@acaisoft/angular-azure-maps 中文文档教程
Angular Azure Maps
Angular 6 Azure Maps 是一个包装在 Angular
Getting Started
```节点 上的 MS Azure Map npm i @acaisoft/angular-azure-maps --save
Add to module:
ts @NgModule({ 进口:[AmModule], 提供商:[LoadMapService]
First add this two line to your index.html:
```` 或使用我们的延迟加载
Lazy loading
// in component:
key: string = '<YOUR-KEY>'
constructor(public mapService: LoadMapService) {}
ngOnInit() {
// that will lazy loaded azure map script and styles
this.mapService.load().toPromise().then(() => {
atlas.setSubscriptionKey(this.key); // that inject your azure key
@ViewChild('maper') maper: AtlasMapComponent;
此 mapService
拥有 isLoaded
<div *ngIf="mapService.isLoaded">
<am-map #maper
[_id] 中 - 它的 DOMElements id,!必要的!
[initialConfig] - 映射的初始配置
public config = {
'zoom': 1.5,
'center': [20,20]
'interactive': true,
其他配置选项:样式选项 | 用户交互选项 | 服务选项 | 相机选项
<am-map #maper
(onMapClick)="getPos($event)" // Output emiting position
(onMapClick) - 它在点击时的发射位置
(loaded) - 当 AmComponent 被加载时发出,在它之后你可以添加数据:
mapLoaded() {
// Check if ViewChild is correctly init
if (this.maper && this.mapService.isLoaded) {
// use that function to load sprites to map
this.maper.map.events.add('load', (e) => {
// Add sprite to map as icon
this.maper.map.imageSprite.add('my-pin', '../../../assets/eye-crossed.svg'),
this.maper.map.imageSprite.add('git', '../../../assets/github-small.svg')
]).then((e) => {
this.isFirst = false;
} else {
setTimeout(() => this.mapLoaded(), 400)
Add points to map this.maper.createPoints(特征:AmFeatures)
刷新点数 this.maper.updatePoints(特征:AmFeatures)
移除地图 `this.maper.removeMap() 或 this.maper.map.remove()
你的数据元素应该是 AmFeatures 类型:
interface AmFeature {
dataElement: any; // Data element
atlasFeature: atlas.data.Feature; // Map's features object
layer: string; // Layer for different object
pinConfig: PinLayerOptions;
首先创建地图功能 - 功能< /a> 简单点示例:
dataPointsInit(data): atlas.data.Feature {
const pos = new atlas.data.Position(data.localization.lnt, data.localization.lng);
const point = new atlas.data.Point(pos);
const feature = new atlas.data.Feature(point, {
name: data.name,
icon: 'none',
type: data.type,
title: data.name,
cssClass: cssName //if you want custom pins !!Remeber to set icon: 'nope',
return feature;
PinLaterOptions 示例:
dataLayerOptions(item): PinLayerOptions {
const pinOptions: PinLayerOptions = {
name: item,
cluster: false, // true if you want join points
clusterIcon: 'pin-round-blue',
textFont: 'SegoeUi-Bold',
textOffset: [0, 17],
return pinOptions;
并将其合并为 AmFeature 类型:
mergeDataPoint(data) {
return {
dataElement: data,
atlasFeature: this.dataPointsInit(data),
layer: data.type
pinConfig: this.dataLayerOptions(data.type)
}as AmFeature;
我们的 AtlasMapComponent 将创建您的地图画布,并添加您的地图元素以通过在其上添加的图钉进行映射。
还可以通过父组件 html 文件中的 atlas-popup 指令和 ng-template 在引脚上添加 PopUps:
<div class="container" *ngIf="mapService.isLoaded">
<am-map #maper
<ng-template amPopup
<div [ngSwitch]="dataElement.type">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'DataCenter'" class="dc_container">
<div class="name">{{ dataElement.name}}</div>
<div class="status" [ngStyle]="{'color':dataElement.status === 'Online' ? 'blue' : 'red'}"> {{ dataElement.status }}</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Office'" class="office_container">
<div class="name">{{ dataElement.name}}</div>
[AzureMapDocumentation]:https ://docs.microsoft.com/pl-pl/javascript/api/azure-maps-javascript/ ?view=azure-iot-typescript-最新版本
Angular Azure Maps
Angular 6 Azure Maps is a wrapped MS Azure Map on Angular
Getting Started
```node npm i @acaisoft/angular-azure-maps --save
Add to module:
ts @NgModule({ imports: [AmModule], providers: [LoadMapService]
First add this two line to your index.html:
```` Or use our lazy loading
Lazy loading
// in component:
key: string = '<YOUR-KEY>'
constructor(public mapService: LoadMapService) {}
ngOnInit() {
// that will lazy loaded azure map script and styles
this.mapService.load().toPromise().then(() => {
atlas.setSubscriptionKey(this.key); // that inject your azure key
To have control on map you must use
@ViewChild('maper') maper: AtlasMapComponent;
This mapService
own isLoaded
properties so you can simple use it to know when map was loaded in template
<div *ngIf="mapService.isLoaded">
<am-map #maper
[_id] - its id to DOMElements, !necessary!
