@accessible/collapse 中文文档教程

发布于 5 年前 浏览 37 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

This package has moved to @accessible/disclosure


捆绑恐惧症 Types NPM 版本 麻省理工学院许可证

npm i @accessible/collapse

React 的可访问且通用的可折叠组件


  • Style-agnostic You can use this component with the styling library of your choice. It works with CSS-in-JS, SASS, plain CSS, plain style objects, anything!
  • Portal-friendly The collapse target will render into React portals of your choice when configured to do so.
  • a11y/aria-compliant This component works with screen readers out of the box and manages focus for you.

Quick Start

查看 CodeSandbox 上的示例

```jsx 和谐 import {Collapse, Target, Trigger, Close}

从'@accessible/collapse' const Component = () => ( <折叠> <触发器>

  <div className="my-collapse">
      <button>Close me</button>


## API

### Components

| Component                 | Description                                                                                                      |
| ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`<Collapse>`](#collapse) | This component creates the context for your collapse target and trigger and contains some configuration options. |
| [`<Target>`](#target)     | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a collapse target.                                      |
| [`<Trigger>`](#trigger)   | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a collapse trigger.                                     |
| [`<Close>`](#close)       | This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler to close the collapse.  |  |

### Hooks

| Hook                            | Description                                                                                          |
| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`useCollapse()`](#usecollapse) | This hook provides the value of the collapse's [CollapseContextValue object](#collapsecontextvalue). |
| [`useControls()`](#usecontrols) | This hook provides access to the collapse's `open`, `close`, and `toggle` functions.                 |
| [`useIsOpen()`](#useisopen)     | This hook provides access to the collapse's `isOpen` value.                                          |

### `<Collapse>`

This component creates the context for your collapse target and trigger and contains some
configuration options.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                                                                                                                                 | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                                                          |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| defaultOpen | `boolean`                                                                                                                            | `false`     | No        | This sets the default open state of the collapse. By default the collapse is closed.                                                                                                 |
| open        | `boolean`                                                                                                                            | `undefined` | No        | You can control the open/closed state of the collapse with this prop. When it isn't undefined, this value will take precedence over any calls to `open()`, `close()`, or `toggle()`. |
| onChange    | `(open: boolean) => void`                                                                                                            | `undefined` | No        | This callback is invoked any time the `open` state of the collapse changes.                                                                                                          |
| id          | `string`                                                                                                                             | `undefined` | No        | By default this component creates a unique id for you, as it is required for certain aria attributes. Supplying an id here overrides the auto id feature.                            |
| children    | <code>React.ReactNode &#124; React.ReactNode[] &#124; JSX.Element &#124; ((context: CollapseContextValue) => React.ReactNode)</code> | `undefined` | No        | Your collapse contents and any other children.                                                                                                                                       |

### `<Target>`

This component wraps any React element and turns it into a collapse target.

#### Props

| Prop          | Type                                | Default            | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------ | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| portal        | <code>boolean &#124; string </code> | `false`            | No        | When `true` this will render the collapse into a React portal with the id `#portals`. You can render it into any portal by providing its query selector here, e.g. `#foobar`, `[data-portal=true]`, or `.foobar`. |
| closeOnEscape | `boolean`                           | `true`             | No        | By default the collapse will close when the `Escape` key is pressed. You can turn this off by providing `false` here.                                                                                             |
| closedClass   | `string`                            | `undefined`        | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed`.                                                                                                                               |
| openClass     | `string`                            | `"collapse--open"` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open`.                                                                                                                                 |
| closedStyle   | `React.CSSProperties`               | `undefined`        | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                               |
| openStyle     | `React.CSSProperties`               | `undefined`        | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                            |
| children      | `React.ReactElement`                | `undefined`        | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above.                                                                                        |

#### Example

jsx和谐 <目标>



### `<Trigger>`

This component wraps any React element and adds an `onClick` handler which toggles the open state
of the collapse target.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                  | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| ----------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| closedClass | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed`.                                        |
| openClass   | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open`.                                          |
| closedStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed`.                                           |
| openStyle   | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open`.                                        |
| children    | `React.ReactElement`  | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx和谐 <触发=“点击”>


### `<Close>`

This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler which closes the collapse.

#### Props

| Prop     | Type                 | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| -------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx和谐 <关闭>


### `useCollapse()`

This hook provides the value of the collapse's [CollapseContextValue object](#collapsecontextvalue)

#### Example

jsx和谐 const 组件 = () => { const {open, close, toggle, isOpen} = useCollapse() return }

### `CollapseContextValue`

打字稿 接口 CollapseContextValue { isOpen:布尔值 打开:()=> 空白 关闭:()=> 空白 切换:()=>; 空白 编号:字符串 }

### `useControls()`

This hook provides access to the collapse's `open`, `close`, and `toggle` functions

#### Example

jsx 和谐 const 组件 = () => { const {打开、关闭、切换} = useControls() 返回 ( <目标>

) }

### `useIsOpen()`

This hook provides access to the collapse's `isOpen` value

#### Example

jsx和谐 const 组件 = () => { 常量 isOpen = useIsOpen() 返回 ( <目标>

Am I open? {isOpen ? 'Yes' : 'No'}
) } ```



This package has moved to @accessible/disclosure


Bundlephobia Types NPM Version MIT License

npm i @accessible/collapse

An accessible and versatile collapsible component for React


  • Style-agnostic You can use this component with the styling library of your choice. It works with CSS-in-JS, SASS, plain CSS, plain style objects, anything!
  • Portal-friendly The collapse target will render into React portals of your choice when configured to do so.
  • a11y/aria-compliant This component works with screen readers out of the box and manages focus for you.

Quick Start

Check out the example on CodeSandbox

