@abmprotocl/dotbtc-plugin-governance 中文文档教程
Dai Governance Plugin
dai.js 交互插件MKR 治理系统。 该插件可以轻松地将 Dai 治理集成到前端应用程序中,例如 maker governace dashboard。 你可以用它来投票、投提案、查询投票合约、创建投票代理等等。
Dai 治理插件需要 dai.js 0.9.2 或更高版本。
$ npm install --save @makerdao/dai-plugin-governance
$ yarn add @makerdao/dai-plugin-governance
一旦 api 更稳定,我们将有几个示例。 下面是一个让您了解如何使用此插件的示例:
import governancePlugin from '@makerdao/dai-plugin-governance';
import Maker from '@makerdao/dai';
(async () => {
const maker = Maker.create('browser', {
plugins: [governancePlugin]
await maker.authenticate();
await maker.service('chief').lock(10);
此示例将启动一个 MetaMask 交易以将 10 MKR 锁定到制造商投票系统中。
Getting started
注意:此项目使用 yarn 包管理器
克隆此 repo & fetch submodules
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/makerdao/dai-plugin-governance.git
$ yarn
$ yarn install --cwd "gov-testchain"
Running Tests
- Install dapptools
yarn testnet --ci yarn test
发布到 NPM
$ yarn deploy
Code Style
我们运行 Prettier on-commit,这意味着你可以写任何你想要的风格的代码,当你运行 git commit
dai 治理插件是 MIT 许可的。
Dai Governance Plugin
A dai.js plugin for interacting with the MKR governance system. This plugin makes it easy to integrate dai governance into frontend applications such as the maker governace dashboard. You can use it to vote, cast proposals, query the voting contract, create a vote proxy, and much more.
The Dai Governance Plugin requires dai.js 0.9.2 or later.
$ npm install --save @makerdao/dai-plugin-governance
$ yarn add @makerdao/dai-plugin-governance
We will have several examples once the api is more stable. Here is one to give you some sense of how this plugin can be used:
import governancePlugin from '@makerdao/dai-plugin-governance';
import Maker from '@makerdao/dai';
(async () => {
const maker = Maker.create('browser', {
plugins: [governancePlugin]
await maker.authenticate();
await maker.service('chief').lock(10);
This example will initiate a MetaMask transaction to lock 10 MKR into the maker voting system.
Getting started
Note: this project utilizes the yarn package manager
Clone this repo & fetch submodules
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/makerdao/dai-plugin-governance.git
Install project dependencies
$ yarn
$ yarn install --cwd "gov-testchain"
Running Tests
- Install dapptools
yarn testnet --ci yarn test
Publish to NPM
$ yarn deploy
Code Style
We run Prettier on-commit, which means you can write code in whatever style you want and it will be automatically formatted according to the common style when you run git commit
The dai governance plugin is MIT licensed.
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