[initialConfig] - initial config to map
Map Init.
Your config should look like:
public config = {
'zoom': 1.5,
'center': [20,20]
'interactive': true,
Other config options: Style Options | User Interaction Options | Service Options | Camera Options
<am-map #maper
(onMapClick)="getPos($event)" // Output emiting position
(onMapClick) - its emitting position on click
(loaded) - emitting when AmComponent is loaded, after its you can for example add data:
mapLoaded() {
// Check if ViewChild is correctly init
if (this.maper && this.mapService.isLoaded) {
// use that function to load sprites to map
this.maper.map.events.add('load', (e) => {
// Add sprite to map as icon
this.maper.map.imageSprite.add('my-pin', '../../../assets/eye-crossed.svg'),
this.maper.map.imageSprite.add('git', '../../../assets/github-small.svg')
]).then((e) => {
this.isFirst = false;
} else {
setTimeout(() => this.mapLoaded(), 400)
Add points to map this.maper.createPoints(features: AmFeatures)
Refresh points this.maper.updatePoints(features: AmFeatures)
Remove Map `this.maper.removeMap() or this.maper.map.remove()
Your data element should by AmFeatures type:
interface AmFeature {
dataElement: any; // Data element
atlasFeature: atlas.data.Feature; // Map's features object
layer: string; // Layer for different object
pinConfig: PinLayerOptions;
In your parent component you must create your data.
First create your map feature - Feature Example for simple Point:
dataPointsInit(data): atlas.data.Feature {
const pos = new atlas.data.Position(data.localization.lnt, data.localization.lng);
const point = new atlas.data.Point(pos);
const feature = new atlas.data.Feature(point, {
name: data.name,
icon: 'none',
type: data.type,
title: data.name,
cssClass: cssName //if you want custom pins !!Remeber to set icon: 'nope',
return feature;
Example for PinLaterOptions:
dataLayerOptions(item): PinLayerOptions {
const pinOptions: PinLayerOptions = {
name: item,
cluster: false, // true if you want join points
clusterIcon: 'pin-round-blue',
textFont: 'SegoeUi-Bold',
textOffset: [0, 17],
return pinOptions;
And merge it do AmFeature type:
mergeDataPoint(data) {
return {
dataElement: data,
atlasFeature: this.dataPointsInit(data),
layer: data.type
pinConfig: this.dataLayerOptions(data.type)
}as AmFeature;
Our AtlasMapComponent will create your map canvas, and add your Map Elements to map through added pins on it.
Also can added PopUps on pins through atlas-popup directive and ng-template in your parent component html file:
<div class="container" *ngIf="mapService.isLoaded">
<am-map #maper
<ng-template amPopup
<div [ngSwitch]="dataElement.type">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'DataCenter'" class="dc_container">
<div class="name">{{ dataElement.name}}</div>
<div class="status" [ngStyle]="{'color':dataElement.status === 'Online' ? 'blue' : 'red'}"> {{ dataElement.status }}</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'Office'" class="office_container">
<div class="name">{{ dataElement.name}}</div>
[AzureMapDocumentation]: https://docs.microsoft.com/pl-pl/javascript/api/azure-maps-javascript/?view=azure-iot-typescript-latest