@absxn/process-env-parser 中文文档教程

发布于 5 年前 浏览 35 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


直接且类型安全的环境变量验证、解析和 node 应用程序的调试。

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  API_KEY: { mask: true, default: null },
  DATABASE_URL: { parser: s => new URL(s), mask: Mask.url("password") },
  LISTEN_PORT: { parser: parseInt, default: 3000 },

if (result.success) {
  // Sample success output
  // ┌──────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  // │   (index)    │                       Values                        │
  // ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  // │   API_KEY    │                     '<masked>'                      │
  // │ DATABASE_URL │ '<masked: "mysql://user:*****@localhost:3306/app">' │
  // │ LISTEN_PORT  │                       '8080'                        │
  // │ SERVICE_NAME │                      '"app"'                        │
  // └──────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

  // Inferred type for successfully parsed environment
  // {
  //   API_KEY: string | null
  //   LISTEN_PORT: number
  //   SERVICE_NAME: string
  // }
  return result.env;
} else {
  // Sample formatted output
  // API_KEY = <masked>
  // DATABASE_URL = <parser: "Invalid URL: localhost">
  // LISTEN_PORT = 3000 (default)
  // SERVICE_NAME = <missing>

  throw new Error("Could not parse environment variables");


在每个过程开始时,有两个输入源可以影响 流程执行:程序参数和环境变量。

$ ENV_VAR_A=Hello ENV_VAR_B=World node app.js arg1 arg2 --arg3

为了构建可靠的软件并最大程度地减少运行时意外,您将 想要遵循快速失败设计尽早确保您的程序输入正确。 程序之后所做的一切都基于这些输入。

例如,确保将所需的数据库 URL 正确传递给 最开始的过程会清楚地提醒用户可能出现的问题, 而不是应用程序在 30 分钟后数据库连接时崩溃 是第一次完成。

这个库试图提供有用的工具来处理环境 启动的可变部分。

Installation and usage

$ npm install --save @absxn/process-env-parser
import {
} from "@absxn/process-env-parser";

这两个函数返回相同的 Success | Fail 对象:

// Types roughly as follows, read code and inline documentation for details

type Success = {
  success: true;
  env: {
    [variableName: string]:
      | InferredParserFunctionReturnType // If `parser` option used
      | InferredDefaultValueType // If `default` option used
      | string; // No options used
  envPrintable: {
    // Human readable results for logging and debugging
    // E.g. `ENV_VAR_A=<missing>, ENV_VAR_B="World", PASSWORD=<masked>`
    [variableName: string]: string;

type Fail = {
  success: false;
  // Same as for Success
  envPrintable: { [variableName: string]: string };


Success: Simple usage with mandatory variables

读取变量的最简单方法是使用 requireEnvironmentVariables(...variableNames: string[])。 它读给定 变量,必须找到所有变量,并将它们的值作为字符串返回。


Process startup

$ A=hello B=world node app


// Type: Success | Fail
const result = requireEnvironmentVariables("A", "B");

if (result.success) {
  // ┌─────────┬───────────┐
  // │ (index) │  Values   │
  // ├─────────┼───────────┤
  // │    A    │ '"hello"' │
  // │    B    │ '"world"' │
  // └─────────┴───────────┘

  // Type: { A: string, B: string }
  // Value: { A: "hello", B: "world" }
  return result.env;
} else {
  // Wont get here since we gave both A and B in the startup

Success: Optional and parsed variables

如果您对变量有更复杂的设置,则可以使用 <代码>解析环境变量(配置:配置)。 这使您可以处理每个 具有附加功能的单独变量。

config 对象以变量名作为键,值是一个对象 指定如何处理该变量。


interface Config {
  [variableName: string]: {
    // If variable is not found, use this as its value. If `default` not
    // given, variable is mandatory, in which case, a missing variable leads
    // to Fail being returned. If default value was used, envPrintable will
    // have " (default)" appended to the printable value.
    default?: any;
    // When variable is read, its value is passed first to the parser
    // function. Return value of the parser is used as the variable value in
    // the output. If the parser throws, the function will return a Fail
    // object.
    parser?: (value: string) => any;
    // If `true`, the value of the variable is never shown in plain text in
    // the `envPrintable` fields of the return object. Value is indicated as
    // `<masked>`. If function, the argument is 1) return value of parser 2)
    // environment variable value. Default value bypasses the function and gets
    // displayed as `<masked> (default)`. Return value of the function is the
    // value to be shown in `envPrintable`, formatted as <masked: "value">.
    mask?: boolean | (value: any) => string;


  • All varibales with no default given must exist in the environment
  • Empty string "" is considered as non-existing!
  • No parser may throw
  • Parser exceptions turn result into Fail and the exception message is captured in the envPrintable fields. See examples below.

