@acceleratxr/nconf 中文文档教程
具有文件、环境变量、命令行参数和原子对象合并的分层 node.js 配置。
使用 nconf 很简单; 它被设计成一个简单的键值存储,同时支持本地和远程存储。 键由 :
命名空间和分隔。 让我们深入了解示例用法:
// sample.js
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Setup nconf to use (in-order):
// 1. Command-line arguments
// 2. Environment variables
// 3. A file located at 'path/to/config.json'
.file({ file: 'path/to/config.json' });
// Set a few variables on `nconf`.
nconf.set('database:host', '');
nconf.set('database:port', 5984);
// Get the entire database object from nconf. This will output
// { host: '', port: 5984 }
console.log('foo: ' + nconf.get('foo'));
console.log('NODE_ENV: ' + nconf.get('NODE_ENV'));
console.log('database: ' + nconf.get('database'));
// Save the configuration object to disk
nconf.save(function (err) {
require('fs').readFile('path/to/your/config.json', function (err, data) {
$ NODE_ENV=production node sample.js --foo bar
foo: bar
NODE_ENV: production
database: { host: '', port: 5984 }
Hierarchical configuration
即使是在生产环境中运行的微不足道的应用程序,配置管理也会很快变得复杂。 nconf
通过使您能够为不同的配置源设置一个没有默认值的层次结构来解决这个问题。 您附加这些配置源的顺序决定了它们在层次结构中的优先级。让我们看一下您可用的选项
- nconf.argv(options) Loads
using yargs. Ifoptions
is supplied it is passed along to yargs. - nconf.env(options) Loads
into the hierarchy. - nconf.file(options) Loads the configuration data at options.file into the hierarchy.
- nconf.defaults(options) Loads the data in options.store into the hierarchy.
- nconf.overrides(options) Loads the data in options.store into the hierarchy.
var nconf = require('nconf');
// 1. any overrides
'always': 'be this value'
// 2. `process.env`
// 3. `process.argv`
// 4. Values in `config.json`
// Or with a custom name
// Note: A custom key must be supplied for hierarchy to work if multiple files are used.
nconf.file('custom', '/path/to/config.json');
// Or searching from a base directory.
// Note: `name` is optional.
nconf.file(name, {
file: 'config.json',
dir: 'search/from/here',
search: true
// 5. Any default values
'if nothing else': 'use this value'
API Documentation
nconf 的顶层
是 nconf.Provider
的一个实例,为您将这一切抽象成一个简单的 API。
nconf.add(name, options)
添加具有指定 name
和 options
的新商店。 如果未设置 options.type
,则将使用 name
nconf.add('supplied', { type: 'literal', store: { 'some': 'config' } });
nconf.add('user', { type: 'file', file: '/path/to/userconf.json' });
nconf.add('global', { type: 'file', file: '/path/to/globalconf.json' });
nconf.any(names, callback)
给定一组键名,获取发现的第一个键的值。 键名可以作为单独的参数给出 或作为数组。 如果最后一个参数是一个函数,它将被调用并返回结果; 否则,返回该值。
// Get one of 'NODEJS_PORT' and 'PORT' as a return value
var port = nconf.any('NODEJS_PORT', 'PORT');
// Get one of 'NODEJS_IP' and 'IPADDRESS' using a callback
nconf.any(['NODEJS_IP', 'IPADDRESS'], function(err, value) {
console.log('Connect to IP address ' + value);
nconf.use(name, options)
与 nconf.add
// Load a file store onto nconf with the specified settings
nconf.use('file', { file: '/path/to/some/config-file.json' });
// Replace the file store with new settings
nconf.use('file', { file: 'path/to/a-new/config-file.json' });
删除具有指定 name 的存储。
keya: 'a',