```jsx harmony import {Collapse, Target, Trigger, Close} from '@accessible/collapse'

const Component = () => (

  <div className="my-collapse">
      <button>Close me</button>


## API

### Components

| Component                 | Description                                                                                                      |
| ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`<Collapse>`](#collapse) | This component creates the context for your collapse target and trigger and contains some configuration options. |
| [`<Target>`](#target)     | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a collapse target.                                      |
| [`<Trigger>`](#trigger)   | This component wraps any React element and turns it into a collapse trigger.                                     |
| [`<Close>`](#close)       | This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler to close the collapse.  |  |

### Hooks

| Hook                            | Description                                                                                          |
| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`useCollapse()`](#usecollapse) | This hook provides the value of the collapse's [CollapseContextValue object](#collapsecontextvalue). |
| [`useControls()`](#usecontrols) | This hook provides access to the collapse's `open`, `close`, and `toggle` functions.                 |
| [`useIsOpen()`](#useisopen)     | This hook provides access to the collapse's `isOpen` value.                                          |

### `<Collapse>`

This component creates the context for your collapse target and trigger and contains some
configuration options.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                                                                                                                                 | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                                                          |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| defaultOpen | `boolean`                                                                                                                            | `false`     | No        | This sets the default open state of the collapse. By default the collapse is closed.                                                                                                 |
| open        | `boolean`                                                                                                                            | `undefined` | No        | You can control the open/closed state of the collapse with this prop. When it isn't undefined, this value will take precedence over any calls to `open()`, `close()`, or `toggle()`. |
| onChange    | `(open: boolean) => void`                                                                                                            | `undefined` | No        | This callback is invoked any time the `open` state of the collapse changes.                                                                                                          |
| id          | `string`                                                                                                                             | `undefined` | No        | By default this component creates a unique id for you, as it is required for certain aria attributes. Supplying an id here overrides the auto id feature.                            |
| children    | <code>React.ReactNode &#124; React.ReactNode[] &#124; JSX.Element &#124; ((context: CollapseContextValue) => React.ReactNode)</code> | `undefined` | No        | Your collapse contents and any other children.                                                                                                                                       |

### `<Target>`

This component wraps any React element and turns it into a collapse target.

#### Props

| Prop          | Type                                | Default            | Required? | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------ | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| portal        | <code>boolean &#124; string </code> | `false`            | No        | When `true` this will render the collapse into a React portal with the id `#portals`. You can render it into any portal by providing its query selector here, e.g. `#foobar`, `[data-portal=true]`, or `.foobar`. |
| closeOnEscape | `boolean`                           | `true`             | No        | By default the collapse will close when the `Escape` key is pressed. You can turn this off by providing `false` here.                                                                                             |
| closedClass   | `string`                            | `undefined`        | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed`.                                                                                                                               |
| openClass     | `string`                            | `"collapse--open"` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open`.                                                                                                                                 |
| closedStyle   | `React.CSSProperties`               | `undefined`        | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                               |
| openStyle     | `React.CSSProperties`               | `undefined`        | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open` in addition to the default styles that set the target's visibility.                                                            |
| children      | `React.ReactElement`                | `undefined`        | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above.                                                                                        |

#### Example

jsx harmony



### `<Trigger>`

This component wraps any React element and adds an `onClick` handler which toggles the open state
of the collapse target.

#### Props

| Prop        | Type                  | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| ----------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| closedClass | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed`.                                        |
| openClass   | `string`              | `undefined` | No        | This class name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open`.                                          |
| closedStyle | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `closed`.                                           |
| openStyle   | `React.CSSProperties` | `undefined` | No        | These styles name will be applied to the child element when the collapse is `open`.                                        |
| children    | `React.ReactElement`  | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx harmony


### `<Close>`

This is a convenience component that wraps any React element and adds an onClick handler which closes the collapse.

#### Props

| Prop     | Type                 | Default     | Required? | Description                                                                                                                |
| -------- | -------------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| children | `React.ReactElement` | `undefined` | Yes       | The child is cloned by this component and has aria attributes injected into its props as well as the events defined above. |

jsx harmony


### `useCollapse()`

This hook provides the value of the collapse's [CollapseContextValue object](#collapsecontextvalue)

#### Example

jsx harmony const Component = () => { const {open, close, toggle, isOpen} = useCollapse() return }

### `CollapseContextValue`

typescript interface CollapseContextValue { isOpen: boolean open: () => void close: () => void toggle: () => void id: string }

### `useControls()`

This hook provides access to the collapse's `open`, `close`, and `toggle` functions

#### Example

jsx harmony const Component = () => { const {open, close, toggle} = useControls() return (

) }

### `useIsOpen()`

This hook provides access to the collapse's `isOpen` value

#### Example

jsx harmony const Component = () => { const isOpen = useIsOpen() return (

Am I open? {isOpen ? 'Yes' : 'No'}
) } ```





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