默认值按原样使用,在给出解析器时也是如此,即默认值为 使用时不传递给解析器。

Process startup

$ REQUIRED=value PARSED=12345 node app


// Ensure we return only valid numbers
function parser(s: string): number {
  const p = parseInt(s);

  if (isNaN(p)) {
    throw new Error("Not a number");
  } else {
    return p;

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  PARSED: { parser },
  OPTIONAL: { default: "OPTIONAL" }

if (result.success) {
  // ┌──────────┬────────────────────────┐
  // │ (index)  │         Values         │
  // ├──────────┼────────────────────────┤
  // │ REQUIRED │       '"value"'        │
  // │  PARSED  │         '1234'         │
  // │ OPTIONAL │ '"OPTIONAL" (default)' │
  // └──────────┴────────────────────────┘

  // Type: { REQUIRED: string, PARSER: number, OPTIONAL: "OPTIONAL" | string }
  // Value: { REQUIRED: "value", PARSED: 1234, OPTIONAL: "OPTIONAL" }
  return result.env;
} else {
  // Will not get here

Fail: Variable missing

Process startup

$ VAR_A=value VAR_B= VAR_C="${X} ${Y} ${Z}" node app


  • Empty string: VAR_B is also considered as missing. I.e. process.env.VAR_B does exist, but the parser considers "" equal to not set.
  • Blank string: VAR_C is also considered not set. In this case, X, Y, Z are all "", so the resulting value of VAR_C is two spaces, " ". If value is surrounded by spaces, e.g. " A ", the spaces are preserved as is through the parser.


const result = requireEnvironmentVariables("VAR_A", "VAR_B", "VAR_C", "VAR_D");

if (result.success) {
  // Won't get there
} else {
  //  ┌─────────┬─────────────┐
  //  │ (index) │   Values    │
  //  ├─────────┼─────────────┤
  //  │  VAR_A  │  '"value"'  │
  //  │  VAR_B  │ '<missing>' │
  //  │  VAR_C  │ '<missing>' │
  //  │  VAR_D  │ '<missing>' │
  //  └─────────┴─────────────┘

Fail: Parser throwing

Process startup

$ NOT_ACTUAL_NUMBER=xyz node app


function parser(s: string): number {
  const p = parseInt(s);

  if (isNaN(p)) {
    throw new Error("Not a number");
  } else {
    return p;

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  NOT_ACTUAL_NUMBER: { parser }

if (result.success) {
  // Won't get there
} else {
  // ┌───────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
  // │      (index)      │           Values           │
  // ├───────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
  // │ NOT_ACTUAL_NUMBER │ '<parser: "Not a number">' │
  // └───────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘



import { Mask } from "@absxn/process-env-parser";


返回将掩码应用于给定 URL 部分的函数的函数。 有效的 URL 部分是 "hash""hostname""password""pathname"“端口”“协议”“搜索”“用户名”。 可以处理两个 URL 字符串和 URL 对象(来自 parserdefault)。

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  API_URL: { parser: s => new URL(s), mask: Mask.url("password", "path") }

对于 API_URL=https://user:pass@ 将 包含 { API_URL: "https://user:*****@*****" }


url("password") 相同,导致 "protocol://user:*****@hostname/api/path"


url("username", "password")相同,导致 “协议://*****:*****@hostname/api/path”



import { Combine } from "@absxn/process-env-parser";


如果您有一个相互依赖的环境变量子集,即 您要么需要所有这些,要么都不需要,此功能有助于确保 那。

“Nullable”在这里由 TypeScript 的 NonNullable 定义,即 null 或 <代码>未定义。


function getConfig() {
  // For parsing purposes, both USERNAME and PASSWORD are optional...
  const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
    DATABASE: {},
    USERNAME: { default: null },
    PASSWORD: { default: null }

  if (!result.success) {
    return null;

  const { DATABASE, USERNAME, PASSWORD } = result.env;

  return {
    // ... but for actual authentication, you need both
    auth: Combine.nonNullable({ USERNAME, PASSWORD }),
    db: DATABASE


$ DATABASE=db USERNAME=user PASSWORD=pass node app
getConfig() -> { auth: { USERNAME: "user", PASSWORD: "pass" }, db: "db" }

