@abovesurveying/leaflet-measure 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 30 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


Leaflet 地图的坐标、线性和面积测量控件。 扩展 L.Control



待办事项。 添加用法

Add control to a Leaflet map

leaflet-measure 添加 L.Control.Measure。 此控件可以与标准 Leaflet 控件工作流一起使用在 Leaflet 文档中描述


var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', options);
var measureControl = new L.Control.Measure(options);


var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', options);
var measureControl = L.control.measure(options);


var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', {
  measureControl: true

Control options


{ position: 'topright' }

标准 Leaflet 控件 位置选项

primaryLengthUnit | secondaryLengthUnit

{ primaryLengthUnit: 'feet', secondaryLengthUnit: 'miles' }

用于显示长度结果的单位。 secondaryLengthUnit 是可选的。

有效值为 feetmetersmileskm

primaryAreaUnit | secondaryAreaUnit

{ primaryAreaUnit: 'acres', secondaryAreaUnit : undefined

用于显示面积结果的单位。 secondaryAreaUnit 是可选的。

有效值为 acreshectaressqfeetsqmeterssqmiles


{ activeColor: '#ABE67E' }

用于主动执行测量时渲染的地图特征的基色。 值应该是表示为十六进制字符串的颜色。


{ completedColor: '#C8F2BE' }

用于完成测量生成的特征的基色。 值应该是表示为十六进制字符串的颜色。


popupOptions: { className: 'leaflet-measure-resultpopup', autoPanPadding: [10, 10] }

选项应用于生成的度量特征的弹出窗口。 属性可以是任何标准的 Leaflet 弹出选项


可用于测量计算器的自定义单位。 打包的长度单位是英尺英里公里英亩公顷sqfeetsqmeterssqmiles 表示面积。 使用此选项可以将其他单元定义添加到打包单元中。


  someNewUnit: {
    factor: 0.001, // Required. Factor to apply when converting to this unit. Length in meters or area in sq meters will be multiplied by this factor.
    display: 'My New Unit', // Required. How to display in results, like.. "300 Meters (0.3 My New Unit)".
    decimals: 2 // Number of decimals to round results when using this unit. `0` is the default value if not specified.
  myOtherNewUnit: {
    factor: 1234,
    display: 'My Other Unit',
    decimals: 0


{ captureZIndex: 10000 }

用于捕获测量点击的标记的 Z 索引。 将此值设置为高于所有其他地图图层的 z-index 以在测量处于活动状态时禁用其他图层上的点击事件。

decPoint | thousandsSep

{ decPoint: '.', thousandsSep: ',' }

显示测量值时使用的小数点和千位分隔符。 如果未指定,则值由本地化定义。


您可以使用 these methods




触发当测量完成并产生测量结果时触发。 结果数据包括:

  • area:以平方米为单位的多边形测量面积。 0 表示少于 3 个点的测量值。

  • areaDisplay:区域格式显示在弹出窗口中。

  • lastCoord:以十进制度和 degress/min/seconds 为单位单击的最后一个点。

  • length:以米为单位的测量长度。 0 表示少于 2 个点的测量值。

  • lengthDisplay:在弹出窗口中显示格式化的长度。

  • pointCount:用户直接添加的点数。

  • pointsLatLng 点数组,用于计算测量值. 数组中的项目数可能与 pointCoint 不同,因为在多边形测量期间会添加一个额外的点来闭合多边形。

Customizing map feature styles

可以使用 CSS SVG 样式属性设置地图要素的样式。 leaflet-measure 测量生成的特征具有以下类名:

  • layer-measurearea:活动测量的特征显示区域

  • layer-measureboundary:显示活动测量的线性路径的特征

  • layer-measurevertex:在活动测量的每个顶点(测量点击)处添加的特征

  • layer-measuredrag:在移动过程中跟随光标的符号主动测量

  • layer-measure-resultarea:作为区域(3 个以上点)测量结果的永久图层添加到地图的要素

  • layer-measure-resultline:添加的要素作为由线性(2 点)测量

  • 产生的永久层添加到地图 layer-measure-resultpoint:作为由点(单击)测量产生的永久层将特色添加到地图


构建过程使用 Node.js 自带的 npm(节点包管理)。

安装 Node.js 后,您可以执行 npm install 来安装依赖项,并执行 npm run-script start:dev 来为传单初始化本地服务器 (localhost:8080)衡量资产。

它检测源文件的修改并重新编译为 /leaflet-measure.css 和 /leaflet-measure.js。

Distribuition Build

安装 npm 后执行 npm install 安装依赖项和 npm run-script build 生成 dist/leaflet-measure.css 和 dist/leaflet-measure.js。

它还将为每个可用的本地化生成 dist/leaflet-measure.{locale}.js 文件。


去做。 国际化


Coordinate, linear, and area measure control for Leaflet maps. Extends L.Control.