nconf.required(['keya', 'keyb']);
// Error: Missing required keys: keyb
您还可以在需要时链接 .required()
调用。 例如,当一个配置依赖于另一个配置存储时
.required([ 'STAGE']) //here you should have STAGE otherwise throw an error
.file( 'stage', path.resolve( 'configs', 'stages', config.get( 'STAGE' ) + '.json' ) )
.required([ 'OAUTH:redirectURL']) // here you should have OAUTH:redirectURL, otherwise throw an error
.file( 'oauth', path.resolve( 'configs', 'oauth', config.get( 'OAUTH:MODE' ) + '.json' ) )
.file( 'app', path.resolve( 'configs', 'app.json' ) )
.required([ 'LOGS_MODE']) // here you should haveLOGS_MODE, otherwise throw an error
.add( 'logs', {
type: 'literal',
store: require( path.resolve( 'configs', 'logs', config.get( 'LOGS_MODE' ) + '.js') )
} )
.defaults( defaults );
Storage Engines
一个简单的内存存储引擎,用于存储配置的嵌套 JSON 表示。 要使用此引擎,只需使用适当的参数调用 .use()
。 所有对 .get()
所有内置存储引擎都继承自 Memory 存储。
下面定义的选项适用于所有继承自 Memory 的存储引擎。
accessSeparator: string
(default: ':'
定义用于使用 get()
和 set()
方法获取或设置数据的分隔符。 即使更改了,默认的“冒号”分隔符也将可用,除非明确禁用(参见 disableDefaultAccessSeparator
inputSeparator: string
(default: '__'
和 env
存储引擎在加载值时使用此选项。 由于大多数系统只允许在环境变量和命令行参数中使用破折号、下划线和字母数字字符,因此 inputSeparator
disableDefaultAccessSeparator: {true|false}
(default: false
禁用 ':'
的默认访问分隔符,否则它始终可用。 这主要用于保留遗留行为。 它还可以用于设置包含默认分隔符的键(例如 { 'some:long:key' : 'some value' }
解析出来的值加载到配置层次结构中。 有关选项格式的更多信息,请参阅 yargs 选项文档。
parseValues: {true|false}
(default: false
尝试解析众所周知的值(例如“false”、“true”、“null”、“undefined”、“3”、“5.1”和 JSON 值) 进入他们适当的类型。 如果一个值不能被解析,它将保持一个字符串。
transform: function(obj)
输入 obj
key: '<string>',
value: '<string>'
该函数可以返回与输入格式相同的对象或计算结果为 false 的值。 如果返回值为 false,则该条目将从存储中删除,否则它将替换原始键/值。
// Can optionally also be an object literal to pass to `yargs`.
"x": {
alias: 'example',
describe: 'Example description for usage generation',
demand: true,
default: 'some-value',
parseValues: true,
transform: function(obj) {
if (obj.key === 'foo') {
obj.value = 'baz';
return obj;
也可以通过配置的 yargs 实例
.usage('My usage definition')
"x": {
alias: 'example',
describe: 'Example description for usage generation',
demand: true,
default: 'some-value'
负责加载从 process.env 解析的值
进入配置层次结构。 默认情况下,env 变量值作为字符串加载到配置中。
lowerCase: {true|false}
(default: false
将所有输入键转换为小写。 值未修改。
如果启用此选项,所有对 nconf.get()
的调用都必须传入小写字符串(例如 nconf.get('port')
parseValues: {true|false}
(default: false
尝试解析好-已知值(例如“假”、“真”、“空”、“未定义”、“3”、“5.1”和 JSON 值) 进入他们适当的类型。 如果一个值不能被解析,它将保持一个字符串。
transform: function(obj)
输入 obj
key: '<string>',
value: '<string>'
该函数可以返回与输入格式相同的对象或计算结果为 false 的值。 如果返回值为 false,则该条目将从存储中删除,否则它将替换原始键/值。
readOnly: {true|false}
(default: true
允许将来更新 env 存储中的值。 默认是不允许更新 env 存储中的项目。
// Can optionally also be an Array of values to limit process.env to.
nconf.env(['only', 'load', 'these', 'values', 'from', 'process.env']);
// Can also specify an input separator for nested keys
// Get the value of the env variable 'database__host'
var dbHost = nconf.get('database:host');
// Can also lowerCase keys.
// Especially handy when dealing with environment variables which are usually
// uppercased while argv are lowercased.
