@abler/ats-front-resources-api 中文文档教程

发布于 2 年前 浏览 25 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


该包负责为 Abler 的 ATS 前端项目提供业务逻辑和基础设施资源。


yarn add @abler/ats-front-resources-api


要开始开发,您需要安装所有 api 和节点依赖项。


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • rails v6.0.3
  • rbenv v2.7.1
  • nvm: node v14, npm 6
  • yarn


Thunder Client for VSCode envirioment and collection

导入环境 tools/server/thunderClient/environment.json

导入集合 tools/server/thunderClient/collection.json

注意:获取 < code>.env 和 backend.backup 业内人士的文件,粘贴到 tools/server/ 文件夹


yarn setup


yarn server


yarn build


yarn link


yarn lint


yarn test


yarn plop


yarn publish



Folder Structure and Files


├── src                                       - Folder with source
│   ├── Application                           - Folder with implementation of bounded context abstraction
|   │   └── Bounded Context                   - Folder with delimited context name
|   │       └── Version                       - Folder with delimited context version application
|   │           └── Domain                    - Folder with domain name
│   ├── BoundedContext                        - Folder with bounded context abstraction
|   │   └── Bounded Context                   - Folder with delimited context name
|   │       └── Domain                        - Folder with domain name
|   │           ├── Use Case                  - Folder with domain use cases
|   │           │   └── Command.ts            - Implementing a use case command
|   │           └── Repository.ts             - Abstract domain repository
│   ├── Domain                                - Folder with domain layer
|   │   ├── Aggregate                         - Folder with domain aggregates
|   │   ├── Authentication                    - Folder with domain authentication
|   │   └── Entity                            - Folder with domain entity
|   │   └── ValueObject                       - Folder with domain value objects
│   └── Infrastructure                        - Folder with infrastructure layer
|       ├── Assets                            - Folder with assets files
|       ├── DataMapper                        - Folder with data mappers from api
|       ├── Nuxt                              - Folder with nuxt UI implmentation
|       ├── Support                           - Folder with support classes
|       └── Vue                               - Folder with vue tools consuming application layer
├── tools                                     - Folder with required projects and tools
|   ├── client                                - Folder with client applications
|   ├── plop                                  - Folder with plop
|   │   ├── Templates                         - Folder with plop templates
|   │   └── plopfile.ts                       - Plop config
|   └── server                                - Folder with Application layouts
|       ├── .env                              - Ats-monolith env
|       ├── backend.backup                    - Ats-monolith backup
|       └── docker-compose.yml                - Docker-composer with required containers
├── .eslintignore                             - Eslint ignore files
├── .eslintrc.js                              - EsLint config file
├── .gitignore                                - Git ignore files
├── .npmignore                                - Npm ignore files
├── *.d.ts                                    - Types config from typescript
├── jest.config.js                            - Test config
├── package.json                              - Dependencies and scripts
├── Rakefile                                  - Rake tasks
├── README.md                                 - This file
├── tsconfig.json                             - Typescript configuration
└── yarn.lock                                 - Dependencies lock versions


This package is responsible for supply the business logic and infrastructure resources for the Abler's ATS Frontend projects.

install package

yarn add @abler/ats-front-resources-api


To start development you will need to install all api and node dependencies.


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • rails v6.0.3
  • rbenv v2.7.1
  • nvm: node v14, npm 6
  • yarn


Thunder Client for VSCode envirioment and collection

Environment to import tools/server/thunderClient/environment.json

Collection to import tools/server/thunderClient/collection.json

Note: Get the .env and backend.backup files from someone in the industry and paste them into the tools/server/ folder

Setup server and install dependencies:

yarn setup

Start api server:

yarn server

To build the code:

yarn build

Link the package local:

yarn link

Lint your code:

yarn lint

Run all tests:

yarn test

Code generator:

yarn plop

Publish package code:

yarn publish

Other development environment commands:


Folder Structure and Files

Here are described the folder structure adopted for this package.

├── src                                       - Folder with source
│   ├── Application                           - Folder with implementation of bounded context abstraction
|   │   └── Bounded Context                   - Folder with delimited context name
|   │       └── Version                       - Folder with delimited context version application
|   │           └── Domain                    - Folder with domain name
│   ├── BoundedContext                        - Folder with bounded context abstraction
|   │   └── Bounded Context                   - Folder with delimited context name
|   │       └── Domain                        - Folder with domain name
|   │           ├── Use Case                  - Folder with domain use cases
|   │           │   └── Command.ts            - Implementing a use case command
|   │           └── Repository.ts             - Abstract domain repository
│   ├── Domain                                - Folder with domain layer
|   │   ├── Aggregate                         - Folder with domain aggregates
|   │   ├── Authentication                    - Folder with domain authentication
|   │   └── Entity                            - Folder with domain entity
|   │   └── ValueObject                       - Folder with domain value objects
│   └── Infrastructure                        - Folder with infrastructure layer
|       ├── Assets                            - Folder with assets files
|       ├── DataMapper                        - Folder with data mappers from api
|       ├── Nuxt                              - Folder with nuxt UI implmentation
|       ├── Support                           - Folder with support classes
|       └── Vue                               - Folder with vue tools consuming application layer
├── tools                                     - Folder with required projects and tools
|   ├── client                                - Folder with client applications
|   ├── plop                                  - Folder with plop
|   │   ├── Templates                         - Folder with plop templates
|   │   └── plopfile.ts                       - Plop config
|   └── server                                - Folder with Application layouts
|       ├── .env                              - Ats-monolith env
|       ├── backend.backup                    - Ats-monolith backup
|       └── docker-compose.yml                - Docker-composer with required containers
├── .eslintignore                             - Eslint ignore files
├── .eslintrc.js                              - EsLint config file
├── .gitignore                                - Git ignore files
├── .npmignore                                - Npm ignore files
├── *.d.ts                                    - Types config from typescript
├── jest.config.js                            - Test config
├── package.json                              - Dependencies and scripts
├── Rakefile                                  - Rake tasks
├── README.md                                 - This file
├── tsconfig.json                             - Typescript configuration
└── yarn.lock                                 - Dependencies lock versions
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