$ DATABASE=db node app
getConfig() -> { auth: null, db: "db" }

$ DATABASE=db USERNAME=user node app
getConfig() -> new Error("Mix of non-nullable (USERNAME) and nullable (PASSWORD) values")

$ node app
getConfig() -> null

如果返回对象,则返回类型的可空性从每个 值:

// Type before: { a: string | null, b: number | undefined }
const nullableValues = {
  a: Math.random() > 0.5 ? "X" : null,
  b: Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : undefined
// Type after: {a: string, b: number} | null
const nonNullableValues = Combine.nonNullable(nullableTypes);


该库包含用于打印解析器的附加辅助函数 结果。 这些对于将启动配置存储到日志中很有用 或者打印出启动失败的原因。

从包中导入 Formatter

import { Formatter } from "@absxn/process-env-parser";


作为内置的 console.table() 是从中获取可读转储的最简单方法 解析器结果。

const result = requireEnvironmentVariables("VARIABLE"/*, ...*/);

// ┌──────────┬─────────┐
// │ (index)  │ Values  │
// ├──────────┼─────────┤
// │ VARIABLE │ 'value' │
// │   ...    │   ...   │
// └──────────┴─────────┘



const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  API_KEY: { mask: true, default: null },
  DATABASE_URL: { parser: s => new URL(s).toString() },
  LISTEN_PORT: { parser: parseInt, default: 3000 },

// if (result.success === true):
// > API_KEY=<masked>, DATABASE_URL="mysql://localhost:3306/app", LISTEN_PORT=8080, SERVICE_NAME="app"
// else:
// > API_KEY=<masked>, DATABASE_URL=<parser: "Invalid URL: localhost">, LISTEN_PORT=3000, SERVICE_NAME=<missing>



// if (result.success === true):
// > API_KEY = <masked>
//   DATABASE_URL = "mysql://localhost:3306/app"
//   LISTEN_PORT = 8080
//   SERVICE_NAME = "app"
// else:
// > API_KEY = <masked> (default)
//   DATABASE_URL = <parser: "Invalid URL: localhost">
//   LISTEN_PORT = 3000 (default)
//   SERVICE_NAME = <missing>


Straightforward and type-safe environment variable validation, parsing, and debugging for node applications.

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  API_KEY: { mask: true, default: null },
  DATABASE_URL: { parser: s => new URL(s), mask: Mask.url("password") },
  LISTEN_PORT: { parser: parseInt, default: 3000 },

if (result.success) {
  // Sample success output
  // ┌──────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  // │   (index)    │                       Values                        │
  // ├──────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  // │   API_KEY    │                     '<masked>'                      │
  // │ DATABASE_URL │ '<masked: "mysql://user:*****@localhost:3306/app">' │
  // │ LISTEN_PORT  │                       '8080'                        │
  // │ SERVICE_NAME │                      '"app"'                        │
  // └──────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

  // Inferred type for successfully parsed environment
  // {
  //   API_KEY: string | null
  //   LISTEN_PORT: number
  //   SERVICE_NAME: string
  // }
  return result.env;
} else {
  // Sample formatted output
  // API_KEY = <masked>
  // DATABASE_URL = <parser: "Invalid URL: localhost">
  // LISTEN_PORT = 3000 (default)
  // SERVICE_NAME = <missing>

  throw new Error("Could not parse environment variables");


At the start of every process there are two sources of inputs that can affect the process execution: the program arguments, and the environment variables.

$ ENV_VAR_A=Hello ENV_VAR_B=World node app.js arg1 arg2 --arg3

In order to build reliable software, and minimize runtime surprises, you'll want to follow the fail-fast design and ensure that your program inputs are correct as early on as possible. Everything the program does afterwards is be based on these inputs.

For example, ensuring that a required database URL is correctly passed to the process at the very beginning will alert the user clearly of a possible issue, instead of the the app crashing 30 minutes later when the database connection is done the first time.

This library tries to provide useful tooling for handling the environment variable part of startup.

Installation and usage

$ npm install --save @absxn/process-env-parser
import {
} from "@absxn/process-env-parser";

Both functions return the same Success | Fail object:

// Types roughly as follows, read code and inline documentation for details

type Success = {
  success: true;
  env: {
    [variableName: string]:
      | InferredParserFunctionReturnType // If `parser` option used
      | InferredDefaultValueType // If `default` option used
      | string; // No options used
  envPrintable: {
    // Human readable results for logging and debugging
    // E.g. `ENV_VAR_A=<missing>, ENV_VAR_B="World", PASSWORD=<masked>`
    [variableName: string]: string;

type Fail = {
  success: false;
  // Same as for Success
  envPrintable: { [variableName: string]: string };


Success: Simple usage with mandatory variables

Easiest way to read the variables is to use requireEnvironmentVariables(...variableNames: string[]). It reads given variables, must find them all, and returns their values as strings.