// Given an environment variable PORT=3001
var port = nconf.get('port') // undefined
nconf.env({ lowerCase: true });
var port = nconf.get('port') // 3001
// Or use all options
inputSeparator: '__',
match: /^whatever_matches_this_will_be_whitelisted/
whitelist: ['database__host', 'only', 'load', 'these', 'values', 'if', 'whatever_doesnt_match_but_is_whitelisted_gets_loaded_too'],
lowerCase: true,
parseValues: true,
transform: function(obj) {
if (obj.key === 'foo') {
obj.value = 'baz';
return obj;
var dbHost = nconf.get('database:host');
将给定的对象文字加载到配置层次结构中。 nconf.defaults()
和 nconf.overrides()
都使用 Literal 存储。
'some': 'default value'
基于内存存储,但提供了额外的方法 .save()
和 .load()
允许您从文件读取配置。 与内存存储一样,所有方法调用都是同步的,但 .save()
和 .load()
请务必注意,在调用 .save()
之前,文件引擎中的设置键不会持久保存到磁盘。 请注意,如果使用多个文件,则必须提供自定义键作为层次结构工作的第一个参数。
// add multiple files, hierarchically. notice the unique key for each file
nconf.file('user', 'path/to/your/user.json');
nconf.file('global', 'path/to/your/global.json');
文件存储还可以扩展为多种文件格式,默认为 JSON
。 要使用自定义格式,只需将格式对象传递给 .use()
方法即可。 该对象必须具有 .parse()
和 .stringify()
方法,就像本机 JSON
Encrypting file contents
从 nconf@0.8.0
开始,现在可以使用 secure
nconf.file('secure-file', {
file: 'path/to/secure-file.json',
secure: {
secret: 'super-secretzzz-keyzz',
alg: 'aes-256-ctr'
这将使用 crypto.createCipheriv
,默认为 aes-256-ctr
。 加密的文件内容将如下所示:
"config-key-name": {
"alg": "aes-256-ctr", // cipher used
"value": "af07fbcf", // encrypted contents
"iv": "49e7803a2a5ef98c7a51a8902b76dd10" // initialization vector
"another-config-key": {
"alg": "aes-256-ctr", // cipher used
"value": "e310f6d94f13", // encrypted contents
"iv": "b654e01aed262f37d0acf200be193985" // initialization vector
通过 nconf-redis 可以使用一个单独的基于 Redis 的存储。 要简单地安装和使用此存储:
$ npm install nconf
$ npm install nconf-redis
一旦安装了 nconf
和 nconf-redis
,您必须要求两个模块都使用 Redis 存储:
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Requiring `nconf-redis` will extend the `nconf`
// module.
nconf.use('redis', { host: 'localhost', port: 6379, ttl: 60 * 60 * 1000 });
npm install nconf --save
Run Tests
测试是用誓言编写的,并提供完整的涵盖所有 API 和存储引擎。
$ npm test
Author: Charlie Robbins
License: MIT
Hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and atomic object merging.
Using nconf is easy; it is designed to be a simple key-value store with support for both local and remote storage. Keys are namespaced and delimited by :
. Let's dive right into sample usage:
// sample.js
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Setup nconf to use (in-order):
// 1. Command-line arguments
// 2. Environment variables
// 3. A file located at 'path/to/config.json'
.file({ file: 'path/to/config.json' });
// Set a few variables on `nconf`.
nconf.set('database:host', '');
nconf.set('database:port', 5984);
// Get the entire database object from nconf. This will output
// { host: '', port: 5984 }
console.log('foo: ' + nconf.get('foo'));
console.log('NODE_ENV: ' + nconf.get('NODE_ENV'));
console.log('database: ' + nconf.get('database'));
// Save the configuration object to disk
nconf.save(function (err) {
require('fs').readFile('path/to/your/config.json', function (err, data) {
If you run the below script:
$ NODE_ENV=production node sample.js --foo bar
The output will be:
foo: bar
NODE_ENV: production
database: { host: '', port: 5984 }
Hierarchical configuration
Configuration management can get complicated very quickly for even trivial applications running in production. nconf
addresses this problem by enabling you to setup a hierarchy for different sources of configuration with no defaults. The order in which you attach these configuration sources determines their priority in the hierarchy. Let's take a look at the options available to you
- nconf.argv(options) Loads
using yargs. Ifoptions
is supplied it is passed along to yargs. - nconf.env(options) Loads
into the hierarchy. - nconf.file(options) Loads the configuration data at options.file into the hierarchy.
- nconf.defaults(options) Loads the data in options.store into the hierarchy.
- nconf.overrides(options) Loads the data in options.store into the hierarchy.
A sane default for this could be:
var nconf = require('nconf');
// 1. any overrides
'always': 'be this value'
// 2. `process.env`
// 3. `process.argv`
// 4. Values in `config.json`
// Or with a custom name
// Note: A custom key must be supplied for hierarchy to work if multiple files are used.
nconf.file('custom', '/path/to/config.json');
// Or searching from a base directory.
