     | `React.CSSProperties`                             | `undefined` | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                            |
| preventScroll | `boolean`                                         | `false`     | No        | When `true` this will prevent your browser from scrolling the document to bring the newly-focused tab into view.                                                                                                    |
| children      | `React.ReactElement`                              | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above.                                                                                          |

#### Example

jsx harmony



### useA11yTrigger(target, options?)

A React hook for creating a headless disclosure trigger to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).
In addition to providing accessibility props to your component, this hook will add events
for interoperability between actual <button> elements and fake ones e.g. <a> and <div> to the
target element

#### Arguments

| Argument | Type                                               | Required? | Description                 |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------- |
| target   | <code>React.RefObject&lt;T&gt; \| T \| null</code> | Yes       | A React ref or HTML element |
| options  | [`UseA11yTriggerOptions`](#usea11ytriggeroptions)  | No        | Configuration options       |

#### UseA11yTriggerOptions

ts export interface UseA11yTriggerOptions { /**

  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is open / openClass?: string /*
  • Adds this class name to props when the disclosure is closed / closedClass?: string /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is open / openStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Adds this style to props when the disclosure is closed / closedStyle?: React.CSSProperties /*
  • Adds an onClick handler in addition to the default one that
  • toggles the disclosure's open state. */ onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => any }
#### Returns

ts interface A11yProps { readonly 'aria-controls': string | undefined readonly 'aria-expanded': boolean readonly role: 'button' readonly tabIndex: 0 readonly className: string | undefined readonly style: React.CSSProperties | undefined }

#### Example

jsx harmony import * as React from 'react' import {useA11yTrigger} from '@accessible/disclosure'

const MyTrigger = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null) const a11yProps = useA11yTrigger(ref, { openClass: 'open', closedClass: 'closed', })

return ( ) }

### &lt;Trigger&gt;

This component wraps any React element and adds an `onClick` handler which toggles the open state
of the disclosure target.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                  | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| ----------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| closedClass | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed`.                                      |
| openClass   | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open`.                                        |
| closedStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `closed`.                                         |
| openStyle   | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the disclosure is `open`.                                      |
| children    | `React.ReactElement`  | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx harmony


### useA11yCloseButton(target, options?)

A React hook for creating a headless close button to [WAI-ARIA authoring practices](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/disclosure/disclosure-faq.html).
In addition to providing accessibility props to your component, this hook will add events
for interoperability between actual <button> elements and fake ones e.g. <a> and <div> to the
target element

#### Arguments

| Argument | Type                                                      | Required? | Description                 |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------- |
| target   | <code>React.RefObject&lt;T&gt; \| T \| null</code>        | Yes       | A React ref or HTML element |
| options  | [`UseA11yCloseButtonOptions`](#usea11yclosebuttonoptions) | No        | Configuration options       |

#### UseA11yCloseButtonOptions

ts export interface UseA11yCloseButtonOptions { /**

  • Adds an onClick handler in addition to the default one that
  • closes the disclosure. */ onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => any }
#### Returns

ts interface A11yProps { readonly 'aria-controls': string | undefined readonly 'aria-expanded': boolean readonly 'aria-label': 'Close' readonly role: 'button' readonly tabIndex: 0 }

#### Example

jsx harmony import * as React from 'react' import {useA11yCloseButton} from '@accessible/disclosure'

const MyTrigger = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null) const a11yProps = useA11yCloseButton(ref, { onClick: () => console.log('Closing!'), })

return ( ) }

### &lt;CloseButton&gt;

This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler which closes the disclosure.

#### Props

| Prop     | Type                 | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| -------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx harmony


### useDisclosure()

This hook provides the value of the disclosure's [DisclosureContextValue object](#disclosurecontextvalue)

### DisclosureContextValue

typescript export interface DisclosureContextValue { /**

  • The open state of the disclosure / isOpen: boolean /*
  • Opens the disclosure / open: () => void /*
  • Closes the disclosure / close: () => void /*
  • Toggles the open state of the disclosure / toggle: () => void /*
  • A unique ID for the disclosure target */ id?: string }
#### Example

jsx harmony const Component = () => { const {open, close, toggle, isOpen} = useDisclosure() return } ```





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