TODO. Add usage

Add control to a Leaflet map

leaflet-measure adds L.Control.Measure. This control may be used with the standard Leaflet control workflows described in the Leaflet docs.

The measure control can be instantiated directly and added to a map:

var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', options);
var measureControl = new L.Control.Measure(options);

or instantiated via the factory:

var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', options);
var measureControl = L.control.measure(options);

or added to a map using map options:

var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', {
  measureControl: true

Control options


{ position: 'topright' }

Standard Leaflet control position options

primaryLengthUnit | secondaryLengthUnit

{ primaryLengthUnit: 'feet', secondaryLengthUnit: 'miles' }

Units used to display length results. secondaryLengthUnit is optional.

Valid values are feet, meters, miles, and kilometers

primaryAreaUnit | secondaryAreaUnit

{ primaryAreaUnit: 'acres', secondaryAreaUnit: undefined }

Units used to display area results. secondaryAreaUnit is optional.

Valid values are acres, hectares, sqfeet, sqmeters, and sqmiles


{ activeColor: '#ABE67E' }

Base color to use for map features rendered while actively performing a measurement. Value should be a color represented as a hexadecimal string.


{ completedColor: '#C8F2BE' }

Base color to use for features generated from a completed measurement. Value should be a color represented as a hexadecimal string.


popupOptions: { className: 'leaflet-measure-resultpopup', autoPanPadding: [10, 10] }

Options applied to the popup of the resulting measure feature. Properties may be any standard Leaflet popup options.


Custom units to make available to the measurement calculator. Packaged units are feet, meters, miles, and kilometers for length and acres, hectares, sqfeet, sqmeters, and sqmiles for areas. Additional unit definitions can be added to the packaged units using this option.

Define units as

  someNewUnit: {
    factor: 0.001, // Required. Factor to apply when converting to this unit. Length in meters or area in sq meters will be multiplied by this factor.
    display: 'My New Unit', // Required. How to display in results, like.. "300 Meters (0.3 My New Unit)".
    decimals: 2 // Number of decimals to round results when using this unit. `0` is the default value if not specified.
  myOtherNewUnit: {
    factor: 1234,
    display: 'My Other Unit',
    decimals: 0


{ captureZIndex: 10000 }

Z-index of the marker used to capture measure clicks. Set this value higher than the z-index of all other map layers to disable click events on other layers while a measurement is active.

decPoint | thousandsSep

{ decPoint: '.', thousandsSep: ',' }

Decimal point and thousands separator used when displaying measurements. If not specified, values are defined by the localization.


You can subscribe to the following events on the Map using these methods


Fired when measurement starts


Fired when measurement finishes with results of the measurement. Results data includes:

  • area: Area of a polygon measurement in sq meters. 0 for measurements with less than 3 points.

  • areaDisplay: Area formatted as displayed in the popup.

  • lastCoord: Last point clicked in both decimal degrees and degress/min/seconds.

  • length: Length of the measurement in meters. 0 for measurements with less than 2 points.

  • lengthDisplay: Length formatted as displayed in the popup.

  • pointCount: Number of points directly added by the user.

  • points: Array of points as LatLng used to calculate the measurement. Number of items in the array may differ from pointCoint because an additional point is added to close polygons during polygon measurements.

Customizing map feature styles

Map features may be styled using CSS SVG style attributes. Features generated from leaflet-measure measurements are given the following class names:

  • layer-measurearea: Feature displaying area of an active measurement

  • layer-measureboundary: Feature displaying the linear path of an active measurement

  • layer-measurevertex: Feature added at each vertex (measurement click) of an active measurement

  • layer-measuredrag: Symbol following cursor while moving during an active measurement

  • layer-measure-resultarea: Feature added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from an area (3+ points) measurement

  • layer-measure-resultline: Feature added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from a linear (2 point) measurement

  • layer-measure-resultpoint: Featured added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from a point (single click) measurement


The build process uses npm (Node Package Management) which comes with Node.js.

After you have Node.js installed you can do npm install to install dependencies and npm run-script start:dev to initialize a local server (localhost:8080) for leaflet-measure assets.

It detects modifications on source files and re-compiles to /leaflet-measure.css and /leaflet-measure.js.

Distribuition Build

With npm installed do npm install to install dependencies and npm run-script build to generate dist/leaflet-measure.css and dist/leaflet-measure.js.

It will also generate dist/leaflet-measure.{locale}.js files for each localization available.


TODO. Internationalization

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