// Note: `name` is optional.
nconf.file(name, {
file: 'config.json',
dir: 'search/from/here',
search: true
// 5. Any default values
'if nothing else': 'use this value'
API Documentation
The top-level of nconf
is an instance of the nconf.Provider
abstracts this all for you into a simple API.
nconf.add(name, options)
Adds a new store with the specified name
and options
. If options.type
is not set, then name
will be used instead:
nconf.add('supplied', { type: 'literal', store: { 'some': 'config' } });
nconf.add('user', { type: 'file', file: '/path/to/userconf.json' });
nconf.add('global', { type: 'file', file: '/path/to/globalconf.json' });
nconf.any(names, callback)
Given a set of key names, gets the value of the first key found to be truthy. The key names can be given as separate arguments or as an array. If the last argument is a function, it will be called with the result; otherwise, the value is returned.
// Get one of 'NODEJS_PORT' and 'PORT' as a return value
var port = nconf.any('NODEJS_PORT', 'PORT');
// Get one of 'NODEJS_IP' and 'IPADDRESS' using a callback
nconf.any(['NODEJS_IP', 'IPADDRESS'], function(err, value) {
console.log('Connect to IP address ' + value);
nconf.use(name, options)
Similar to nconf.add
, except that it can replace an existing store if new options are provided
// Load a file store onto nconf with the specified settings
nconf.use('file', { file: '/path/to/some/config-file.json' });
// Replace the file store with new settings
nconf.use('file', { file: 'path/to/a-new/config-file.json' });
Removes the store with the specified name.
The configuration stored at that level will no longer be used for lookup(s).
Declares a set of string keys to be mandatory, and throw an error if any are missing.
keya: 'a',
nconf.required(['keya', 'keyb']);
// Error: Missing required keys: keyb
You can also chain .required()
calls when needed. for example when a configuration depends on another configuration store
.required([ 'STAGE']) //here you should have STAGE otherwise throw an error
.file( 'stage', path.resolve( 'configs', 'stages', config.get( 'STAGE' ) + '.json' ) )
.required([ 'OAUTH:redirectURL']) // here you should have OAUTH:redirectURL, otherwise throw an error
.file( 'oauth', path.resolve( 'configs', 'oauth', config.get( 'OAUTH:MODE' ) + '.json' ) )
.file( 'app', path.resolve( 'configs', 'app.json' ) )
.required([ 'LOGS_MODE']) // here you should haveLOGS_MODE, otherwise throw an error
.add( 'logs', {
type: 'literal',
store: require( path.resolve( 'configs', 'logs', config.get( 'LOGS_MODE' ) + '.js') )
} )
.defaults( defaults );
Storage Engines
A simple in-memory storage engine that stores a nested JSON representation of the configuration. To use this engine, just call .use()
with the appropriate arguments. All calls to .get()
, .set()
, .clear()
, .reset()
methods are synchronous since we are only dealing with an in-memory object.
All built-in storage engines inherit from the Memory store.
Basic usage:
The options defined below apply to all storage engines that inherit from Memory.
accessSeparator: string
(default: ':'
Defines the separator used to get or set data using the get()
and set()
methods. Even if this is changed, the default "colon" separator will be available unless explicitly disabled (see disableDefaultAccessSeparator
inputSeparator: string
(default: '__'
This option is used by the argv
and env
storage engines when loading values. Since most systems only allow dashes, underscores, and alphanumeric characters in environment variables and command line arguments, the inputSeparator
provides a mechanism for loading hierarchical values from these sources.
disableDefaultAccessSeparator: {true|false}
(default: false
Disables the default access separator of ':'
, which is always available otherwise. This is mainly used to preserve legacy behavior. It can also be used to set keys that contain the default separator (e.g. { 'some:long:key' : 'some value' }
Responsible for loading the values parsed from process.argv
by yargs
into the configuration hierarchy. See the yargs option docs for more on the option format.
parseValues: {true|false}
(default: false
Attempt to parse well-known values (e.g. 'false', 'true', 'null', 'undefined', '3', '5.1' and JSON values) into their proper types. If a value cannot be parsed, it will remain a string.
transform: function(obj)
Pass each key/value pair to the specified function for transformation.
The input obj
contains two properties passed in the following format:
key: '<string>',
value: '<string>'
The transformation function may alter both the key and the value.
The function may return either an object in the same format as the input or a value that evaluates to false. If the return value is falsey, the entry will be dropped from the store, otherwise it will replace the original key/value.
Note: If the return value doesn't adhere to the above rules, an exception will be thrown.
// Can optionally also be an object literal to pass to `yargs`.