To succeed, all listed variables must exist in the environment

Process startup

$ A=hello B=world node app


// Type: Success | Fail
const result = requireEnvironmentVariables("A", "B");

if (result.success) {
  // ┌─────────┬───────────┐
  // │ (index) │  Values   │
  // ├─────────┼───────────┤
  // │    A    │ '"hello"' │
  // │    B    │ '"world"' │
  // └─────────┴───────────┘

  // Type: { A: string, B: string }
  // Value: { A: "hello", B: "world" }
  return result.env;
} else {
  // Wont get here since we gave both A and B in the startup

Success: Optional and parsed variables

If you have a more complex setup for the variables, you can use parseEnvironmentVariables(config: Config). This allows you to handle each variable individually with additional functionality.

The config object has variable names as keys, and the value is an object specifying how to handle that variable.

The available options are:

interface Config {
  [variableName: string]: {
    // If variable is not found, use this as its value. If `default` not
    // given, variable is mandatory, in which case, a missing variable leads
    // to Fail being returned. If default value was used, envPrintable will
    // have " (default)" appended to the printable value.
    default?: any;
    // When variable is read, its value is passed first to the parser
    // function. Return value of the parser is used as the variable value in
    // the output. If the parser throws, the function will return a Fail
    // object.
    parser?: (value: string) => any;
    // If `true`, the value of the variable is never shown in plain text in
    // the `envPrintable` fields of the return object. Value is indicated as
    // `<masked>`. If function, the argument is 1) return value of parser 2)
    // environment variable value. Default value bypasses the function and gets
    // displayed as `<masked> (default)`. Return value of the function is the
    // value to be shown in `envPrintable`, formatted as <masked: "value">.
    mask?: boolean | (value: any) => string;

To succeed:

  • All varibales with no default given must exist in the environment
  • Empty string "" is considered as non-existing!
  • No parser may throw
  • Parser exceptions turn result into Fail and the exception message is captured in the envPrintable fields. See examples below.

Default value is used as is, also when parser is given, i.e. default value is not passed to parser when used.

Process startup

$ REQUIRED=value PARSED=12345 node app


// Ensure we return only valid numbers
function parser(s: string): number {
  const p = parseInt(s);

  if (isNaN(p)) {
    throw new Error("Not a number");
  } else {
    return p;

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  PARSED: { parser },
  OPTIONAL: { default: "OPTIONAL" }

if (result.success) {
  // ┌──────────┬────────────────────────┐
  // │ (index)  │         Values         │
  // ├──────────┼────────────────────────┤
  // │ REQUIRED │       '"value"'        │
  // │  PARSED  │         '1234'         │
  // │ OPTIONAL │ '"OPTIONAL" (default)' │
  // └──────────┴────────────────────────┘

  // Type: { REQUIRED: string, PARSER: number, OPTIONAL: "OPTIONAL" | string }
  // Value: { REQUIRED: "value", PARSED: 1234, OPTIONAL: "OPTIONAL" }
  return result.env;
} else {
  // Will not get here

Fail: Variable missing

Process startup

$ VAR_A=value VAR_B= VAR_C="${X} ${Y} ${Z}" node app

WARNING – Special cases for "meaningless" strings:

  • Empty string: VAR_B is also considered as missing. I.e. process.env.VAR_B does exist, but the parser considers "" equal to not set.
  • Blank string: VAR_C is also considered not set. In this case, X, Y, Z are all "", so the resulting value of VAR_C is two spaces, " ". If value is surrounded by spaces, e.g. " A ", the spaces are preserved as is through the parser.


const result = requireEnvironmentVariables("VAR_A", "VAR_B", "VAR_C", "VAR_D");

if (result.success) {
  // Won't get there
} else {
  //  ┌─────────┬─────────────┐
  //  │ (index) │   Values    │
  //  ├─────────┼─────────────┤
  //  │  VAR_A  │  '"value"'  │
  //  │  VAR_B  │ '<missing>' │
  //  │  VAR_C  │ '<missing>' │
  //  │  VAR_D  │ '<missing>' │
  //  └─────────┴─────────────┘