"x": {
alias: 'example',
describe: 'Example description for usage generation',
demand: true,
default: 'some-value',
parseValues: true,
transform: function(obj) {
if (obj.key === 'foo') {
obj.value = 'baz';
return obj;
It's also possible to pass a configured yargs instance
.usage('My usage definition')
"x": {
alias: 'example',
describe: 'Example description for usage generation',
demand: true,
default: 'some-value'
Responsible for loading the values parsed from process.env
into the configuration hierarchy. By default, the env variables values are loaded into the configuration as strings.
lowerCase: {true|false}
(default: false
Convert all input keys to lower case. Values are not modified.
If this option is enabled, all calls to nconf.get()
must pass in a lowercase string (e.g. nconf.get('port')
parseValues: {true|false}
(default: false
Attempt to parse well-known values (e.g. 'false', 'true', 'null', 'undefined', '3', '5.1' and JSON values) into their proper types. If a value cannot be parsed, it will remain a string.
transform: function(obj)
Pass each key/value pair to the specified function for transformation.
The input obj
contains two properties passed in the following format:
key: '<string>',
value: '<string>'
The transformation function may alter both the key and the value.
The function may return either an object in the same format as the input or a value that evaluates to false. If the return value is falsey, the entry will be dropped from the store, otherwise it will replace the original key/value.
Note: If the return value doesn't adhere to the above rules, an exception will be thrown.
readOnly: {true|false}
(default: true
Allow values in the env store to be updated in the future. The default is to not allow items in the env store to be updated.
// Can optionally also be an Array of values to limit process.env to.
nconf.env(['only', 'load', 'these', 'values', 'from', 'process.env']);
// Can also specify an input separator for nested keys
// Get the value of the env variable 'database__host'
var dbHost = nconf.get('database:host');
// Can also lowerCase keys.
// Especially handy when dealing with environment variables which are usually
// uppercased while argv are lowercased.
// Given an environment variable PORT=3001
var port = nconf.get('port') // undefined
nconf.env({ lowerCase: true });
var port = nconf.get('port') // 3001
// Or use all options
inputSeparator: '__',
match: /^whatever_matches_this_will_be_whitelisted/
whitelist: ['database__host', 'only', 'load', 'these', 'values', 'if', 'whatever_doesnt_match_but_is_whitelisted_gets_loaded_too'],
lowerCase: true,
parseValues: true,
transform: function(obj) {
if (obj.key === 'foo') {
obj.value = 'baz';
return obj;
var dbHost = nconf.get('database:host');
Loads a given object literal into the configuration hierarchy. Both nconf.defaults()
and nconf.overrides()
use the Literal store.
'some': 'default value'
Based on the Memory store, but provides additional methods .save()
and .load()
which allow you to read your configuration to and from file. As with the Memory store, all method calls are synchronous with the exception of .save()
and .load()
which take callback functions.
It is important to note that setting keys in the File engine will not be persisted to disk until a call to .save()
is made. Note a custom key must be supplied as the first parameter for hierarchy to work if multiple files are used.
// add multiple files, hierarchically. notice the unique key for each file
nconf.file('user', 'path/to/your/user.json');
nconf.file('global', 'path/to/your/global.json');
The file store is also extensible for multiple file formats, defaulting to JSON
. To use a custom format, simply pass a format object to the .use()
method. This object must have .parse()
and .stringify()
methods just like the native JSON
If the file does not exist at the provided path, the store will simply be empty.
Encrypting file contents
As of nconf@0.8.0
it is now possible to encrypt and decrypt file contents using the secure
nconf.file('secure-file', {
file: 'path/to/secure-file.json',
secure: {
secret: 'super-secretzzz-keyzz',
alg: 'aes-256-ctr'
This will encrypt each key using crypto.createCipheriv
, defaulting to aes-256-ctr
. The encrypted file contents will look like this:
"config-key-name": {
"alg": "aes-256-ctr", // cipher used
"value": "af07fbcf", // encrypted contents
"iv": "49e7803a2a5ef98c7a51a8902b76dd10" // initialization vector
"another-config-key": {
"alg": "aes-256-ctr", // cipher used
"value": "e310f6d94f13", // encrypted contents
"iv": "b654e01aed262f37d0acf200be193985" // initialization vector
There is a separate Redis-based store available through nconf-redis. To install and use this store simply:
$ npm install nconf
$ npm install nconf-redis
Once installing both nconf
and nconf-redis
, you must require both modules to use the Redis store:
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Requiring `nconf-redis` will extend the `nconf`
// module.
nconf.use('redis', { host: 'localhost', port: 6379, ttl: 60 * 60 * 1000 });
npm install nconf --save
Run Tests
Tests are written in vows and give complete coverage of all APIs and storage engines.
$ npm test