Fail: Parser throwing

Process startup

$ NOT_ACTUAL_NUMBER=xyz node app


function parser(s: string): number {
  const p = parseInt(s);

  if (isNaN(p)) {
    throw new Error("Not a number");
  } else {
    return p;

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  NOT_ACTUAL_NUMBER: { parser }

if (result.success) {
  // Won't get there
} else {
  // ┌───────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
  // │      (index)      │           Values           │
  // ├───────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
  // │ NOT_ACTUAL_NUMBER │ '<parser: "Not a number">' │
  // └───────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘


Helpers for masking parts of variables for output.

import { Mask } from "@absxn/process-env-parser";


A function that returns a function that applies the mask to given URL parts. Valid URL parts are "hash", "hostname", "password", "pathname", "port", "protocol", "search", and "username". Can handle both URL strings and URL objects (from parser or default).

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  API_URL: { parser: s => new URL(s), mask: Mask.url("password", "path") }

For API_URL=https://user:pass@, the envPrintable would contain { API_URL: "https://user:*****@*****" }.


Same as url("password"), resulting in "protocol://user:*****@hostname/api/path"


Same as url("username", "password"), resulting in "protocol://*****:*****@hostname/api/path".


Helpers for manipulating parser results.

import { Combine } from "@absxn/process-env-parser";


If you have a subset of environment variables that depend on each other, i.e. you either need all of them, or none of them, this function helps to ensure that.

"Nullable" is here defined by TypeScript's NonNullable<T>, that is, null or undefined.

Lets assume we have this setup:

function getConfig() {
  // For parsing purposes, both USERNAME and PASSWORD are optional...
  const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
    DATABASE: {},
    USERNAME: { default: null },
    PASSWORD: { default: null }

  if (!result.success) {
    return null;

  const { DATABASE, USERNAME, PASSWORD } = result.env;

  return {
    // ... but for actual authentication, you need both
    auth: Combine.nonNullable({ USERNAME, PASSWORD }),
    db: DATABASE

We would get the following results with given startup parameters:

$ DATABASE=db USERNAME=user PASSWORD=pass node app
getConfig() -> { auth: { USERNAME: "user", PASSWORD: "pass" }, db: "db" }

$ DATABASE=db node app
getConfig() -> { auth: null, db: "db" }

$ DATABASE=db USERNAME=user node app
getConfig() -> new Error("Mix of non-nullable (USERNAME) and nullable (PASSWORD) values")

$ node app
getConfig() -> null

If the object is returned, the return type has nullability removed from each value:

// Type before: { a: string | null, b: number | undefined }
const nullableValues = {
  a: Math.random() > 0.5 ? "X" : null,
  b: Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : undefined
// Type after: {a: string, b: number} | null
const nonNullableValues = Combine.nonNullable(nullableTypes);


The library contains additional helper functions for printing out the parser results. These can be useful for storing the startup configuration into logs or printing out startup failure reasons.

Importing Formatter from the package:

import { Formatter } from "@absxn/process-env-parser";


As a built-in, console.table() is the easiest way to get a readable dump from the parser results.

const result = requireEnvironmentVariables("VARIABLE"/*, ...*/);

// ┌──────────┬─────────┐
// │ (index)  │ Values  │
// ├──────────┼─────────┤
// │ VARIABLE │ 'value' │
// │   ...    │   ...   │
// └──────────┴─────────┘


Using the data from the first example:

const result = parseEnvironmentVariables({
  API_KEY: { mask: true, default: null },
  DATABASE_URL: { parser: s => new URL(s).toString() },
  LISTEN_PORT: { parser: parseInt, default: 3000 },

// if (result.success === true):
// > API_KEY=<masked>, DATABASE_URL="mysql://localhost:3306/app", LISTEN_PORT=8080, SERVICE_NAME="app"
// else:
// > API_KEY=<masked>, DATABASE_URL=<parser: "Invalid URL: localhost">, LISTEN_PORT=3000, SERVICE_NAME=<missing>


Output using same data as above example:

// if (result.success === true):
// > API_KEY = <masked>
//   DATABASE_URL = "mysql://localhost:3306/app"
//   LISTEN_PORT = 8080
//   SERVICE_NAME = "app"
// else:
// > API_KEY = <masked> (default)
//   DATABASE_URL = <parser: "Invalid URL: localhost">
//   LISTEN_PORT = 3000 (default)
//   SERVICE_NAME = <missing>
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